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I woke up and found a dead bed bug stuck to my finger


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The bed bug died while feeding on me (couldn't handle my juices, I guess). I didn't have any rashes or bumps as a result, but after I peeled it off, I noticed that a small chunk of my skin was gone--possibly because the bug's rostrum was inserted deep enough inside me to take out some skin upon my pulling it out. This explanation doesn't seem reasonable, though, since bed bugs are so small. Anyone have a better explanation? I am kind of looking forward to going back to bed.

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It must have been the Joltic in Flandre's signature.

Pokemon X/Y gave the move Sticky Web to Joltik. That must explain why it was stuck to my finger in the first place.

Edited by Nessie
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Good to hear it only lasted a night. I once had a [spoiler=Let the record state that you. have. been. warned. perhaps not adequately, but warned nonetheless]huge bugger, the size of the largest "finger" bones in your hand, that clung to my scalp for weeks on end, through baths and trips to chlorine-filled pools, circa ~late elementary school age one summer. It stuck around so long because, me being little/dumb and it being indistinct enough to the touch, I assumed it was a weirdly huge dandruffy lump of skin that somehow didn't feel like anything, much less hurt, when prodded and flicked around. It was only finally revealed when I had my parents take a look: they cut off its head with scissors, then had to use tweezers to get that out, its jaws were so entrenched.

I freaked out a little!

Today, I try to do the whole "sympathy for all living things" deal, at least to some degree in practice as well as mind, to the extent that if I see a catchable bug in my house, I'll get a cup and a postcard or a tissue/whatever and transport it outside, but all bets are very much the fuck off if anything lands or crawls on me son I'm fittin to give you a Viking funeral in a fully stocked matchbox

Edited by Rehab
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I almost made that exception the other day with a tick I found on my dog, I tried to crush it with my finger under a tissue like 4 times

every time, it just kept on moving, didn't even have any limb damage or lose any blood

It humbled me. Had to take it outside

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