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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Memories - Kat] She sits near the ocean, arms resting her arms protectively on her stomach. The baby...

​The ocean gently lulls her into a half-conscious state as she thinks back. A baby… the last time she'd ever thought she'd have one… oh, that must've been her very first life as Agrona.

Agrona, the beautifully cruel goddess of death. The ultimate assassin who killed anyone or anything, for the right price. The only one she cared for at all was Phoibus. No one else. He'd been beautiful back then. So full of life and light, smiling in the dark like nothing at all was wrong. She adored him. She'd been so scared of losing him. That's what led to his contract, actually. The light was bright, dazzling, blinding, and horribly cruel as it tried to make things better.

They'd worked as a team, back then. He'd seduce and charm the guards or guests or target with his radiant light. Meanwhile, she'd slip inside and slaughter anyone who got in her way until she got to the target, hang the consequences. Most of the time, she'd just gotten a lecture before being dragged to the side and told to gossip on just how much pain she inflicted. She'd relished in that power, that strength. She could do anything and slaughter anyone. She could draw in anyone with just a simple smile and wink and discard them as they bored her like nothing. She was invincible, and none could stop her!

​That is… until she ended up killing her predecessor in a tantrum. Mila had offered her two choices: become her new Warrior or suffer for eternity. She'd picked the latter, truth be told, scoffing at the mere thought of someone, even a GODDESS, commanding her or bringing her any sort of pain. Who did she think she was, after all? Just an annoying woman who claimed to be powerful when she couldn't do anything except in the history books.

And then Mila showed her something she'd never learned until then. EVERY healer knew how a person was put together. Thus, by definition… they knew how to take you apart. And a goddess had the power to keep someone alive when they really, REALLY didn't want to be. Eventually, she agreed to be Mila's Warrior, just to make the pain stop. Made the contract just to save herself. Mila had taken it and healed her. Only then had she'd been told the terms. Immortality. Forever under another's orders. Forever chained and caged.

She freaked and told Phoibus. Her brother, her light, the only good thing in her life. Who then informed her that in order to make sure he didn't die before her, he'd made a contract with Doma to be his warrior. Since she could never really die, neither could he. To save herself, she'd cursed them both.

And she knew why Mila had even made the offer. They'd wanted BOTH of them as their immortal warriors.

She'd been tricked. And now they were both doomed.

She'd refused to believe it. Refused to accept it. So, just to prove it to herself, she'd let herself be killed. Suicide. She'd essentially jumped into the middle of an army to assassinate the general and let herself be ripped apart by all the weapons. The arrows, the spears, the swords, the axes… even the tomes. Just let them rend her into pieces and died after killing her target.

Only to be immediately reincarnated.

Eventually, she accepted it, and began to understand why Mila and Doma needed them. They needed warriors, so that they could manipulate the world without harming it. They needed guardians, so that they could protect the world without causing pain.

Mila had tricked her because she desperately needed the help. Now, they were friends and partners in creating the absolute best possible outcome available to the world.

And, truth be told, she can't say she regrets a minute of it.

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Updating Isabelle's profile saying now as it was a small spoiler before that she really is a witch from Valentina like her parents Sonja and Xeon were.

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Updating Isabelle's profile saying now as it was a small spoiler before that she really is a witch from Valentina like her parents Sonja and Xeon were.

This is NOT the thread to state this. Announcements go into the Chat thread or Bios thread.

Edited by Kat
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He was death. Nothing else. Born in Dolhr, raised to hate the outside world by the monks of Dolhr. He had no family. None. His parents died after he was born. But he was found by someone who loved him. Emperor Medues. Raised to be a killer and nothing else, he was a defender of the Earth Temple. After some while that man had got a blade that only one who was Dragon could wield. It was The Imperius or known as Shadowblade today. Blessed with The Reincarnation cycle of a dragon and the lifespan of one, he lived until he was found that terrible day. Treated like a beast. Project 29. He hated it. Magic being used to bring out his full potential. Only to lead to their demise. But they succeeded on their end. They had created three persona from one person. Good. Evil. And Himself.

He was evil. Pure insignificant evil. Telling the neutral self to do what he had done for the years. They would get along usually. When they didn't they argued for days on end. He was the string tier. Always the one man who was evil when the others weren't. He was a true Dragon Servant, one who would slay a god. Thus he would bring back the Earth Dragon's if the Neutral self didn't take away his life. Now he sits in the dormant form of Imperius, waiting, but not restless. Now he awaits his death...so he can rise from the ashes once more.

Just an Angel. A pretty White haired Angel. Beautiful she was. Wings, White hair, blue eyes. Except she was bound to a curse to live forever with her spirit brothers. She unlike the other two was more funny and relaxed. Servant of Divine Dragon Naga. Such and forth. She and the side of evil argued and never got along. But her oldest always got along. She was trapped always. Wings that can't do anything. Now she's trapped in a body with out white hair or wings. Again like the other two she waits. Restless but waits.

This is the promise. Defeat him. To end our suffering. Thank you.....

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[spoiler=Flashback Part 3]

One by one, the fell to this unknown enemy. They had no idea who caused this, all they saw was the swords and spears impaling them, the fire slowly burning their body to a crisp.

Rose: Cedric, do you have any idea what the hell this is?!

Cedric: If I knew, do you think I would have told you by now?

Rose: No, you wouldn't.

Cedric: Fine then, I have no idea what the heck this is. All I know is from what I've seen, and that is that we have the slight possibility of dying here.

Rose: We can't die here though. Okay let me say that again: I can't die here, don't know about you.

Cedric: Glad to see we have our priorities straight here. Did you forget Zephyr at the base?

Rose: No, I left him there..

Cedric: Why would you do that, you're a better fighter on horseback.

Rose: It was a precaution.

Cedric: For what?

Rose: In case others needed to get here...

Cedric: You're lying.

Rose: *sigh* When we kill the stragglers I can tell you.

Cedric: Oh wow, actually being nice to me. What a surprise.

Rose: Don't push your luck.

Cedric: But that isn't fun.

Rose: I honestly don't care.

Cedric: What else is new?

Rose: Can it asshole.

Cedric: Fine fine.

*Scene change: All the bodies of the army are piled up, all the enemies are dead.*

Cedric: That was certainly a new experience.

Rose: The hell were those things anyway?

Cedric: They were like zombies, but they were very skilled at their craft... *looks at the dead bodies*

Rose: They all dissipated when they died...

Cedric: Yeah.... Now I believe you owe me an explanation...

Rose: Oh fine... I left Zephy there for when Breezy gets back, in case I died.

Cedric: You did..? That must be love...

Rose: Yeah, guess it is.. But guess it was all for nothing then~

Cedric: Yeah about that... *draws sword*

Rose: I-is there another one here...?

Cedric: No, though I do applaud your skills without that idiotic horse.

Rose: W-what are you saying Cedric?

Cedric: Those zombie things came from a long time of research my dear Rose, and luckily it killed enough of them, for me to finish the job.

Cedric stabs his sword right through Rose. She slumps to the ground.

Rose: Y-you fucking a-asshole....

Cedric: I do what I do because I need to. Say "hi" to them wherever the hell you end up~

Rose: H-he'll c-come for you.....

Her eyes close. Cedric puts her body at the top of the pile.

Cedric: Provided he lives long enough to find me. You had a choice Rose, and you chose wrong... Sorry it had to end that way....

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[spoiler=Dusk and Karenza - Moving on]Everybody was asleep at this point in the voyage... Well, except for Samson, but he was so busy manning the boat, so he didn't notice the faint sparkles of white light cascading down from the sky forming behind him. Ever so slowly, the sparkles slowly forged with each other. It took some time, but eventually, the sparkles had bonded to create a reflection of a woman. Around 5''5, with flowing green hair that fluttered in the winds like a butterfly. It was hard to tell, but it seemed like she was wearing a long wide dress that gently glided along the floor. Forming into a human-esque being, she slowly drifted down the steps and into the keel of the ship

Meanwhile, Dusk couldn't get to sleep. Perhaps it was due to over-excitement. He considered Valm his home continent, after all. Technically, Ylisse was, but after the incident in the Ylisse-Plegia war, he did most of his mercenary work in Valm... He was even familiar in some of the pubs and inns, and even fewer considered him a regular. Inns were good places to pick up work after all. Looking out through one of the oval shaped windows, he thought he could hear faint footsteps. Donning his jacket and silver axe, he quietly stepped out of the room and closed the window behind him. Exploring the insides of the ship, he turned a corner and...

Dusk: *eyes widen and body suddenly goes cold* No... It can't be...

Woman: *smiles at him* Hello there, Dusk

Dusk: *still horrified* Is that really...

Woman: Yes, it's me, Karenza

Dusk: No... It can't be... I saw you die with my own eyes!.. You must be one of those doppelgangers!

Karenza: Doppelgangers? I'm afraid I have no idea what you're on about

Dusk: Don't lie to me! *attempts to slash her with his axe, but it goes right through her* What? What is this?

Karenza: Satisfied now? *mocking tone* You never seemed to be happy unless you were playing with your toys

Dusk: What? I don't understand...

Karenza: I'm not physically bond to this world any more, Dusk. What you're seeing right now is like a reflection of what you last saw me as, hence why I'm "wearing" this dress... But I've been watching over you all this time, and I'm not sure whether I should be happy for you, or absolutely livid

Dusk: Livid? Why would you be livid?

Karenza: May I see the ring I put on your finger?

Dusk: Uh... Yeah, sure. Let me just go get it...

Karenza: So you're going all the way back to Ylisstol?

Dusk: ...

Karenza: Thought so

Dusk: ... Why are you here?.. Wait a minute... *looks out of window, and notices specific star isn't visible* Your star... It isn't there any more

Karenza: My star? *thinks* Oh... Wait, you put a star to my name?

Dusk: Of course. Ever since you told me that Manekete belief of yours, I've noticed a few stars shine brighter than most *points* There's a cluster over there that shine the same brightness. I think they're my old friends long gone... *points to a different part of the sky* ... Right there... There was a star right there that gave out the faintest glow of green... It was you

Karenza: But you're not a Manakete! You can't believe in such things!

Dusk: Oh, and why not? Must religion be confined to a single race?.. And besides, I'm not the only human who thinks this way

Karenza: I am aware.. But I guess not... Sorry...

Dusk: It's alright, you were always a bit sheltered

Karenza: Hmph! *crosses her arms*

Dusk: ... *frowns*

Karenza: Oh, what's the matter now?

Dusk: It's just... You died because-

Karenza: Don't. Even. Go there. Those bandits wanted to kill the person who killed the other half of their men, and they did. They left innocents alone... They left you alone... That's all I wanted...

Dusk: I was going to be fine!.. I shouldn't have let you done that though... I just stood there and watched my wife get butchered like a wild animal... How do you think I felt?!

Karenza: You never loved me though... You were paid to marry me

Dusk: I still cared for you though! I'd happily spend 50000G to meet someone like you... Seeing a person dear to me killed... I thought I was going to break... I did break at some point...

Karenza: And when you did, you started to feel something else for somebody else

Dusk: Are you trying to make me feel guilty?

Karenza: ... No

Dusk: Huh?

Karenza: *tear begins to form* ... For the first time in your life... You have found true happiness... What kind of fiend would I be if I took that away?

Dusk: *hesitates, but eventually tries to cup his hand on her cheek, in an attempt to brush away the tear* You're amazing, Kerry... You're a huge motivation in my life and one of the best people I ever met... When you were slain... I actually began to feel something for you... Like I truly-

Karenza: *tries to sweep away his arm, but it goes through it* No. Don't say it. Please don't... I truly loved you, Sir Dusk... But you can't say such things

Dusk: *sways his thumb back and for, trying to wipe away the tear* I'll always feel something for you, though...

Karenza: ... *sniff* I guess... I guess you always will... Please, don't feel bad about the decision I made all those years ago... I don't regret it, and neither should you resent yourself for it... Please... *begins to dissipate*

Dusk: I'll... *attempts to kiss her cheek* I'll try...

Karenza: Thank you... *has now fully disappeared*

Dusk: I'll never forget you... *waits for a few moments, wiping the tear that had just tickled down his cheek. He looks out of the window, and notices the green star back there, flickering* Goodbye...

This dragged out a lot longer than it needed to. Oops?

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[spoiler=The road to recovery]

“Maribelle! Brady! Oh you have no idea how grateful I am to see you! I thought... I knew I could never see you again. I've missed you both so much. I... I just miss you all the time... Why did you have to die?” Tears begin forming in the corners of his eyes. It wasn't fair.

Poly lost his wife, but he still had his daughter. He found love with someone else. Nathaniel was on the prowl for Glaedyr, Kat and Dusk fell in love, oh and were having a child together. What did Yuffie get out of this mess? A dead wife, a dead son, and no home.

He shook himself out of those thoughts. He had precious little time to spend with his family, before they had to leave again. “Oh Maribelle, darling, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you. I could have held them off, bought you some time! I'm so sorry... I failed you as a husband. It's my fault you... that you died.”

“And Brady, I never got to tell you how proud I am of you. Every day I thank the gods that you came to us. You truly are a blessing, Brady. I'm so sorry I didn't say that to you more often.”

At this point, Yuffie breaks down, sobbing openly for the first time in months.

“There, there darling. It's going to be okay. Keep your chin up for me, would you? You know I hate to see you cry.”

“Awww, Pa! You'll set me off too at this rate! Ya know I'm sentimental!” *sniffs* “Guess I know where I got it from.”

“Brady! Don't you start this too! Actually, my little Boo-Boo Bear, would I be able to get a few minutes alone with your father please?”

Brady shuddered. He loved his Ma', but that pet name...

“Of course, Ma! I'll go... uhhh... catch up with that flower!” Brady proceeded to quite literally do so.

“Darling, please, pull yourself together! You know how much I hate to see either you or Brady cry! If you don't stop this instant... I'll... I'll get that charming pregnant lady to hit you again!”

She sighed.

“I'm sorry I left you, darling. I'll admit I didn't have much choice in the matter, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry. There! I said it!”

“Mari, there's nothing for you to be sorry for. I failed you by not being there when the Anna's attacked you. I should have been there to hold them off, to buy you some time. It should have been me who died! Not you!”

“Pish-posh, darling! That's absolute rubbish, and you know it!”


“Do you honestly think I would have been content to abandon you as you threw yourself on their swords? Do you truly think so little of me? You truly believed I would be content to ride off into the sunset while those troglodytes killed you? Hmph!”

“NO! Maribelle, that's not what I meant at all!”

“Well then, what did you mean? Were you going to bravely fight them all off, while I cheered from the sidelines? Or perhaps you would challenge their leader to a duel, and after an honourable victory, I would grant you my blessing, and we would kiss as the moon shone down on the battlefield!”

“I... I just should have been there. I should have protected you.”

“Darling, had you been there, you would have died too. Loath as I am to admit it, but neither of us would have been capable of fighting them off. It's best that you survived, love. That way, you can live on for the both of us.”

“I suppose you're right.”

“Of course I'm right. I'm your wife. That's what I do!” Maribelle smiled. “And another thing, darling, why on earth have you removed yourself from the company of others?”

“The others don't care about me. I'm just here to fill a service for them.”

“Where did THIS nonsense come from? Of course they care about you! You've been blocking them out for a long time beforehand! You lock yourself up in the clinic all day, and only come out to eat, and to fight. You've thrown yourself into your work, and you completely avoid human contact of all sorts. The other... what are they called again? Ah, yes, 'Dreamers' have made plenty of attempts to talk to you, and you just tune them out!”

“I... I have?”

“You most certainly have, and you've been less than subtle about it! In fact, I'm surprised that only one of them has attempted to slap some sense into you! Tell her that I approve. She's the only person to take any initiative in this army.” She looks up to the sky, to see the sun's first rays peeking over the horizon. “Brady, come over here please! Darling, we don't have much longer. The Goddess can only keep us here for so long.”

“No, wait! I have so much more left to say! Please, don't go! I still need you two here! Please don't leave me...”

“Aw, Pa, we're sorry we have to go. If we could stay, ya know we would. But we have to go.”

“And Pa, you're not the only one who's proud of his family. I couldn't be more glad that you're my dad. We'll be watching over you. Don't screw up on us!”

“I love you darling! Stay strong for us! And please, try to move on with your life. Don't turn us into weights. We will always love you!”

With those parting words, Maribelle and Brady fade away into the sunlight, smiling down at Yuffie as they fade away.

As time passes, Yuffie eventually stands, and heads back to the clinic. He had some advice to think on.

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Moved on]Dusk: *carries on staring out of the window* ... Is it really goodbye though? You're always there... And I can speak and see to you whenever... *brings thumb to bottom of his eye*

Kat: Dusk, what are you doing up?

Dusk: *turns around, with his eye tearing up again* Hey, dear...

Kat: *startled* Dusk? Dusk, what's wrong? *tries to get out of bed*

Dusk: Just stay there... Please... *goes back into bed* ... I just met someone who means a lot to me, that's all

Kat: …Oh… I see… *slumps*

Dusk: Oh, don't be like that. You're still the most important person in my life. It's just... When you see someone that you know is dead, how do you react?

Kat: ...

Dusk: I never gave it any thought, but just now... I saw my ex-wife... She wasn't physically there, but... She was there. Even her star wasn't in the sky. She was there... She was...

Kat: …Dusk… do you… wish I was her? That you were with her, instead of me?

Dusk: What? No... She's happy that I've moved on, and I couldn't see myself with anybody else but you, and only you...

Kat: Really?

Dusk: Yes... *cuddles Kat* I couldn't live without you here, by my side... You're the most important person in my life, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you, and you saying those words... It felt like my heart was being torn apart

Kat: … *hugs him* I love you. I know I don't say it often. It feels less… what I feel often seems to strong and vital to be contained in those three words, but they're the only ones I have. I love you...

Dusk: I know what you mean. I don't say those three words either, but I really do love you... All I want to do right now is stay like thus, just us two, for the rest of eternity... *tilts head forward so that his forehead is on her collarbone* Tonight has made me realise just how much of an impact people can have on each other... She wasn't even physically there, and yet I'm crying... *pulls her closer to him*

Kat: …That's the nature of loving someone. Bitter cold pain paired with sweet soothing warmth. Doma says that, sometimes. It's very true.

Dusk: It would seem so... *sniffs*

Kat: Oh, I'm sorry for dumping that on you. Just cry, Dusk. I'm right here. I'm not… I'm not going anywhere.

Dusk It's fine. I had to realise it someday... *begins to bawl* And... Please don't... Ever...

Kat: I am right here, Dusk. I will NEVER leave you. So just cry. It's okay.

Dusk: Okay... And thank you... For being such an amazing fiancé...

Kat: Oh, I'm not amazing. …I can't even sew or cook.

Dusk: You can't expect yourself to do everything, y'know...

Kat: …But I want to spoil you...

Dusk: Oh, you don't need to spoil me, dear. I've already been given the best thing a man could ever want...

Kat: *pouts* But I WANT to.

Dusk: Well there's nothing stopping you *gently taps her nose and smiles*

Kat: I suppose. …But you know… *gently pushes him down on the bed* I feel like spoiling you in a slightly different way, if you don't mind.

Dusk: *hesitates, then smirks* It IS called making love for a reason, y'know...

Kat: Not that, silly. *kisses him* I don't want to risk hurting the baby. *kisses him again* I'm just… going to cover you in kisses, I think.

Dusk: *wraps arms around her waist* Okay, that is something I can live with *smirks, then kisses her* Spoil me all you like~

Kat: Oh, I intend to. …I'll only have you for a short while, so I'll spoil you all I can now. That way… I know I'll only regret not having more time with you. I love you. So much.

Dusk: And I love you too... Let this short time we have with each other be the best times of our lives

Kat: Yes… I would like that.

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[spoiler=Alicia: Awkwardness]

(I shouldn't feel this way, nervous, embarrassed, this shouldn't be so nerve wracking. Is this how Ace felt when she walked in on Chrom bathing?) Alicia can only wonder through the steamy mist that covers her glasses, no matter how many times she wipes them off. It's humid in there, hence the steam curtain that caused her to flush red...or was something else at play? (Ace did a good job cleaning out that wound. It's like it was never close to infection in the first place.) Her breath is heavy, deep, slow from nerves. Even the slightest noise was enough to make her jump, thinking someone was spying on her...on them. Even with the thick steam curtain that covered the bathing area, obscuring vision of all inside, Alicia still felt a sense of awkwardness...why that was even Alicia didn't know.

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[spoiler=Ruthless Queen and Stubborn Assassin - Anna Michel and Phoibus]Michel: Oh... fucking, fantastic. Mother, it would be quite nice if you'd tip luck IN my favor for once instead of against it...

Phoibus: It seems I've been away too long, if you've gotten so tense. Shall I rectify that?

Michel: You could lay your hands all over me and you still wouldn't alleviate it all. I have a massive problem, and I can't even get rid of it. Or at least, I don't know where it is.

Phoibus: Sounds serious. Maybe you could explain while I give you a massage? A nice full body one to help you relax.

Michel: [/starts pacing, ignoring his offer] There's a saying out there... "Beware the ones who look the most innocent." I have an extremely innocent girl on my hands with a strict set of morals and more power than she knows what to do with, and I don't think she'll have any sort of trouble ripping me to PIECES if she ever finds out what I'm doing. ... And now, I can't find the damned girl anyway. Vivienne was supposed to keep track of her in Valm Harbor BUT she's gone too. Probably ran. Damned coward.

Phoibus: She did run. I have taken care of the traitor. …And, may I assume, milady, that the person you are talking about is Lady Aimee?

Michel: You did? [/sighs] Thanks for that. And yes, I'm talking about Aimee. I recently had a conversation with Maylis and she brought that up to me, Aimee's skills and her morals. I'm absolutely fucked if I leave her alive, which is why I figured I could ask for her and use her as a prism however... she's gone. Just... damn it.

Phoibus: …I actually have information on that, Michel. Though, I do not think you will be too happy about it.

Michel: ... Oh great. Thanks again, Mother. [/sighs and turns to face him] What is it?

Phoibus: She wanted to help you, and I'm afraid my influence inspired her to try and play spy. She's traveling with the Dreamers to learn more about their secrets. I couldn't convinced her otherwise. My apologies.

Michel: ... What in the name of Naga convinced you into doing that, Phoibus?

Phoibus: No, no, Michel. My spying seems to have influenced her into playing spy herself to help you. My apologies for not being clearer. I was as startled as anyone when she came to me to the idea and I couldn't dissuade her. I did, however, make her promise to report to me about anything she found.

Michel: Oh joy. And if she ends up playing spy alongside the Dreamers, she'll find out about the prisms. And I'm as good as dead. ... Fuck, I really do have to kill her...

Phoibus: …Unless we can arrange the Dreamers to stay away from Warrior's Tomb. That shouldn't be hard.

Michel: ... Or... I could REALLY just kill her. Problem completely solved. Why are you trying to compromise with me here?

Phoibus: Because I only know the Dreamers are insane, and you know less than I do. If you plan on killing them, you must learn their weaknesses. For your mother's sake… you can't make mistakes or oversights, Michel. As much as you hate them, you must learn. This is the perfect opportunity. Serena is skilled, but if you want efficiency, you first needs to know where to point her.

Michel: Insane. And you think Aimee has the... gall to break them from the inside? The morals to do such a thing? I could think of plenty of other Annas more suitable for that, and she also won't completely destroy my project in the process if she so much as thinks about it. Serena is skilled, yes, but she's not subtle. Neither is Aimee.

Phoibus: You'd be surprised, Michel. There've been times I've gotten information just simply with a smile and kind word and PATIENCE. People don't suspect the nice ones. They think 'spy' and assume someone like Serena, not Aimee. I don't expect her to actually do anything but watch, but you don't even have the information you can get by watching and listening. For your mother's sake, I suggest letting her at least try. If she gets nothing, I'll pull her out and you have your wish, and the ability to say that I was wrong. If she gets something, then you have information that you can use to kill them faster. This is not a losing situation for you, Michel. I can, and will, keep an eye on her.

Michel: [/folds her arms and glares at him] You are so keen on this. And I don't understand it. Okay, fine. Absolutely fine. Since YOU seem to have it under control, I won't worry about it until she screws up. The moment she does, and THE moment the Dreamers even think about heading to the Warrior's Tomb, she's mine. Deal? [/moves back to her seat and sits down, closing her eyes] ... This is aggravating. Any way to make the Dreamers kill each other?

Phoibus: I thank you, milady, for your trust. If nothing else, Michel, I can possibly learn something while humoring Aimee. *bows* Well, that is something to learn, isn't it? I'll add it to my ongoing list. For now, though, perhaps I can give you a hand with that tension?

Michel: Fine. Fine. Whatever. I swear to the goddess, Phoibus, you're not telling me something and it's bothering me. [/gives him a pointed look] I suppose. May as well... while you're here. Speaking of which, Phoibus, I need to visit Mother soon. Care to join me?

Phoibus: There are many things I do not tell you, so that you do not worry about things that are easily fixable. *smirks slightly and begins kissing her neck and shoulders* I would be honored, but first… you need to RELAX...

Michel: Easily fixable, sure. Nothing's actually easy when it comes to something like this. It was just a matter of time before something messed up. [/sighs, closing her eyes] Fine. She'd be glad to meet you. May as well introduce the two of you at this rate, hm?

Phoibus: Yes, I'll be honored. But you'll just startle her if you go see her like this, Michel. Trust me. I'll make things better.

Michel: Startle her? [/looks up at him] ... How will I do that?

Phoibus: You're glaring at everyone and everything, and boy, that is a sight to behold. I think I need to take initiative here and… *nips her ear* See about twisting the glare into something else.

Michel: Well. I'm sorry for that but really, if I hadn't watched Aimee grow up myself, I wouldn't be so worried. [/closes her eyes again, smiling] Poor girl. Powerful and just but stupid as all hell. Not the best combination.

Phoibus: … *pauses just for a fraction of a second before continuing to kiss her shoulder* "No, it isn't."

Michel: ... [/moves away to look him square in the eyes] ... Did I say something, wrong?

Phoibus: Merely startled at how tense you are, Michel. You have a particularly bad knot right between your shoulder blades.

Michel: ... And I just proved it by snapping at you, didn't I? Oh, damn it, I'm sorry. Phoibus.

Phoibus: *smiles at her* I think, this time, you should listen to MY orders, milady, which are to rest and let me ease the tension. Sound fair?

Michel: Fine, fine. Sounds fair enough to me.

Phoibus: Splendid. Now, then… let's get started.

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[spoiler=Moonlight - Phoibus and Klotho] "Okay, now then, this looks like a good place to war-"

"Oh, hello!"

"Doma, you fucking hate me at the moment."

"Who's Doma?"

​"…My employer. What are you doing out here in the dark and cold?"

"It's not all that dark or cold."

"I see icicles and the only light is the full moon. It's dark and cold."

"Oh, I can see just fine. And I don't feel cold."

"Okay, okay, you've got cat eyes and…" *without really thinking about it, brushes a hand over her cheek* "…You don't feel cold, yet I THINK I almost got frostbite right then. What the hell?"

​"I don't… feel much pain or temperature differences."

​"…Oh, freaking hell." *takes off his coat and wraps it around her* "Okay, will you get back to the inn?"

"Won't you be cold?"

"I can't die from it."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." *pouts* "You shouldn't take your life lightly. I learned that. And a bunch of other things." *skips a bit away, clutching the coat that's a little bit too big* "So, I'm going to do my best." *turns to smile at him* "It'll take a bit, but I'm going to manage it!"

*stares at her for a moment*

*flushes in embarrassment* "W-what?"

​"Nothing, just… you are an incredible woman."

"Oh, no, not really. But thank you though!"

*moves next to her* "You… look very pretty in the moonlight, by the way. Like a fairy."

"So, what? I'm a fairy predator now?"

"…Yeah, that sounds right." *smiles at her* "Very much so."

*Smiles back* "Well, I don't mind that. It sounds like a pretty ideal."

"I suppose." *staring at her and forces himself to look away* "You should really head back in, you know."

"Probably. Do you want your coat?"

"No, I'll be in warmth soon enough."



"And you'll get those wounds treated?"

"So, you did notice."

"You're wearing an eye-patch. It's hard not to. But they look bandaged this time, so I won't yell."

"Not going to ask?"

"No, because you aren't going to tell and I'd rather just spend the time seeing you smile."


"That… was out loud, wasn't it?" *flushes bright red* "I'm… going to go now, while I still have some dignity. Bye!" *stumbles off*

*Stares after her before turning away and sighing* "…Fairy Predator? Why does that sound fami… oh, gods, that story of the Fairy Huntress. Agrona had BETTER not find out about this. She'd never let me hear the end of it."

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[spoiler=Kat and Sorin: Dependence]

Sorin: *Looking out to the ocean intently*


Sorin: ...Hey Klotho. I wasn't exactly trying to hide.

Klotho: Well, for someone not consciously trying, you sure are hard to find. Sister wanted to see you before we left.

Sorin: Well where is she?

Klotho: In her room on the boat. They got her settled in a while back.

Sorin: Right...*Leans off the side of the boat.* I'm going. *Starts leaving*

Klotho: Oh, and uh… don't bring up knitting.

Sorin: What? *sigh*


Sorin: *Walks to the door to her room and knocks.* Kat? It's Sorin. I'm coming in.*Opens door* You wanted to see me?

Kat: Oh, yes, I did. *smiles at him as she just checks the motion to throw a knitting needle like a dart* I haven't seen you in a bit and I got tired of sitting here fretting and waiting, so...

Sorin: Umm... What's with the... Nevermind. So you just called me to relieve boredom? *sigh* What can I do for you?

Kat: It's more what can I do for you, Sorin. We haven't talked much since I told you about my being bedridden, and yet you look absolutely exhausted.

Sorin: *sigh* I'm fine. Really this time.

Kat: No, you're not. *gives him a serious look* You look like hell. You haven't slept in weeks. You've holed up in your rooms so much that it doesn't seem like anyone can ever find you. Do you want me to address it as something dealing with my little brother or as something dealing with the leader of this army that's barely holding together because the person we chose to lead is never available?

Sorin: ...What am I supposed to do Kat? When I try, somebody does something stupid like attempt suicide. I have been trying but what is the purpose? ... And with all of this, what right do I have to cloud another's mind with my minuscule problems?

Kat: Well, for one, how about not insulting me?

Sorin: What?

Kat: You are insulting me, by stating that my mind will be clouded by anything, much less your problems. You are insulting me, by lacking the trust that I will at least try to help. You are insulting me, by assuming that I will not take your problems seriously. You are insulting me, by claiming that my worrying over you in inconsequential. Do you want me to continue, or are you getting my point?

Sorin: ... You still sound too much like her... Alright Kat... Where do we start? Truthfully I'm not all that sure about my problems...

Kat: Assuming you mean Cordelia, I can tell we're going to get along just fine when I come visiting. And talk of anything. Babble, rant. I'm here, Sorin. Just talk. List one thing that bothers you, no matter how small it is. The rest will come. It's like picking apart a tangle in thread.

Sorin: ...Don't say her name... please... The last thing I want to think about is home. Yet when I'm around everyone, I can't help but think about the Shepherds... When I see you and Dusk together I... it's pathetic... Letting things like this distract me from the task at hand... So yes, I may demoralize these thoughts by listening to the past Sorin's stories... partly why I want to fight Arvis. I think I'm ready for it because my use of Abysm as safer channel for my light and dark magic is going well as long as I have a tome for either...

Kat: …I think I should, because you should remember you home. But Sorin… *tugs him into a hug* Sorin, seriously, you're torn from your home and thrown into a war you really didn't need to be a part of. You may have chosen to do so, but it shouldn't have even been a choice in the first place. Have you cried at ALL? Ranted about just how unfair it is? Don't say that either won't help. You'd be very surprised just how much you can release through tears and talking. So… go ahead. Rant, cry, yell. Do whatever. It's okay, Sorin. I won't tell anyone or anything. But a leader can't just keep things bottled up. If you do, then you'll snap and we all really will fall apart.

Sorin: B-but I can't *Tears begin to stream* I... I just...

Kat: Hush, little brother. Just sit here and cry. There is not anything so important that you can't cry, just for a little bit. A leader doesn't try to stand alone, and a little brother should always listen to the big sister. *tightens her hug* It's okay. Everyone breaks down and cries. It's just a part of being human, Sorin. It's okay.

Sorin: *Cries and eventually falls asleep in her arms*

Kat: *smiles softly* Silly, this is why you don't bottle things up. Talk to us. We're here for you. *begins humming a lullaby under her breath* Just sleep and rest. Everything will be okay.

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Loved it^^

[spoiler=Ace/Alicia: Bathtime is naptime?]

Alicia: “Ace, can you come in here please?”

Ace: “Why?”

Alicia: “Poly fell asleep in baths.”

Ace: “You’re kidding, right?”

Alicia: “No. It’s true.”

Ace: “Geez. Lemme guess, you want me to help carry him off to bed, right?”

Alicia: “Please Ace?”

Ace: “Alright, I’ll grab a towel while you bandage up that shredded leg of his. You did remember to keep it away from the water, right?”

Alicia: “Of course, I ensured not a drop of water touched it.” *Is bandaging up the wound*

Ace: “Let’s see, a towel, a towel….ah, here’s one.”

Alicia: “There, all bandaged up now. That should hold until Yuffie heals it.”

Ace: “Here Sis, you wrap him up…I’ll…lift him out the water…(Fate seems to like embarrassing me today) ”

Alicia: “There, you don’t have to avert your eyes anymore, Ace.”

Ace: “Phew, thanks Sis.”

Alicia: “Shall we carry Poly off to bed?”

Ace: “I can be talked into that. Sooooo, how did Poly fall asleep in the baths?”

Alicia: “I think I went overboard with how I used the sponges. It did go from a sponge bath to close to a bathtime massage. *giggles*”

Ace: “Ahahahaha! You relaxed him so much he dozed off.”

Alicia: “Well, at least he’s clean now. Yuffie should be pleased. I should wash Poly’s clothes though…”

Ace: “It’s late, save it for tomorrow morning. Just get some rest, okay Sis?”

Alicia: “Thanks, Ace. Goodnight.”

Ace: “Goodnight, Alicia.”

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[spoiler=Woman - Klotho] She still wonders who that woman who saved her was.

​She was… gorgeous. Just remembering took her breath away. What she felt seeing her… was rather like what she felt seeing Phoibus that first time. Except there was one crucial difference.


Her chest throbbed, her breath hitched. She felt like she was going to burst into tears. No, worse, she felt like she was going to DIE. Die for this unknown woman who she had no clue about. Die instead of… something. Something she couldn't remember.

​Someone… anyone...

​Could they tell her who that woman was?

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Point of note: When I say "GS Number" it means Generic Soldier who I can't be assed to give names to.


[spoiler=Flashback part 4: The Cedric Edition]

GS1: Sir, i-is that what I think it is?

GS2: It looks like Sir Cedric's horse, with a bunch of bodies...

GS3: Oh god, it can't be.....

GS1: H-he has a letter on him, should we read it?

GS2: G-get it over with.

Hey guys,

I wish I could have been here to give you the news, but alas. We were ambushed on our way there. The enemy was far to powerful for all of us, even for me. I managed to escape with all the bodies... but I have little time left. Just enough to write this letter. Imperion has the bodies with him, give them a proper burial. Let him go after this, he deserves better. I'm fine dying out here, trust me. Give my dying regards to the captain.


GS1: W-well, we best get started.

GS2: Put them a bit off from the camp....

GS3: Y-yes, for when the captain gets back...

GS1: Okay then....

*meanwhile far away from the camp*

Cedric: Good to see ya Imperion. The bodies got there safely I trust. Soon he'll go down, then it'll be complete. One whole year of dealing with a captain with far less skill than yours truly... sucks... And everyone loves him, and when I try to bring people down to earth, I'm the bad guy. But whatever. With all them dead, he'll be joining them soon. Anyway, I should probably make myself scarce from this damned place. Mayhaps to another continent... To the harbor it is... Come Imperion, we shall soon get all the credit we deserve..

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[spoiler=Ocean - Phoibus and Klotho] *appears on the ship* "Well, what do you know? They ARE moving. Will wonders never cease. I'll have to make sure Aimee's ready."

"Who's Aimee?"

​"…How is it that I'M the assassin, and you're the one that sneaks up on me?"

"I don't know. But still, who's Aimee?"

"No one you know."


"I… have no reason to tell you?"

"You have no reason NOT to tell me."

​"…That is one of the most childish arguments ever."

"Children know how to argue effectively, without all the bullshit."

​"…Did you curse when we last met?"

"I've been hearing Meanie curse a lot. I've gotten used to it."

"Meanie? That's your insult?"

"No, he is a meanie. It's a statement of fact."

"Oh, I see."

"So, who's Aimee?"

"Oh, Doma, damn it, I thought you were distracted."

"I am. But I'm focusing on that. You… look really handsome in the moonlight here." *flushing* "For the record."

​"Well, thank you." *sighs and leans against the side of the boat* "She's an employer of mine."

"How many do you have?" *stepping next to him* "Also, I still have your coat."

"Keep it. As you can see, I've already replaced it." *thinking* "Technically speaking I have… four now? Michel, Maylis, Aimee, and my constant one."

"Who's your 'constant one'?"

"He who shall remain nameless because he can be a cranky bastard if he's woken up."

​"…I think you're just trying to be enigmatic to make me curious."

"Well, is it working?"

​"…A little."

"Well, that's a good thing." *more quietly* "What the hell am I saying?"

"Something wrong?"

*very quickly* "No, nothing."

*narrows eyes suspiciously*

​"…Okay, something is, but it's not your fault."

"If you say so." *smiles at him* "Well, why are you here?"

"Just checking in, mainly."


"The Dreamers are essential for the plan, so…" *pauses* "Oh, for crying out loud, that's HOW many times I've slipped already? You're too relaxing to be around."

*flushing again* "So, you're using us?"

"Everyone is using everyone."

"That's a lame reply."

"Considering that I apparently can't command my tongue well around you, I'm impressed it even made sense."

"You commanded your tongue okay that one ti…" *flushing bright red* "Um… er…"

"…" *leans in close to her* ​"…I could… show you again, if you'd like…"

​"…I'd like that."

*Pulls her in for a fierce kiss as the boat slowly makes its way towards Valm*

​*pulls back for breath* "Phoi…"

*kisses her again, even fiercer* "Let's… keep quiet, for a bit…"


*Pulls back sharply as he hears someone* "…"

​"…You can't be found here, right?"

"No. A few of your Dreamers want me dead or worse."


​"…Sometimes my job requires unsavory duties. When the survivors show up, I just sit and take it. They'll eventually learn how worthless vengeance is, but until then, I'll gladly be the punching bag. Except I'm still recovering from the last incident."

​"…Okay. I'll cover you."

​"You don't have to…"

"I WANT to."

​"…Why… couldn't we have met earlier…?"


"Nothing." *kisses her forehead* "Good night. Pleasant dreams." *warps away*

"You too…"

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[spoiler=Breezy and Dusk: Past, Present, and Future.]

Breezy: You've been quiet lately, almost as much as me...

This poses a problem don't you say?

Dusk: *turns around and sees Breezy* That was almost poetic, Breezy... How is that a problem, exactly?

Breezy: Figured you would be happier that we're heading home...

Guess not then.

Dusk: Oh, I'm excited as I'll ever be. It's been too long since I last set foot in Valm. I can hardly contain myself

Breezy: Somehow I doubt that...

Did something happen over the 6 months aside from Kat getting bedridden?

Dusk: Uh... I proposed to her

Breezy: So aren't you happy about that..?

Certainly seems like something to be happy about..

Dusk: Breezy, I'm one of the happiest people alive right now... *shrugs* Guess I don't express it that well though

Breezy: At any rate, you're better at it than me...
At least at this point in time....

Dusk: So... You struggle expressing yourself?

Breezy: No not that, just that I see no reason to be happy at this point in time...
Dusk: ... He still lives...
Breezy: Not for long though...
After that, what the hell am I gonna do?
Dusk: Well, you're part of the Dreamers, aren't you? Fight to see the Dreamer's dream a reality
Breezy: Well yeah I'm staying 'til the end of this damn war.
But after that....
Dusk: Help restore Valm, maybe?
Breezy: No point...
I left the army from my rank as captain...
People wouldn't bother with me, they take the army pretty damn serious there, not gonna bother and get called out at every corner...
Dusk: Excuse me? You fought the Valm AND the fate of the entire world, cliché as that sounds. People can't ignore that... Okay, maybe restoring Valm isn't your thing, but perhaps fight in memory of Rose? She wouldn't want to see you sulking everyday.
Breezy: ......

She.... There lies the big problem Dusk....
Do I want to live alone here for as long as I can, or go out fighting to be with her?
I really don't know....

Dusk: I was in a similar situation once before. I was robbed of my only friends and soon a woman who I suddenly developed feelings for... I was selfish though, and wanted to die a hero's death. I wanted to be with them, glittering up in the sky as a star... Now, I'm living a great life, current situation aside... Nobody here wants you to die, though

Breezy: No offense to anyone here of course, but what they think will never affect what I think...

So, I'm forever stuck quite literally between life and death, at least for now...

Dusk: ... Do what you think must be done, Breezy... But please, if our opinion's mean nothing to you, least remember Zephyr's

Breezy: Yeah yeah....

Really hope the old camp got burned down or something... Would make this a lot easier to forget once he's dead...

Dusk: Can you forget about him so easily though? He's the one who you hate most

Breezy: I'll find a way....

.... stars are out again...

Dusk: *looks up* It would seem so *sees a green star in the night sky* Hey there...

Breezy: There's a blue one....

Surrounded by others.... Nice to see you too.....

Dusk: I'll... Leave you two alone then. Bye *leaves*

Breezy: Well, see you around then....

Good..... *a single tear rolls down his face*
He'll be dead soon Rose, trust me..

Edited by Brokuni
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[spoiler=Holy Weapons, Ambushes, Light/Travant Conversation]


"Hello Travant."

"....What is it Light? I'm thinking how much money I'll get from this."

"Here to tell you the Dreamers have set sail. You and your morphs should head out now."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Holding the almighty Gungnir. Yes yes.."

"Of course. It's in my veins. Not some fake cheap rip off. This is the TRUE Gungnir."

"I didn't come to gripe. Gungnir, Valflame, Mystletainn, even some other holy weapons of old. Truly amazing. Now if you excuse me....I have clients to attend to. Good bye."*Warps*

"Damn him. I don't need him. With the Gungnir, I am almighty. Hehehe. This will be easy. They don't know I'm coming.."

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[spoiler=The Steps Stop, Because The Path They Walk No Longer Feels... Right.]

And it doesn't.

Nothing feels... right anymore. LIVING... doesn't feel right anymore.

Even while she's up here, with the wind in her face - flying, a moment in which most people feel ALIVE, she just feels... nothing.

Her bonds don't feel so fake anymore, but she doesn't feel like she deserves them.

She just feels like... a vessel again, for someone else's control. Does she speak for herself anymore? Are the words she says... even hers?

She remembers she said not let anything control her... fate, or destiny, or anything like that, but while she's seizing her supposed "control", fate shoved her down the path it wanted her to anyway. Did she ever break out of its grip or was it just toying with her, the entire time, deluding her into this sense of comfort and warmth and familiarity so it could have her, willingly.

She wants to cry but she can't anymore. She wants to... to escape but she can't anymore.

All those times she thought about her brother's suicide, all the hatred and the confusion she felt for it, and suddenly she GETS it.

It's the only way... out. The only way her fate won't take her steps FOR her.

She can't even choose her own paths in life, it seems, and if she can't, what's the point in walking?

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[spoiler=Flashback Part 5 Part 1: The Traveler]

*A few weeks after the previous flashback*

Breezy: I'm back guys. Sorry to leave you all here, just needed a little break.

GS1: Captain! Welcome back!

Breezy: Did they go off on another mission so soon? Trying to impress the captain for when he got back I suppose?

GS1: Er... about that captain.... T-they all...

Breezy: Wait.... Why is Zephyr still here? Rose would take him if they were on a mission....

GS1: Y-yes.... W-while you were gone, t-they were ambushed.... A-and....

Breezy: No....... They.......

GS1: I-I'm sorry captain....

Breezy: It's not your fault, you had no idea...... Now... I need to do something.. *enters his tent*

Swords, Bows, Arrows, food, water.... Now to get Zeph....

GS1: C-captain, what are you doing...?

Breezy: Good luck sir, and don't call me captain anymore..

GS1: B-but sir....

Breezy: No, goodbye... *rides away*

GS1: C-captain.....

*A few miles away from camp*

Breezy: Is this where they were buried... Even Cedric died, damn. Those guys have their work cut out for them... A-and here's the one for Rose... I-I'm sorry I wasn't here for you Rose. I wasn't thinking.... I promise we'll be together again soon.... J-just why did it have to happen so soon..? Damn it all.... *starts crying* O-one year is all we had, but it felt like forever... S-she was always h-here for me and what do I do? I-I leave her to die.... S-s-she deserved so much better than this.... N-no stop crying dude.... I-I need to get away from here... Perhaps to another continent..... We have a harbor close by.... Get away from all this bad shit... Hopefully I can come back someday....

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[spoiler=FE8 Retelling: Chapter 8 at Grado Castle]

Sorin: Shadow... Is it true? My brother and father...

Shadow: Are both dead? Yes.

Sorin: ...And was it you who killed them...?

Shadow: Yes. Is that a problem?

Sorin: Tch.... Yes it is a problem. Why would my brother be killed?! He was literally incapable of doing anything detrimental to Grado... And you had the nerve to murder the sick child?!

Shadow: Your father was killed due to Lyon telling me to. Your brother died due to my ultimate goal...Getting rid of your family.

Sorin: Getting rid of my family? *Grips Abysm's hilt* ... Does that mean the illness that killed my mother was... What do you have against my family?!

Shadow: Me? That answer has been lost to time. But we can say that our blood is exactly the same. Almost the same. I'm immortal. Bound to live forever. Now I will end your blood line, as others have failed to do so..*pulls out Twilight*

Sorin: (As much as I want to kill him, the odds are against me. I can tell by looking at him and that tome. He won't go down easy. Grado Castle is now an enemy castle. I need to get out of here now.) *Unsheaths* If you don't even remember why, then you are just a murderer. You killed two people I cared about and one I couldn't care less about. Sorry, I'm not joining them until Grado is back to normal.

Shadow: I've killed your ancestors before. I can do it again. Now I've made sure anyone who sees this will do nothing at all. The Demon King is back in The Crown Princes body. But you won't be here to see the day..*launches Twilight*

Sorin: *Manages to weaken Twilight but still blows him back* Grr..*Looks around* (Doors aren't going to work. He planned this... That's it! The window. *Looks up to see the window* It's pretty high up there... But it's better than just surviving on my Resistance to Magic.) *Run towards the wall and starts running up it.*

Shadow: Twilight can hit you wherever.*launches Twilight again* When I don't use a sword I use this specific tome. Works wonders when I kill people I don't like.

Sorin: It's a good thing the feeling is mutual. *Dodges but uses the recoil to lift himself to the edge of the window. Pulls himself up, clothes still smoking.* One more thing. I can't vouch for the rest of my ancestry, but you can't kill me. Sayonara. *Jumps out and lands in a haystack*

Shadow: Damn... Hmph. I'll best tell his majesty.. The Shadow Stone lets nobody escape..

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[spoiler=Nothing is Right]Everything has gone all wrong. EVERYTHING HAS GONE ALL HORRIBLY WRONG! First, he crashes into Cassandra, landing right in her chest, Klotho strips him while she is shirtless, Phoibus shows up shirtless, Cassandra loses her top, he is naked, and to top it all off, the other three girls saw him naked. What does this world want from him?! Does it want him to suffer?! Everything is wrong. Why can nothing go right for him?! He just wanted to talk to Cassandra nd apologize, and now he's shown her his naked body! And Kat and Silvia, oh dear god. Even Alison saw him!
"...I just want to curl up and die..." He says as he continues to cry in his bed.

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[spoiler=Shirts - Phoibus and Klotho] "Ugh, this is awkward as hell."

*too busy studying his torso to really answer; flushing red*

"I just showed up to make sure Agrona was doing okay. And then I come upon that. Well, just freaking great."

*still staring*

"Did NOT need to see that kid naked. And the girl's pretty, but still, not what I wanted to see."

*still staring*

"And YOU'RE just casually giving him a bath, like it's nothing."

*still staring*

"Probably preparing for a threesome or something. I don't know."

*Still staring*

"Argh, this is just pissing me off and I don't even know why!"

*still staring*

"Are you actually going to say something?!"

"You are REALLY well built."

​"I… huh?" *startled* "Thank you. You look rather ravishing yourself."

​"Uh… if you… s-say so…" *flushing* "Um… I'm… going to go to my room now. But…"

​"Ah… yeah, sure. Oh, you needed something?"

"Why are you shirtless?"

"Because I panicked when I realized a storm happened and didn't bother finding one."

"Oh, okay." *pauses* "Bye!" *runs off*

"Right. Bye." *staring after her* "…No woman should look THAT GOOD with her top off. What is WRONG with me?"

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