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Frontier - Act One, Chapter One


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With the Captain`s address concluded, the others began to sort themselves into their own little cliques. It was not really of any concern to Alexander, he decided, there was no need to get all buddy-buddy with such ruffians... probability would dictate that most of them would die within a few missions. All that was required of Collingwood`s last hope for glory was to remain alive and cut down his foes with a fervour that could not be denied.

And so, he prepared for just that. Taking an area for his practice, the man brandished his heavy blade and began his drills. Despite his fair looks, Alexander was in fact quite strong, the heavy longsword singing through the air as though it were a rapier, multitudinous strikes skewering his imagined opponent. This unique type of fencing, done with a heavier blade, had been the calling card of the Collingwood`s reputation as proud knights in the old world, and despite the locale he was brought in, the family`s last son was no exception to the rule. Collingwood`s swordsmen were more butchers than warriors, after all.

And with that, the man continued his practice, putting aside the abysmal heat that he had grown all too familiar with... he could only pray that now, his time had come, and that he could take his rightful place in the lavish and security of the old world...

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"Yeah I could've done that but for some reason at the time it didn't occur to me," Hash said sheepishly. "I ended up finding some books that detailed how some alchemy formulas worked. Although I've only ever made the one for Molotov." The most basic one admittedly. "Oh so you've seen Molotov's already? And here I thought she hadn't. Well she seems skilled so maybe she fought for a living before coming here. Well I suppose I shouldn't expected otherwise. Alchemists like me are probably common enough."

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"You're not the most common, but we had a little firebug in my last group. Liked to set people on fire and watch them die slowly. No 'puttin' them outta their misery' deals." Sherry sneezed, and frowned. "But that was a while ago. I'm sure you're a responsible man, and you won't go settin' any of us on fire. Right, Hash?" She gave him a sharp look, before noticing that another man had started practicing his sword swinging. Maybe it'd be more fun to watch someone exercise in this weather than actually doing it myself. Let's find out if it is! She walked over, "oi, pretty boy!" and gave the man a call. "Nice show you're puttin' on. Mind if I watch?"

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Su San continued his knife tossing practice, it still felt woefully inaccurate but practice makes perfect. Despite his brutish looks, Su San was surprisingly dexterous with his hands and fingers. Bored at hitting an immobile target, the myrmidon retrieved his knife one last time before heading to the nearest cluster of people and observe them talk. With great attention to detail, the foreigner listened intently to the sounds the native Selarians made and occasionally covered his mouth as he immitated their speech. He understood fully well how to identify the sounds of the words and their meanings, all that was left is to actually master speaking in the Selarian tongue.

Thus the foreigner tried his utmost to make this a productive evening with self taught lessons on learning to speak Selarian.

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"I suppose there is no issue with that." Alexander replied, giving the girl a slight glance as she approached. She appeared Dracian, was attractive enough, he supposed. All the while continuing his drills, as his blade danced through the air, taking extra care as to not accidentally skewer the maiden that had approached. No need to sully his blade with an allies' blood, as much as he doubted they would be of all that much use to him. At worst, he might take one of the survivors to his chambers as a good luck charm.

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... Nothing important, really. Just something about a teacher or whatever... Oh well. At the very least, I can count on him to keep me alive. That's good enough.

"If you wanted to travel so badly, surely there's other lines of work for you," Julianne shrugged. "Anyway, I'm sure you'll get to see all of these places someday."

"You have fun now," the girl smiled, as she turned away from Inge. "I guess I've bothered you for long enough, but it was pretty fun talking. See you later!" she chirped, as she walked away from the poor young man.

Now, who else can I go for? I'd talk to the rich guy with the huge sword, but he's already occupied with that Dracian woman who the Captain shouted at. Hmm...

"Hello," she said rather loudly, walking up to the other apothecarist sitting alone. "Why so quiet, miss?"

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Mary observed the company. Some went to practice, despite the heat; others socialized among themselves. Best make a note of who's practicing. They're the ones that'll end up dropping from dehydration first.

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Either way, time passes irritatingly quickly - Captain Kearney returns (his sergeant, once again, close at his heel) within the hour. He allows himself a small, confident smile as he notes that all of you have stuck around in time to move out.

And without much in the way of fanfare or attention from other, bored guards, you make your way to the Crossing.

Two hours of marching pass, as the sun begins to set. The heat grates on your nerves, the unfamiliar birdcalls make you edgy and the tall, heavy grass snaps at your heels as you brush past.

All seems to be going well...

And then you hear a marching song in the distance.

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Bekka had been marching quietly along with the others, but at the sound of a marching song, her eyes suddenly focused and her face seemed harder. "Sir, permission to scout ahead and find the source of that song?"

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What, no pompous reply? Perhaps he's kinder than his clothes imply. Doubt it though. As she watched, Sherry's initial assumption that it would be more fun to watch than to actually practice was true. And so she occupied herself with that, until captain Khorne and sergeant Olive came back, and made them start walking.


The heat was beginning to become bearable, but it wasn't something she wanted to stay in for much longer. The sound of music guaranteed that there would at least be something to do. She pulled her bow out, "I can follow along with them. I've got pretty good eyes," and offered to scout as well.

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The march was rather tedious, especially with the present company. There was some foreign man who appeared too dumb to speak, and a little whore trying to snake her way into someone, it was disgusting but rather amusing at the same time. The sounds from up ahead proved more interested. The chance of battle, Feran could feel his blood boiling already.

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"It would be safer to just send one person. I highly doubt that they'll be of a number where we need more than one person to quickly count them and the fewer people that go, the less likely that one of them will be dumb and get spotted. I'm a scout. It's what I do. I've trained to be able to slip in and out of places without getting noticed," Bekka calmly explained to Sherry before turning her attention back to her superiors.

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Well, if you're going to be so enthusiastic, that makes my job a little easier.

Julianne kept silent, deciding not to act. I hope you come back in one piece... Though that's more for my benefit than yours.

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Kearney almost looked impressed. "Good plan, rookie," he grudgingly admitted. "Myself and the sergeant will stay here with the rest and await your report. If we hear screams, we'll come for you."

Cliving glanced around the group. "Everyone else keep yer weapons at the ready. They could stumble on us if our friend here ain't watchin' 'em right."

The captain raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

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Finally finding some peace of his own, Inge was contemplating his time spent alone again, checking if he brought everything he deemed necessary. The team had stopped as they heard a song, and a woman had asked to scout ahead. Knowing he has no expertize in the subject, he was comfortable standing silent and leaving it up to the able people. He took out a knife for the moment, just in case his luck would turn sour.

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The march felt like yet another uneventful day until the marching song was heard. Immediately, the foreigner's eyes became alert and he faced the direction of the song. Or at least where his ears told him it was coming from. A woman came up and offered to scout ahead, an act that made Su San add her to his list of person potentially worth respecting. It took courage to offer advancing alone.

Following orders, Su San drew the longsword by his side and started surveying the terrain around him, contemplating which position might be most ideal to hide archers based on the military lessons he learned back in his warrior caste. Identifying them would put him in the position to know where to charge to or away from when a fight breaks out and chaos descends. Assuming the good captain or sergeant were not in any position to issue precise orders.

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With a nod to the captain and a slight grimace at the sergeant, Bekka slipped away to the side of the road. Finding cover where she could, she slowly made her way towards the sounds. Finally, she approached a hill. Quickly discarding anything on her that might reflect the sun poorly and give herself away, she slowly crawled up the hill on her belly, using the high grass as cover. Reaching the top of the ridge, she peered out and surveyed the surrounding land.

A group of somewhere around 10 men were marching towards her, and were clearly the source of the singing. They were marching on the road which had thick clusters of trees on either side. Peering forward, Bekka noted that their gear was for the most part fairly ragged and not very well fitting, but that one of the men in the front had what appeared to be military gear, though without a surcoat and the kite shield having been scrapped of all paint, she couldn't tell which military he was from. She did a quick count as they got closer and nodded to herself. Making her way slowly down the hill again, she grabbed her gear and raced back to the rest of the group.

Arriving slightly out of breath, she threw a salute before quickly reporting, "Twelve likely hostiles approaching. From their gear I would guess bandits, with one possible deserter from some unknown military. Military gear with all distinguishing features removed. They are heading towards a clearing right ahead sir, and we could likely get in a good volley as they reach that intersection. The other alternative that I think would work would be to charge through the forest that's on the side of the path they're walking now. If we're quick about it, we could hit them hard in melee range before they had a chance to get organized. That's all of importance that I have to report, sir."

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"If I get a say," Sherry said, speaking up, "I don't think we've enough archers and crossbowmen to effectively do better than charging in. 'Specially if the big one's up front." She motioned towards Su as she spoke, sniffling a little. "Anyway, that's what I think. We've got enough melee fighters to do more than myself and whatever the apothecaries can come up with. Oh, the scouts too. Uh, sir," she added with a quick salute.

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Kearney nods. "Right. Let's put the boot in."

He motions for the squad to follow him into the thick woodlands - a perfect ambush spot, and you really can't see why the patrol wasn't more cautious. With luck, it'll be the last mistake any of them will ever make.

They're still singing up as they cross your path. It only stops when Kearney leaps out from the growth, scattering leaves and branches as he charges, blade already out. As the rest of you charge, they can only meet you with a rather pitiful battleline - the fight has begun, and you hold all the advantages.

This... this is what you live for.

Inge's turn.

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Becca grinned as they charged towards the disorganized group. It was always nice to see a plan fall into place. Calling out to those around her, she said, "Lets see how many we can take out before they get organized!"


~Note that if people miss plan is likely to change~

Inge throws a knife at Kirk (24 HP)
Alex slam+1 Marc (dead)
Mary throws a knife at Kirk as well (21 HP)
Hash throws a cocktail at Deuce
Julianne hits Kirk (15 HP)

Clyve goes
Marlowe taunts Sheridan
Bekka kills Deuce
Christine hits Morra
Su San kills Kirk

Boyden goes
Feran kills Morra

A whole mess of enemies goes
Cliving hits Elena (8 HP)
Kearney taunts Finch

Sherry kills Elena

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Inge approached quietly, a small smile to himself. He knew he was particularly weak physically, but these enemies weren't very armored, so a knife would have to hurt all the same, right.

Taking aim at one of their weakest and less equipped, Inge threw a fascinatingly precise dagger at Boyden's abdomen. Didn't quite hit his neck... oh well

He took a steb back as he saw some blood drip, it was time for others to rush past him.

[Next up, Mary's turn!]

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As they charged from the brushes, the faces of their enemies blanched in terror, as they should, for their own personal reaper had come to sow them. With impressive speed, it took mere moments for Alexander to reach an out of position bowman, a smirk on his face, as the man's mouth began to form to a scream, still mid one of his vile notes.

"If you're going to scream your position to the heavens, you could atleast have the courtesy to spare my ears such torture. After all, they alone are worth more than you lot combined." The man stated, as he thrust his blade straight through the man's armour, and out the back of his chest. skewering his heart in one fell motion.

Alexander uses Slam +1/-2 and literally cannot fail to kill Marc

[8 Initiative bracket continues]

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(two notes: First, if I'm not here, and I desperately need to roll, someone else can take care of that for me; just don't make me do something extremely stupid, like charge into the thing with the most armor while I'm at a sliver of life. Second, I have no idea what the hell happened to my formatting.)

Despite being cold sober, Mary's throwing knife missed Kirk.


Mary made the mistake of locking eyes with her target. He easily read her throw, and dodged accordingly. I. . .should be healing people. . .not killing them.

EDIT: Flavor

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