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ASM Compiler


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I tried installing and using devkitpro to compile my .asm files but whenever I try to assemble anything via the assemble ARM batch file I get this:


so I tried another compiler called "Goldroad" which works similarly, theres a file that you can drag all the .asm files into and it'll automatically compile, but Goldroad outputs a .gba file not a .dmp file and when I compare pre-compiled .dmp files and the .gba file of the same origin .asm file they are different so this compiler doesn't accurately compile the .asm file.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix either devkitpro or Goldroad to make functioning .dmp files?

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it's more about the condescending tone over a technicality that the average person would probably consider trivial, "knowledge is always good" isn't true, at some point knowledge becomes a burden or useless, not worth having, or even painful

whatever though it's not like he said it to me so idagaf :P I scratched out my post for a reason

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^that video is something different. The quote is "can't you see all this senseless fighting is tearing of apart!?" I'm paraphrasing but yeah you get the idea

I know, but Tommy Wiseau applies to any and all situations

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