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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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I need to make a spoilered list of things that differ between the metas (e.g. reaver bonus, S-rank differences) and Runesword mechanics seem pretty important there not to mix things up. They're also different in each game from FE6 to FE9, correct?

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Light Brand is storebought in FE6 anyway.

For the Runesword, FE7 and FE8 have it exactly the same. FE6 makes it function at full Strength, can critical and I think it hits Defense (don't quote me on it since I haven't played in forever). FE9 makes it fully Magic based, hitting Resistance and having the skill limitations I mentionned above, which is more or less the same as Ragnell.

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I need to make a spoilered list of things that differ between the metas (e.g. reaver bonus, S-rank differences) and Runesword mechanics seem pretty important there not to mix things up. They're also different in each game from FE6 to FE9, correct?

i already made the list for FE6 (but didn't include runesword because i didn't know if it was allowed).

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Created a new poll about a potential Ragnell ban. In spite of its (rather minor) flaws, Ragnell turns Ike into a unit who is both reluctant to attack others (imperfect hit losing -25 acc to a Silver forge + always countered when not killing) and one whom others would rather not touch, so the endgame is likely to result in the Ikes fighting each other and whatever remains of the users' teams.

I really do wonder if there's a signficant difference between, say, Ragnell Ike with Resolve and Wishblade Oscar with Resolve.

I think I did already state that a Ragnell ban would just cause Vague Katti Ikes to appear all over the place, somewhat vulnerable to bows but adding even more hax to the metagame with that +35 crit (+45 crit with a Mist support). Said VK Ikes would make people even less willing to use Zihark, Makalov and Generals as they like the VK a lot for defending until their turn comes up.

So frankly, I have no clue about this yet and am curious what everybody else thinks.

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I personally don't think it's banworthy, but it's worth testing to see what happens with Ikes when one only has Dodgy Aether to fear, and not a virtually un-double-able Dodgy 29def 2 range tank with Aether.

Though Aether scares off more people than a raw 29 def, of course. I'd like to also test Aether-less (ragnell and supportable) ike soon.

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Aetherless Ike can always run Resolve and Nihil and Wrath and Adept.

I do think that Ike having to compete for the Vague Katti will mean Zihark and others will appear more often if they are needed, for example, to support some other guys you've chosen to use whom Ike does not support.

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Aetherless Ike can always run Resolve and Nihil and Wrath and Adept.

I do think that Ike having to compete for the Vague Katti will mean Zihark and others will appear more often if they are needed, for example, to support some other guys you've chosen to use whom Ike does not support.

Ike can sport those skills, but in Aetherless, any opponent wouldn't know who has what skills (as others like Oscar and Keiran, who fit well on Ike teams, can effectively run Resolve and Wrath just the same. Nihil is more or less locked to foot units, but you can still see others on the field who want skills like W/R/V And Nihil.

People just expect Aether!Ike to well, RNG smack them up hard. No one else is running an offense proc like that.

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Well, as a foot unit Ike does have the advantage of being able to run an offensive skill plus Nihil, and can be seen as the best unit to do so out of the available foot units (I don't know how good Boyd would be with Resolve + Nihil for example). Oscar and Kieran no longer have any particular compatibility with Ike though. Ike can strengthen Titania (who is a major booster drain) and gives Elincia and himself good hit and avo supports. Lethe and Ranulf are probably both really bad in this meta (since I banned Resolve/Wrath for these folks, mostly fearing a really tough Nasir/Ena).

I've been focusing on hosting PoR games lately, but I'm interested in trying out a team of my own and fight somebody with it (so that my theorycrafting has a bit more credibility); preferably a team representative of both the metagame and packing a surprise or two (as is needed in the custom skill meta where what you expect really affects your decisions and your decisions in turn affect what happens on the field).

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Ah, thanks, that's jolly good to hear! I'll polish it a bit then.

Still looking for an opponent with a competitive team that's representative of what could happen in this metagame (you could send that team to PKL). Rules include an Ike x Oscar support ban, Shade/Provoke being active for two turns and ignored by Nihil/Parity - everything else is the same as in the last games. Ragnell is still in for now.

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Well i'd offer my services as a match for you, but I shall give someone else the chance to experience the Chespin Experience©

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I'd host for you two (as I know fe9 mechanics like the back of my hand now), but you probably want me to announce how your Galzus destroyed Ice Sage's

Edited by Elieson
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Actually, if you're cool with basic formatting and no pictures, I can mock up results for your battle and just edit in details later.

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