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Uuum..... I think giving it more antialias would make the hair like darker. But the second option is better cause I want my portrait to be simple yet endearing to my taste. The nose problem is already fixed 2 days ago.

And for my second draft... Thanks for spotting the problem, It is still on work and until I get it smooth I won't color it.:-)

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The second one is completely done... It seems that no post were seen after the update marking the coloring of the face perfect ( or so I will thought ).

Here is the finish product:


She will be one of the playable antagonist of the game I'm still thinking.

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Oh whoops I didn't see the previous post, there's still some banding on the sides of the hair (the top is looking better though, if a little light on blending around that dark part)

But anyway, it's not looking very FE style, but I do kinda like the style. The only other thing "wrong" I see is that there seem to be two light sources on the armor


and a ton of ambient light on the hair (there's no consistent direction the shadows go in that I can see)

But it is getting good to a point beyond where I can help much, so I guess that's good? ^-^;

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I think you should try and familiarise yourself with splicing first before attempting full customs

No need too. I just realize that I lack the visualization of where the lighting and shading should be. I just finished editing the portrait ( or at least not that yet ) just yesterday after 47948201 posted his comment about lighting.

To me, splicing is far too difficult than original and custom portraits. Its just like how I do my battle or map sprites: They always have the original sense to them. But thank you for the suggestion. I'm still beginning and I still have to tackle the biggest wave: To be on par with some renown spriters and hackers, I will never be left behind and I will ( not shall ) prove it. Well it seems I'm going out of the topic but just to make my point. The only thing that I have never tackled and made a satisfied finish is... MAPPING.

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Um, sorry, but as long as you don't understand the way original FE sprites are made (which can more easily be done through splicing), then you aren't really going to be getting far very quickly. I'm fairly certain that all of the super good spriters you mention started their path through splicing. If you won't splice, maybe at the very least study the... idk what word I'm searching for, but perhaps "mechanics" or "physics" of existing FE sprites, because you've still got a lot you haven't been following. It's also easier to see what you've been doing wrong, imo, after becoming familiarized with the FE style. Don't forget the spriter's resource as well, because that has useful information that's probably also helped a lot of the talented spriters here. Remember the rules about anti-aliasing and pillow shading (because I see you've got some pillow shading going on and even zoomed out it makes the shading look kind of odd).

There are a lot of things that you still need to check out with regards to FE style sprites, but if you want something to start off with I'd say definitely check out the way faces in FE look and are shaded, like the way their eyes are, the eyebrows, mouths, chin shape, and even shading around other objects like the hairline or clothing.

Anyway, while I did ramble off a bit my main point really is that you shouldn't discard the splicing suggestion so quickly, because it's a good and practical suggestion. But if you refuse to splice for being too difficult, at least realize that there really is still a lot you have to learn and study FE sprites more, because so far it seems custom-spriting and making the sprite look like a FE sprite is still pretty difficult for you as well.

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Well I started out doing full customs and only did a few splices and edits. I eventually learned tricks and got better from criticism, looking at sprites and pictures zoomed in, and just learning from old mistakes.

One trick I learned that I think would be helpful to you is comparing your outline to existing mugs. In paint, you can select the background as your second color, then set your selection as transparent so you can drag your outline over other mugs with similar poses to get proportions and stuff right.

Another thing is trying your best not to pillow shade. Even if you don't shade properly, try your best not to pillow shade, because you'll eventually figure out what works, but if you keep pillow shading you'll get it wrong every time. When I started out, I used Asvel's tutorials. This isn't the exact one I used, but hopefully it can help you the same. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v218/cardelocke/mug_spriting.png

As a sidenote, you generally want to avoid using the outline color on anything but the chin, eyebrows (with darker skin colors so that it blends well), and just a few pixels at the top of the eye.

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Updates: Starting with the Ebilen animations ( A swordfighter wielding a sheathed sword ) for the Ebilen class which maybe the tier 2 of swordsman. Still unfinished. Credits to Whitewolf 8 for the base or standing frame and the animations all to me.


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That is definitely an improvement, it looks much less pillowy. The head is a bit squashed though and the hair line needs to be redone I think. Perhaps a bit more shading on the neck too.

Also do you have a gif for that animation sheet, I'm interested in seeing it animated :P

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The features are all far too low on her face. The eyes need to go up about 3 px and the mouth/nose 2 px. The ear is also tiiiiiiiny XD

Edited by Agro
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Being underage does not mean her face has to look deformed. :/

I would really recommend splicing as opposed to customing right now, as your current attempts are really rough and badly shaped/shaded. >_<

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I think you should try and familiarise yourself with splicing first before attempting full customs

No need too. I just realize that I lack the visualization of where the lighting and shading should be. I just finished editing the portrait ( or at least not that yet ) just yesterday after 47948201 posted his comment about lighting.

a while ago, i would get into some arguments with people about whether or not developing spriters should splice first ratheer than jump into full customs, because that's...kind of what i did? and also back then when i was still decent at mug spriting, i still wasn't even any good at actually splicing.

if you don't want to do splices, i recomment editing over existing sprites so you have more of a basis to work off of and when you're trying to uh...for example, draw a shoulder pad on leila or something, you have a good basis of sizes and shapes to familiarize yourself with in the first place, and an ocean of pixels next door to remind you what the anti-aliasing is supposed to look like.

i in fact, almost never did full customs unless i was drawing an animal or something. i just took an existing mug with a pose similar to the one i want, and sprited over it beyond recignition(mostly).

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