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Famitsu gives Sonic: Lost World 9/9/9/9.


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Where have you been getting your opinions?

The general consensus I've gotten for the NSMB games is that they're incredibly derivative, if still decent.

Also, while I do think the Mario series(and all platformer series) should abandon lives/limited continues, in NSMB it's slightly less annoying since the game showers you with extra lives every chance it gets.

Lives and continues is a way of old school games. Just because you cant handle having limited chances dont stick your hand in the fire. My generation grew up with Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, Battletoads etc. These days games hand you things on a shiver platter and hold your hand and prevent any sort of diffculty except a rare few

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Lives and continues is a way of old school games. Just because you cant handle having limited chances dont stick your hand in the fire. My generation grew up with Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, Battletoads etc. These days games hand you things on a shiver platter and hold your hand and prevent any sort of diffculty except a rare few

So a game can't be hard unless it limits the number of times you can retry? I take it you haven't played Super Meat Boy. Or I Wanna Be the Guy.

Edited by shinpichu
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I have played and beaten IWBTG. Not Super Meat Boy

But some games dont punish you enough, sure games are gonna have all sorts of players there are hard games, easy games, normal games, etc etc. All types and such

But the games of today dont even allow people to truely learn the game, they just hand you the victory in a snap no learning new tactics from your mistakes, also I partly blame thr internet for spoon feeding blind players winning tactics

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Oh so I am a hipster now am I shadykid? I knew there was a reason I talk to you but you just made me realize why

No you're not a hipster, you're a grumpy old man.

"Back in my day we didn't have none of this infinite lives nonsense. If we f***ed up to much we had to go and replay a whole chunk of a level that we had already beaten and we liked it, dag nabit!"

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From the I've seen, the challenges appear to be quite fair. It doesn't look like the game is throwing punches and forcing repeat gameplay. The critics, however, will perceive regular challenge as unfair simply because it's a Sonic game. I've played a lot of Mario and Sonic games, and other than needing faster reflexes and having a slightly higher rate of cheap pitfalls, Sonic challenges generally aren't that different.

Bullshit. People realize when valid difficulty is presented to them. Demon and Dark Souls are praised repeatedly while also being incredibly unforgiving games because they punish poor behavior properly.

People today are no different than people a couple decades ago. I was there. I played old games. Most were hard because they sucked or the programmers were hampered by poor technology. The fact that some people here are complaining games don't punish you enough is remarkable.

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But the thing is Esau. Reviewers hate Sonic without even playing his games they bullshit a score just because Mario is "better" like effing IGN

Fine maybe I was being a bit extreme with the punishing line but still the games today, feel like they dont want to give anyone any sort of challenge barring a few as you said Dark Souls

But people calling a Sonic game difficult or cheap is ridculous. Unless it is Sonic 06

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But the thing is Esau. Reviewers hate Sonic without even playing his games they bullshit a score just because Mario is "better" like effing IGN

Fine maybe I was being a bit extreme with the punishing line but still the games today, feel like they dont want to give anyone any sort of challenge barring a few as you said Dark Souls

But people calling a Sonic game difficult or cheap is ridculous. Unless it is Sonic 06

come on man, why would an lolIGN review piss you off, just ignore them

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Well it was more them rating the Ps3/360 version of Unleashed lower then Sonic 06 then rating the Wii/Ps2 very well when it was really watered down from the Ps3/360 ver despite both having different levels Ps3/360 had better design and such. Was a bit wtf. So I have a personal grudge against IGN.

It started before that too but Sonics own fanbase wont stand with me to say there have only been a few truely bad games in the francise and heck some of them were during the "golden" Genesis/Megadrive era. That Retroonly Sonic fans say no bad games came from.

Its a sour topic with me. I love just about every sonic game and I get seen as some kind of moron just because I do

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you're not a moron, even rational and pretty smart people have bad opinions once in a while


but really i think you're exaggerating when you say most sonic games, perhaps you mean most "mainline" Sonic games, whatever that means

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you're not a moron, even rational and pretty smart people have bad opinions once in a while


but really i think you're exaggerating when you say most sonic games, perhaps you mean most "mainline" Sonic games, whatever that means

I don't even know if Secret Rings, Black Knight or Shadow are called mainline games (split fanbases for all 3 as per sonic usuals)

Although Shadow did take place after Heroes canonically and the story book games were mentioned in Generations funny enough

Edited by Jedi
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But the thing is Esau. Reviewers hate Sonic without even playing his games they bullshit a score just because Mario is "better" like effing IGN

So IGN is just like Johntron then.

Mario is God and Sonic should be treated like a homeless bum on the street because he's Sega and he's the enemy.

I really wish that people would stop living in 1992

Johntron, Brentalfloss, IGN....

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But the thing is Esau. Reviewers hate Sonic without even playing his games they bullshit a score just because Mario is "better" like effing IGN

Reviewers tend to go into a Sonic game these days thinking it's going to suck precisely because the last several Sonic games have sucked. There is no more rivalry between Sonic and Mario. There hasn't been since like 1998. People rag on Sonic games because they have lacked polish since, like, the first Sonic Adventure. They're riddled with bugs, the platforming is awful, and the stories are universally cringe-inducing. When I was a little kid Sonic 2 was probably my favorite game; it had a mesmerizing soundtrack, it had such a huge palette it colored its world with, and the gameplay was both fast and well thought out. I'm sorry if games like Sonic Unleashed hit that bar for you, but to me and most others it was a terrible, terrible game.

Fine maybe I was being a bit extreme with the punishing line but still the games today, feel like they dont want to give anyone any sort of challenge barring a few as you said Dark Souls

Because games have wider appeal and programmers have more capability to design a game as they'd wish. On one hand you have companies that want as many people to buy the game as possible and thus they must make it playable for everyone, while on the other hand you have people making games that simply aren't interested in ball-crushingly hard videogames.

Whatever the case, the aggravating status of later Sonic games isn't on account of being a shining beacon of difficulty; it's just annoying because they're frustratingly badly designed, like many older games.

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Only 06 and Secret Rings have been anywhere remotely bad. This is coming from a Sonic player who actually you know. Plays the games and has since the original on the Genesis, also you say Colors and Generations even lacked polish? I am sorry your opinion is now invalidated completely. Good day sir

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Practically all Sonic games made in the last decade or so are universally panned by critics. They're frequently used as examples of how not to make games. I haven't even played Sonic Generations, and I probably won't unless it comes down to a very low price because most of the Sonic games I played after the Genesis era were utter garbage. Some such as Colors will meet with some minor success and people will absolutely explode because it's the first Sonic game that hasn't sucked in years.

Everything since Sonic 3D has lacked polish, even the ones that weren't unbearable.

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I disagree. Have you played Sonic Colors?

You know, he said right above that:

Some such as Colors will meet with some minor success and people will absolutely explode because it's the first Sonic game that hasn't sucked in years.

Now you should say whether "hasn't sucked in years" is good enough for you.

I haven't played a SANIC game in ages. Don't really want to, either. Some of the newer ones may be decent (I don't think there's really been one that deserves massive praise?), but there is always the chance of Sonic '06 or Sonic Free Riders.

Maybe I'll pick up Generations at some point. it looks kind of fun.

The SANIC fanbase can just go jump in a fire, though.

Edited by Tryhard
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I've heard Generations is the best thing ever from people who haven't liked a Sonic game since Sonic 3. So yeah.

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The SANIC fanbase can just go jump in a fire, though.

Can we bring Marshmallows to toast ? What about Circus rings to jump through as well ?

Sounds magical

Yeah I'm on that haven't enjoyed a Sonic game since Sonic & Knuckles, but Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations where surprising good tent.

Go and give them a try, or not. Up to you.

Edited by glenncoco
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I'm sorry dude, but S3K is not the hardest classic Sonic game. It is hilariously easy. Granted, none of the classic Sonic games are hard, Death Egg Robot in Sonic 2 aside, but still.

You want hard? Look into Sonic 2 on the Game Gear. You will lose all hair. (Or cheese it out and play the Master System version where you can actually see stuff, but still)

I never owned a Game Gear, and the only Master System Sonic game I played was the one with Bridge Zone that used a map with a pink background (from what I remember though, it was pretty hard. Particularly that... flying fortress stage, the one with lightning bolts and shit). So I can't really speak for those. I was speaking specifically about Mega Drive Sonic games.

But you say the Death Egg robot in Sonic 2 was one of the hardest bosses of classic Sonic games, I find that kinda funny considering I can get in and out of the whole zone in about a minute or less. The boss is a little tricky, but by no means hard once you understand the pattern. I find that the Death Egg Zone Act 1 boss is a bit more challenging. Also the Sonic 2 Flying Fortress boss was also pretty tricky (fuck those spiked floating platforms). Of course Sonic 2 and S3&K become easymode if you decide to collect all the Chaos Emeralds, rendering all bosses cannonfodder. I get more enjoyment out of these games when I'm not turning Super all the time. Although Hyper Sonic is really fucking fun to use with that blast maneuver.

I personally find Sonic 1 to be the hardest (Mega Drive) game to get through, but that is mainly because I hardly ever play it even half as much as I play either Sonic 2 or S3&K.

Right now I have an urge to play Flickies' Island.

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