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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Lol horace

Now one should have even an excel sheet with stats and all, cuz battles and combat will be more dynamic.

On/off switches for aura management sound ok to excel users? I might not be able to code an easy AutoAura application system for things like Kunai /TEMP Skill auras.

Basically i can set up a sort of alert for "this aura(s) might apply" and you just hit the button or leave it alone as needed.

Edited by Elieson
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More importantly, have there been any formula changes with this new version? The first thing I do when I get a new FE on my hands is dig in into calculations and speculate about crt, dodge, hit and avoid.

I'm excited that I preordered Conquest on Amazon and am trying the free 2-day shipping to get it asap since there's not a fucking retailer here selling Fates, they prefer selling lamesauce Twilight Princess and Star Fox Zero *eww*, I can't even get the map 1 dlc pack. /rant

Fortunately I got the Ike amiibo for shits and giggles.

Edited by Quintessence
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it's more

Critbuilds are becoming more relevant. Either you're a critbuild getting crits or you're not. No more just random "Equip a forged KE and expect a crit".

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There really aren't any local retailers selling Fates in your area Quint? That's kind of lame.

Local retailers here suck more than online stores.

[spoiler=Here are some examples]





Check the gaming sections and you'll see there's no Fates and nothing related to FE besides one or two amiibo. I had to get Awakening through Amazon too and Bayonetta as well. I'll have to get Birthright and Revelations through the eShop and hope the Map 1 DLC will get a similar treatment and not restrict it to US/CA.

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I don't recall crits dealing twice the damage ever... It's still 3x, 4x with killer weapons so pretty much a sure OHKO. Only the final bosses of all three paths halve the damage a crit would deal to them with Dragonskin.

Hit/avo/crit/cevo mechanics might be different. 2 points of luck give 1 cevo now, so actually crits are both deadlier and more likely to connect.

Crit Emblem huh

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Taking auras into account isn't TOO different from taking all the complex +hit/avo stuff from Awakening into account tbqh, with many hit/avo skills now functioning as +atk/def skills. I wouldn't say it's too complicated, but until we've played the games and understood how everything works, obviously something we still haven't experienced will look intimidating.

Shuriken / Seal effects will be the hardest to take into account but we could always mark them after each turn just like we do with laguz gauges in PoR. I also think that a Dread Fighter ban will keep the kunai usage down (Dread Fighters are too good), though units with the Ninja class set are still relatively plentiful.

PvP is going to be vastly different from the LA format - all the Warp, Copycat and Pair-Up turn it into a different metagame entirely. You can actually imitate a Serenes LA-type of battle in PvP however, but all the team building is best done by typing it up since you can easily change between teams IMHO.

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Taking a quick glance at the stats, I observe that the speedy classes kind of lack speed, I mean, Swordmaster and Master Ninja with 35 Sp is somewhat unimpressive. Probably there won't be so many follow up attacks based on raw stats (there are personal bases but I haven't checked them yet).

Also, the Witch class looks like a really strong magic class with 36 mag and 34 sp, making the Onmioji(?) and Sorcerer classes look obsolete and mediocre.

There's also the Dark Knight class which is just terrible looking at stats, but who knows, having more Str than Mag might stimulate the player to play mind games whether it is equipped with physical or magical weapons, but 27 Sp is horrible.

I'm still anxious to get my copy of Fates, it shipped to the Virtual Box early in the Friday's morning and was sent the same day to Colombia, so I guess I'll get it tomorrow and finally dig in this great game!

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Rider and fliers classes have never been very good in Link Arena to be frank, all because of effective weaponry. Bows being one of the best LA weapon types in all metas has something to do with it too.

Here are all the classes Master Ninja and SMs fail to double:

35 - Master Ninja, Swordmaster
34 - Adventurer, Falcon Knight, Great Lord, Nine-Tails, Pegasus Knight, Witch
33 - Berserker, Bow Knight, Dark Falcon, Great Master, Lodestar, Maid/Butler, Priestess, Sniper
32 - Brave Hero, Nohr Noble, Onmyoji, Spear Master
31 - Basara, Blacksmith, Dread Fighter, Kinshi Knight, Strategist, Wolfssegner

A much bigger list than in Awakening (where it was mostly Assassins everybody used), but let's not forget that eventually it was slower Vengeance users like Cordelia, Tharja and Gangrel that saw the most use rather than fragile Assassins who could double stuff with a proc. The existence of the Competitive skill (that may not be the name anymore?) might make the speed a less important stat however.

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So before getting my hands on Fates Conquest, I want to get some advice regarding Corrin's Boon/Bane for the three versions and its impact on the story, and why not, here on LA meta.

Corrin being a Nohr Noble gains Tomes. Back in Awakening I made Robin +Mag/-Str because he was only magic oriented, but Corrin seems to use more Swords and Dragon kicks, and I fear that making him +Mag or +Str/-Lck might make him eat some crts and make his durability kind of unreliable.

What do you guys say? I post this here because it seems pretty unnecessary to make a new thread and sink it in the Fates sub forum when I seek advice from trustworthy veteran FE players. (No offense intended)

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So before getting my hands on Fates Conquest, I want to get some advice regarding Corrin's Boon/Bane for the three versions and its impact on the story, and why not, here on LA meta.

Corrin being a Nohr Noble gains Tomes. Back in Awakening I made Robin +Mag/-Str because he was only magic oriented, but Corrin seems to use more Swords and Dragon kicks, and I fear that making him +Mag or +Str/-Lck might make him eat some crts and make his durability kind of unreliable.

What do you guys say? I post this here because it seems pretty unnecessary to make a new thread and sink it in the Fates sub forum when I seek advice from trustworthy veteran FE players. (No offense intended)

I don't know if you already started yet but from what I've heard -Lck is negated easily with a Goddess Icon that comes early (they give +4 now). +Str is always awesome no questions asked because Yato is stupid. +Mag is a bit weaker if you plan on sticking to his base class though still not terrible. You might have some trouble if you plan on using tomes in the base class since they come at E rank.

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Yato gives +2-4 str/spd in Hoshido but +2-4 def/res in Nohr. This both means running a magical MU in Hoshido is suboptimal and that you should try to build your MU in a way that the Yato's bonus (active when it's in the inventory even when MU isn't a sword-wielding class) complements. So no overkill bulk in Nohr or overkill offence in Hoshido (especially considering how easy it is to ORKO enemies in Hoshido).

I'm wondering how overpowered MU can be in Link Arena. The Hoshidan skill that gives all teammates luck% PavGis (any damage halved) seems both ridiculous and annoying. If/when we allow reclassing with buddy/marriage seals, MU also gets access to just about every single class set out there. Having Hoshido + Nohr Noble (both can be reclassed into in Revelation) + any 3rd class seems quite sufficient for a stellar character in a no external reclassing metagame however.

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So guys, I got Conquest last Thursday and I'm super happy with the game. The class and levelling system seem so much better than Awakening and at least the My Castle stuff gives the player am excuse to invest more time in the game rather than just DLC. I haven't gotten amy DLC besides Chrom's map, and I'm by Chapter 17. My team is Corrin/Azura, We've got trouble, Elise/Kaze, Arthur/Effie, Kana/Percy, Shigure/Midori. I don't plan on getting Birthright nor Revelations in the near future because I want to fully experience all the characters in Conquest and test out difficulties and such. The map designs are really interesting despite the dark aura the game constantly has.

But onto LA, I wonder if we should stick to averages instead of max stats, since so far resources are limited (although I haven't been into the rewards stuff and such). If we stick to averages, I can help on calculations per character per class but it does seem a lot of work with the existence of Marriage and Partner Seals.

Edit: btw, I love the new weapon triangle.

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Resources aren't limited at all (Conquest can get money with the help of DLC too), but the bigger problem is probably the fact that you can (and should) reclass back and forth to learn the skills that you want, and in LA you -will- want skills from different class sets.

We've never tried a single game with average stats in Awakening (and I actually had a stat sheet typed up so that metagame was fully accommodated) so I don't expect that it'll be a good idea now either.

I wonder if there's any meaning to not allowing marriage/buddy seals though. If units are only able to access their natural two classes then Corrinsexuals have an advantage for having an extra third class set with all the extra skills that come with it. Some units, like Elise and Camilla, are also forever stuck with crappy mounted/flying classes only (okay, Camilla gets Sorc and Elise gets Butler but who is seriously using either?).

That said, we should probably talk about what should be banned right away, predict some viable weaponry and character builds (at least the direction of it), and then we (or I) could host a couple games to see how it goes. I think a resource showing which reclasses become possible through S/A+ ranking for every single character could be useful.

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Resources aren't limited at all (Conquest can get money with the help of DLC too), but the bigger problem is probably the fact that you can (and should) reclass back and forth to learn the skills that you want, and in LA you -will- want skills from different class sets.

We've never tried a single game with average stats in Awakening (and I actually had a stat sheet typed up so that metagame was fully accommodated) so I don't expect that it'll be a good idea now either.

I wonder if there's any meaning to not allowing marriage/buddy seals though. If units are only able to access their natural two classes then Corrinsexuals have an advantage for having an extra third class set with all the extra skills that come with it. Some units, like Elise and Camilla, are also forever stuck with crappy mounted/flying classes only (okay, Camilla gets Sorc and Elise gets Butler but who is seriously using either?).

That said, we should probably talk about what should be banned right away, predict some viable weaponry and character builds (at least the direction of it), and then we (or I) could host a couple games to see how it goes. I think a resource showing which reclasses become possible through S/A+ ranking for every single character could be useful.

Are there unlimited seals?

I guess you can MyCastle abuse

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