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Prims is Gay Mafia - Game Over


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nooooooo that was my worst scumslip yet :(

also apparently according to blitz, the setup is 8/1/3 so if anyone wants to prove him a liar, they should do so now?

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Since nobody claimed the extra kill we can assume it is anti-town, and it is unlikely to be scum considering the power of the town. The most probable division left is 3/2/1/1 (in practice 4/2/1 because SB has to join with town), with blitz most likely the SK. I crunched the numbers and town's best chance is to lynch blitz.

Should I give him a chance to say anything before the hammer or not?

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So you guys decided to lynch Blitz because he was lying or something.

Blitz has been lynched! He was:

Dear Blitz, you are Prims.

You are Prims, a pretty good mafia player, and also a huge gay. While you are gay though, you most certainly are not a pig! As you are an elitest, the fact that your the eponymous character in a mafia game (thats not even part of the NOC masterrace) dealing with pigs disgusts you. You are here, therefore, to teach these loathsome porcines a lesson.

Every night in your role PM, you may post <Night X - Inspect USER>. You will inspect USER with youre gun, which will publicly reveal theyre entire role PM with 100% accuracy. Additionally, since nobody will think anything of seeing you wandering around in a mafia game dedicated to you, any investigative roles that deal with discovering who visited whom will leave you out from theyre reports.

You are allied with yourself. You win when all the pigs have been eliminated.

It is now Night 3. You have 53ish hours. 29th 12 AM EST.

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You wake up, refreshed after finally killing someone evil! Too bad someone else is dead.

Dear Huck Finn, you are the American Ninja Piggy.

I have no idea what an American Ninja Piggy looks like, nor what your purpose is, as there is no wikipedia article about you, but its a pretty badass name, so you get to be a role anyways.

Every night in your role PM, you may post <Night X - Follow USER>. You will use all the stealth your porcine nature allows you to follow USER and learn the name(s) of everyone USER visits at night.

You are allied with the Federation of Pigs. You win when all threats to the Federation of Pigs are eliminated.

It is now Day 4. With 5 players alive, it takes 2 to lynch at deadline and 3 to hammer. You have 72 hours left (12 AM EST on December 2nd).

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Forget dragging this into the realm of OC.

Assuming that the game is at a position of 3:1:SB (because 2:2:1 would be stupid), my thoughts are that SB isn't worth lynching since he's been modconfirmed as harmless.

Out of the remaining 4 players, there's:

Elieson - obvitown omg be our savior

kirsche - protown and reassuring interactions with mafia

Refa - slightly confusing but not reading as scum to me, more reading null, which be PoE leaves me with

Eurykins - Reading up on D1 and D2 shenanigans left a sour taste in my mouth

That's where I stand, and would like to see the phase finish off with at least a little bit of content. With 5 alive, there's barely any point in coordinating in private because omg all the actions that we have to coordinate with

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Eury (2) - Elieson, Kirsche

Not Voting (3) - SB, Eury, Refa

With 5 players alive, it takes 2 to lynch at deadline and 3 to hammer. You have 33 hours and 15 minutes left (12 AM EST on December 2nd).

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##Vote: Eurykins

Don't really have a big case for why anyone else is scum right now, aside from PoE. Eury leaked the spreadsheet for no real reason and I have no idea why the old leaders thought she was townie. On top of that, a PR has dropped every night even before all of the claims were out, and usually the most dangerous one to top it off. Plus she's been a major suspect all game anyway.

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You guys got impatient and just decided to chop Eury up quickly.

Eury has been lynched!

Dear Eurykins, you are the Lincolnshire Curly-Coated Pig.

You are an extinct breed of British pig, yet somehow, you are alive to play in this game of mafia. Isnt that grand? Unfortunately, resurrecting your species from the dead took quite a lot of energy, preventing you from having a role in addition to your word and vote.

You are allied with the Federation of Pigs. You win when all threats to the Federation of Pigs are eliminated.

It is now Night 4. You guys don't really do shit and there only a few people left anyways, so you get 32 hours and 35 minutes to send in actions.

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