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Still watching Disney Movies, is it okay ?


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I think RFoF basically hit the nail on the head. When you're a young teen or pre-teen you want to seem more grown-up, so you're afraid of doing anything childish. But after a certain age, people just really don't care.

Additionally, you're on a video game forum, and no offence to anyone here, but most of us are probably not like the "cool" kids or whatever, so I don't really know what the point of asking this here is.

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I'm 20 years old (though anyone off the street would swear that I looked 14 at most)

Oh gods, I get the same thing from people! Except they say I look 15-16. :P

I've once been asked if I wanted a children's menu because of my height (or lack thereof) and I'm older than both of you. Get on my level :P:

Also, Disney movies. Considering that I still watch them, all of my core high school friends still watch them, sing songs from them (sometimes in public), are interested in them, and we're all 21-26, I'd say this isn't a problem.

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I think people would be more surprised if you were irrationally opposed to watching a Disney movie, quite frankly. I feel in a minority for not caring about Disney one bit. When I played the first Kingdom Hearts, I was a lot more excited to see the FF characters (lol) at the time and the 'old friends' of Disney were surprisingly distant and the gap only grew from there.

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I think RFoF basically hit the nail on the head. When you're a young teen or pre-teen you want to seem more grown-up, so you're afraid of doing anything childish. But after a certain age, people just really don't care.

[spoiler=Big Pictures]


I think this exemplifies it best really.

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The first movie I saw from the Disney Animated Canon was The Lion King (well, first one that I watched in its entirety).

I saw that for the first time when I was already legally an adult.

childhood? what childhood?

I still need to get around to watching various others, and I often feel left out when my college friends start quoting those films. I am totally in the minority.

So no, not weird. At all.

More generally though...what RFoF said.

also @Refa - yes.

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Or just ignore Society's norms and just keep on enjoying what I really enjoy ?

Tons of 20 year olds I know in college and my 30 year old sisters and all of them still watch Disney movies. Mainly the older ones due to nostalgia, though. I don't think it's frowned upon in society like you think...
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The first movie I saw from the Disney Animated Canon was The Lion King (well, first one that I watched in its entirety).

I saw that for the first time when I was already legally an adult.

childhood? what childhood?

I still need to get around to watching various others, and I often feel left out when my college friends start quoting those films. I am totally in the minority.

So no, not weird. At all.

More generally though...what RFoF said.

also @Refa - yes.

The Lion King is one of the best movies of all time. There's no way not to cry when Mufasa dies.

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Thankyou for all the warm replies guys ~

Since the main opinion of it's alright is pretty big , and no one has said a counter argument/ debate towards it, I think it would be okay to lock the thread ??

hugs copy of Little Mermaid <3 <3

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