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How RNG screwed has one of your characters' stats been?

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This game always seems to screw me when it comes to the RNG. I've been hit by consecutive 1% crits before from earlygame archers, Roy always seem to get hit by even the worse hit rates from axe users, around 15~25%, and I've had characters who are suppose to be good turn out so below average it forces me to abuse Miledy/Percival in almost every run.

So tell me, what's the worst experience you've had when it comes to a unit getting screwed stat-wise? In my current run, I have Dieck with 11 strength at lvl 18, which is 2 off of his base (he's still one of my best units btw) and Alan with 6 skill at level 16, but I've had worse experiences (base speed Ward at 20 and Roy having +2 strength and +3 defense off of his base at lvl 20)

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Well it serves me right for me being a pegasus knight obsessive, but Thany/Shanna is now at 11 strength at level 20+7. If it wasn't for Silver and Killer Lances she'd have been dumped long ago. This being as I storm Edessa, which leads to the appalling situation of Juno matching her hitting power!

On other fronts Lilina has a lousy 4 defence at 20+5 and may as well be made of wet toilet paper, and Sophia has 7 speed at lv. 18 and likes getting doubled by Knights. But both of them will blast enemies back to the Scouring if given the chance.

Otherwise, I've been pretty lucky on the stat front. No, the real problems of FE6 for me would be status stave accuracy being determined by Res! So just one berserk staff can lock me up for three turns while Lilina eats the shots.

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Dieck with base strength at like level 17 and was out performed by Oujay and Roy hahaha.

Speaking of Dieck and his ilk, I have bad luck with those Ogma type mercs, they never get any strength for me. Ever

Edited by Jedi
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20/20 Lyn with 6 point of DEF.

14/12 GK!Forde (I'm know, Paladins are better, but I like GKs more) with SPD, STR, and SKL capped.

MK!Ewan with ~15 DEF at 10/20/5.

Ranger!Gerik with capped speed.

Ephraim with almost all stats capped... Wait, that his average stat.

Canas with ~17 DEF at 14/12.

Fariana with almost capped 18 DEF... wait, that's average.

Edited by Nicolas
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20/20 Lyn with 6 point of DEF.

14/12 GK!Forde (I'm know, Paladins are better, but I like GKs more) with SPD, STR, and SKL capped.

MK!Ewan with ~15 DEF at 10/20/5.

Ranger!Gerik with capped speed.

Ephraim with almost all stats capped... Wait, that his average stat.

Canas with ~17 DEF at 14/12.

Fariana with almost capped 18 DEF... wait, that's average.

Way to go completely against the point of the topic.

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