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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Rexflame actually doesn't hurt Generals at all (except in the sense that more Sages become viable) because they're doubled by Sages anyway. It makes Calill counter able to deal with most things rather than counter Brom..However good you think Nihil is, it's actually better; if you put Resolve on any unit with <28 AS you run the risk of Calill neutralising them very easily.

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Well, I guess we all know Nihil is awesome.

I'm guessing no one would be interested in the following matches?

FE9, Averages, Boosters, Custom Skills, FE10 Characters, cut supports

FE9, Maxes, Custom Skills, Cut Supports

FE8, Maxes or Averages, Custom Skills experiment

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I'll try a game with your mechanics, if we do averages + boosters and only if we don't use Summon for summones (summons have 1hp anyway), and Colossus doesn't double strength, and retains its normal 1.25 boost. A Garm berserker with max strength would have 80 attack and prevent a counter, and the berserker skill cap is ridiculously high in FE8 too, and the GBA meta already has pretty high offence as well

in reference to fe8. Also finish your fe9 team

Edited by General Horace
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i'll host it then! I'm already playing a match with Anon in fe9 anyway.

Aha, all right then, I'll be playing Anon then, thanks! Gotta try to get my team done right now, after which I'll send it to you.

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Any customisable skills anybody would like to see in the GBA w/ custom skills meta? Since we're already adding foreign skills into FE8, might as well add good ones from other titles. How about...

- Pavise

- Ulki's Vigilance from FE10 (avo+20, dodge+20)

- Charisma from FE4/5

- Imbue, but I'm not sure what should function as the magic stat. Maybe make it a recovery skill for mages, in spite of it working the opposite way in RD?

- Charge, either from FE4, FE5 or TRS.

Then there's Awakening, which is like a can of worms. Resolve + Galeforce anyone? Good lord.

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Any customisable skills anybody would like to see in the GBA w/ custom skills meta? Since we're already adding foreign skills into FE8, might as well add good ones from other titles. How about...

- Pavise

- Ulki's Vigilance from FE10 (avo+20, dodge+20)

- Charisma from FE4/5

- Imbue, but I'm not sure what should function as the magic stat. Maybe make it a recovery skill for mages, in spite of it working the opposite way in RD?

- Charge, either from FE4, FE5 or TRS.

Then there's Awakening, which is like a can of worms. Resolve + Galeforce anyone? Good lord.

Maybe Imbue and Vigilance or whatever Janaff's skill was, but other than that, I think it won't be needed.

How about Galeforce does nothing?

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Maybe Imbue and Vigilance or whatever Janaff's skill was, but other than that, I think it won't be needed.

How about Galeforce does nothing?

We can probably choose which Awakening skills we should use when we get deeper into the topic. Really requires a closer look.

For now (i.e. our immediate match), let's keep it to PoR custom skills and original FE8 skills taking up 20 SP, and then we just might figure out what to do next.

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We can probably choose which Awakening skills we should use when we get deeper into the topic. Really requires a closer look.

For now (i.e. our immediate match), let's keep it to PoR custom skills and original FE8 skills taking up 20 SP, and then we just might figure out what to do next.

Fine with me, I think I've finally thought of a team.

Also, for this, are we using Great Shield normally or as Skill%, like if it was Cancel?

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So I took some time looking at the Awakening skills, and here are some skills that could be highlights and deserve being discussed or considered:

Aegis / Pavise - customisable Great Shield that apply only to specific weapon types. They're not too hot, so their cost could be 10 or even 5 SP.

-faire skills (weapon type +5 atk) - set in stone (would they be nullified by Nihil in Awakening if one existed?) and so an actual alternative to Resolve. 10 SP? Good to keep the reliance on luck down.

-breaker skills (hit of a certain weapon type down 50%) - potentially OP. Imagine Garm!Ross equipped with Swordbreaker. How about 20 SP? If they're used at all, that is... Could create some interesting situations.

Aggressor (+10 atk on active turn) - seems a bit too much, and makes Snipers a little bit too scary considering they normally don't get countered. 20 SP, if used at all? Those are the bonuses in Awakening though, where stats generally are much higher anyway. A brave attack with this thing is pretty crazy.

Lifetaker (50% recovery when killing something) - reliable and strong. 20 SP probably. Best not included though!

Limit Breaker - you apply this skill, and go above the caps with the boosters available to you. Broken?

Demoiselle (female only Charisma for male units) - we could use this instead of Charisma. 10 SP.

Even / Odd Rhythm whatever else - too much of a headache for the host to control. Especially the one that changes hit/avo by 1 point each turn.

Vengeance - sounds like an okay proc skill. 10 SP.

Rally skills - lolno.

GALEFORCE - would anyone be okay with this one if it were usable just once per fight, like Giffca's Roar in PoR arena?

Not sure if I missed anything else that could be of interest.

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Why are you mixing both game's Skill System? Seems to be complicating things much more. I suggest using one of them, not both.

edit: I mean, no Skill Point/Capacity

edit2: I suggest FE13's skill system *shrug*

Edited by Quintessence
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i'd like to try an fe8 game with fe9 skills similar to the one Espinosa and Anon are doing now if there are any takers.

also refa should really submit his team for his match against venno.

Edited by General Horace
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