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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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Could someone do a trade with me so I can evolve my Spritzee and Swirlix? I have the item for both, I just need to do the trade to evolve them. My friend code is 4613-7806-1491 We can do a battle some time, too?


Yo are you still up for the trades? I can help you if your still looking for it.

FC: 4484-8289-1920 Name:Erik

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So now that Pokébank's out (and down, atm), does someone have any of the following?

Infernape (Hidden Ability and preferably female)

Or their prevolutions?

I hope you know that this will have to be hacked since no hidden abilities for starters bar gen1 and gen6 have been released(with the exception of the flaming bird).

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So now that Pokébank's out (and down, atm), does someone have any of the following?





Infernape (Hidden Ability and preferably female)


Or their prevolutions?

I have like a box full of 4 IV Careful Mudkips with Curse/Yawn, and I've got a Feebas waiting to be bred.

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Got a Encore Cottonee, breeding atm.

If I could get one, that'd be super cool.

That, and the Stealth Rock+Pursuit Larvitar.

I have like a box full of 4 IV Careful Mudkips with Curse/Yawn, and I've got a Feebas waiting to be bred.


Would trade.

That said, I have no Pokébank mons of myself at the moment, so I can only offer Kalos-native mons.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I think this makes it legal.

Looking at the locations of this distribution(I don't see japan, where pokebank was released)(and the chance that people actually did this), I'd still not get my hopes up.

Edit, just found it

Edited by Kitty of Time
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So now that Pokébank's out (and down, atm), does someone have any of the following?





Infernape (Hidden Ability and preferably female)


Or their prevolutions?

I could hatch you a Mudkip if you wanted.

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Would trade.

That said, I have no Pokébank mons of myself at the moment, so I can only offer Kalos-native mons.

Mm, lemme get back to you in a bit. I'm a bit busy breeding atm because my friend was too impatient to wait for PokeBank, and since i owe him I'm breeding him a Darumaka and a Memento Cottonee (if you want one I can breed extras, as well, but it'll take a while).

If you've got a Bold Freeze Dry Lapras or a Calm Magic Guard Clefairy, I'm definitely interested though. Otherwise I'm just looking for the EV training items, Lucky Eggs, or Leftovers.

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So now that Pokébank's out (and down, atm), does someone have any of the following?





Infernape (Hidden Ability and preferably female)


Or their prevolutions?

I do believe I got a female Bold Feebas with 4IVs off Wonder Trade. Want me to breed you one?

Edit: The Feebas also has the Egg Move, Haze, if that interests you.

Edited by Shuuda
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Is anyone interested in a drought Vulpix? I just got a level 1 Vulpix from wonder trade with 4 perfect IV's, so I was thinking of breeding a few if anyone is interested.

I still don't really understand breeding all that well, but I have a 4 perfect IV's Umbreon holding a destiny knot that I can breed it with so I think something good will come out of it.

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Sure, you just never traded me :P

Did you want a 4 IV breeding pair (Larvitar, my Cottonees have ~ 1 IV atm)?

I was sort of busy. xP

That'd be cool.

Mm, lemme get back to you in a bit. I'm a bit busy breeding atm because my friend was too impatient to wait for PokeBank, and since i owe him I'm breeding him a Darumaka and a Memento Cottonee (if you want one I can breed extras, as well, but it'll take a while).

If you've got a Bold Freeze Dry Lapras or a Calm Magic Guard Clefairy, I'm definitely interested though. Otherwise I'm just looking for the EV training items, Lucky Eggs, or Leftovers.

Shuuda's Feebas offer sounds really good, so I'll probably be taking that.

But your Mudkip I want. I can get Calm Magic Guard Clefairy no problem.

Or one EV item, if that's what you prefer.

I do believe I got a female Bold Feebas with 4IVs off Wonder Trade. Want me to breed you one?

Edit: The Feebas also has the Egg Move, Haze, if that interests you.

I would appreciate it, yes.

I'm not available at the moment, but now that I've gotten college application stuff out of the way, I'll have a lot more free time.

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But your Mudkip I want. I can get Calm Magic Guard Clefairy no problem.

Or one EV item, if that's what you prefer.

I'll take the Clefairy, thanks! I'm available for trade now, if you're able to.

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