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Project dondon playthrough


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Doing a playthrough of dondon's hack. I'll record videos or make screenshots if there is interest, but for now, I'll just type some notes.

Chapter 1: 8/8 turns

Recruited Barth on turn 1 and set up a Rescue-chain to send Hector up the left, following the hint in dondon's topic, to recruit Dorcas on turn 3. Barth and Astor went up the right, but I needed Astor to slow down a bit to take a Vulnerary from Barth; I can't see a way of otherwise getting a Vulnerary to Astor without taking an extra turn.

Back towards the LHS, I set up another Rescue-chain on turn 4 to get Hector a bit further up. I used Matthew to Rescue Serra during turn 6 and pass her to Oswin for Hector to recruit on turn 7. Dorcas and Oswin teamed up for five attempted hits on the boss (two Short Bow hits during turn 7 EP, two more during turn 8 PP, and one Short Spear from Oswin on turn 8), with four needing to connect. Hector recruited Lucius on turn 8 from the escape square.

I picked up all the chests and got all the conversations, but was not satisfied with the item allocation: Matthew and Astor ended up with the Shine and Physic, respectively, at the end of turn 8, forcing me to start Chapter 2 in an uncomfortable way.

For this reason, I'll redo the level. In dondon's topic, Silith's posts and screenshots suggest it is possible to recruit Lucius on turn 6 (while sending Hector up the left) and get both the Shine and the Physic on him by the end of the clear on turn 8. Hmm.

Edited by Nessie
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there's some trick i saw that involved having hector talking to lucius on the same turn that he waited on the final square (unless this is a different build of the hack than i'm used to, which i doubt based on your description)

idr how to pull it off though

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there's some trick i saw that involved having hector talking to lucius on the same turn that he waited on the final square

Yeah, that's exactly what I did; the issue is that this prevents Lucius from starting Chapter 2 with the Shine and Physic, though I guess it's possible this doesn't slow down the Chapter 2 completion.

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Yeah, that's exactly what I did; the issue is that this prevents Lucius from starting Chapter 2 with the Shine and Physic, though I guess it's possible this doesn't slow down the Chapter 2 completion.

...right i'm good at reading

the implication, though (totally intended) was that there's a way to recruit lucius on turn 7 (again idr and i'm not 100% certain but i think there is)

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I recorded Chapter 1 and the output video (saved as a .mp4) was a whopping 1.4 GB in spite of me only taking 6.5 minutes in the video. Hmm. I'm using a different emulator from most of you guys, but what is normally done to trim down file size?

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I used my emulator's built-in video-recording function. According to Wikipedia, my emulator (Mednafen) is more or less based on VBA, which I think most of you use.

Maybe this has something of relevance?

Initializing sound...
 Using "ALSA" audio driver with SexyAL's default device selection.
  Bits: 16
  Rate: 48000
  Channels: 2
  Byte order: CPU Native
  Buffer size: 1560 sample frames(32.500000 ms)
  Latency: 1560 sample frames(32.500000 ms)
  Period size: 60 sample frames(1.250000 ms)

Starting QuickTime recording to file "ch1dd.mp4":
 Video width: 480
 Video height: 320
 Video codec: cscd
 Sound rate: 48000
 Sound channels: 2
Edited by Nessie
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Thanks all for the suggestions. I've rendering the output video as AstraLunaSol suggested but got essentially a blank video; I think I can figure this out myself, by the time I upload the next video (this is with kdenlive, not Camtasia). For Chapter 1 I went with a pretty low-tech solution: a desktop recorder.

Reliability can be improved somewhat by getting the Shine to Lucius, but I haven't figured out how to do that while clearing in eight turns. I've settled for having the Shine end on Serra.

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If I had to guess why Astra's suggestion didn't work, it's because you're using the CamStudio codec (look up cscd). I'm not sure how to optimize it, though.

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