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do you send friend requests or do you just wait for someone to send them to you?


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on here;

because I'm new and friendly I love to send friend requests to anyone who welcomed me or I just interact with semi-regularly, because why not and the more the merrier

I have come across some rude unfriendly people by doing this (ew y r u adding me is such a big deel noa my lyfe is ova becuz u added me) but clearly they are their own issues to work out in my mind.

on facebook;

I never add anyone.

I already have enough facebook friends (600+) and that's even with my "we must have met irl" rule.

If a guy tries to add me I reject the majority of the time now because I don't want them getting their jollies to my pictures (which wouldn't be a concern if I hadn't had multiple males that I knew irl message me about it on fb and descirbe it to me--so yeah.)

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I rarely actually "send" them, most of the time I've simply being added, and I always appreciate it because I am never one to reject a person.

Besides, I don't really wait for them. If you want it, just do it.

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On facebook I usually wait, there was one guy I remember friending though. I deleted my account at one point and when I made a new one I only issued about 15 requests. So my facebook profile is very small.

Here I also usually wait, but I was pretty aggressive at friending banned members before they all got deleted (a measure surely undertaken to prevent my agenda).

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I never send friend requests myself, but I always accept them from others.

I think it's really rude not to accept them, and I'd honestly feel like a bad person if I didn't. >__>

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Put me in the people who are afraid of rejection camp, although I've gotten better over the past year (pretty sure I sent a friend request to like, Banzai, good times!)

i sent a friend request to REFA

otherwise i don't remember and/or haven't sent any


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I never send friend requests myself, but I always accept them from others.

I think it's really rude not to accept them, and I'd honestly feel like a bad person if I didn't. >__>

I refuse friend requests on a daily basis. I imagine it doesn't make me very popular.

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i've sent three (3) friend requests in my time on sf

Now I feel really special, since you were the one who added me.

Anyhow, I do not send friend requests except in very rare cases. I wait for them to add me first.

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I will typically wait for somebody else to send a request~ But I have taken the initiative with some of mine. It depends on if we get super close while not being "Friends" yet. Usually people send a request before I get to that point so it works out~!

But yeah... I don't send requests so early on because I don't want to be an annoyance~ Because if I like this person but they don't feel we've talked enough to be friends yet, then I would feel bad... and then there are the some people who will accept anyway, which could make me feel even worse for being the cause of somebody doing something they don't want to do~

And I also am one of the people who doesn't like rejection =D

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I never send friend requests myself, but I always accept them from others.

I think it's really rude not to accept them, and I'd honestly feel like a bad person if I didn't. >__>

exactly my thoughts

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Usually half and half. I actually added one person here accidentally while looking at their profile lol. I felt guilty randomly friending and removing them so I just left it. The person turned out to be awesome though so it's okay.

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I don't really pay attention to the friend list option on SF, though if you add me and I've talked to you enough times and am cool with you I'll accept

I don't accept friend requests if I don't know the person. I'm sure you're likely not an awful person but I don't know you. This is especially the case with stuff like Facebook where I have basically everything displayed as friends only and if I don't know the person I don't want them looking at my personal stuff I only let friends see

Skype it goes both ways, whatever's convenient really

Everyone I know on Steam are on Skype anyway, same goes with my 3ds friend codes so we kinda just exchange stuff

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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