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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Anna Aimee and Dusk]

Dusk: *currently knitting a woolly jumper for the baby*

Aimee: Hello~ anyone in - Oh, hi Dusk! You knit? That is so... cute! And... tiny. And uh... tiny. ... That is really tiny. Like, I could maybe put my hand in here?

Dusk: *looks up and smiles* Oh hey, Aimee! And yeah, I guess you could... *thinks* ... Want to see if it does actually fit?

Aimee: Ooh. Sure! But, um... how am I going to try this on? Unless it magically expands... it's still SO tiny. It reminds me how cute tiny things are!

Dusk: I meant your hand, silly!

Aimee: OH! Oh by the Goddess... YEAH, I'm silly. Okay. [/holds her hand out]

Dusk: Right then... *covers her hand with the jumper* Ah... A big roomy around the edges, but apart from that, it looks alright~... I might have made it bit too small though.

Aimee: Well, what's supposed to go in it? I mean, that can only fit a TINY person.

Dusk: *glances at her* My baby child. Once it's born, anyway.

Aimee: ... Well, that IS a tiny person~! I... y-yeah... [/sighs, rubbing the back of her head] I - I should've known that one...

Dusk: Oh, it's quite alright. *smiles* Besides, you only just got here, so it's not like you could've known.

Aimee: Y-Yeah... y-yeah, I guess so... Thought of a name yet? O...Or is that a personal question?

Dusk: She's suggested Tabitha for a girl and... *hesitates and looks past her shoulder* ... Daniel for a boy... *looks back to her* ... I haven't thought of any names yet though.

Aimee: Huh? B-But you... um. Do you not... well... LIKE the name Daniel? 'Cause you KINDA hesitated there and when you KINDA hesitate I just... um. W-Well, it was just an observation, don't mind silly me~.

Dusk: *sighs and makes a fist* ... One of the members here is called Daniel... I pretty much loathe him.

Aimee: Daniel? ... Dan? Oh-oh-oh, I know him! I... Oh. ... W-Well. Maybe we sat down, and though of some names that were better, we'd have them!

Dusk: Ha, we could... Sure, why not? I mean, how many Annas are there? Surely one of them has a name I quite like... Even if I am looking for a male name.

Aimee: [/grabs a sheet of parchment and a pen] Okay! Um. Well. Well, there's Michel - of course, and Maylis, and Serena, and Bernadette, and Oriana, and Loire, and Vivienne, and Charlotte, and Clothilde, and Solange, and Rosaline, and Theresa, and Margeaux, and Jeanette, and Ciel, and Marceline, and Anais, and Marie... [/stares down at the sheet before looking up] Um. ... That's like... half. Do you want all of them?

Dusk: Hmm... Charlotte is quite a beautiful name. I was hoping for male names though, but that's not going to happen. Umm... *thinks* I really have no idea.

Aimee: The only thing I can think of is Jacob... but that's because that was the name of Bernadette's true love! She called him Jake for short... they were so cute together...

Dusk: Jacob? That sounds like a dangerous name to use, but the award could be... *shakes head and tries to change the subject* Sorry, Aimee, but I just can't seem to think as of late...

Aimee: Ah! No I mean, you've got plenty of time right? Plus, this is kind of your baby's name. You want to make sure it's special and it fits the person you're giving it to. Make sure it's not, y'know, just a name, but really THEIRS.

Dusk: Yeah, I get what you mean *sighs* It's just hard coming up with a name, y'know... I REALLY want it do be special, but... *sniffs*

Aimee: W-Wait... you... O-OH! [/kneels down in front of him and holds his face in her hands] N-No! Don't... p-please don't cry...!

Dusk: *looks up* I just... want it the name to be special, y'know... Also, your hands are really warm.

Aimee: Of course you do! It's your baby, you want the best name you can possibly give and that's A-Okay with... huh? They are? I - oh, okay. Thank you.

Dusk: *closes hia eyes* Yeah, they are... It's actually quite nice an'... Zzzzz...

Aimee: Oh! He... he fell asleep... with me holding his face... Oh, goddesses above, I think I'm a little stuck like this unless he wakes up...! Should I... or not. I don't wanna wake him, he looks so peaceful...

Dusk: *slips out of her grasp and manages to nuzzle into her shoulder* Mmm... So soft...

Aimee: [/lets out a little squeak as he falls onto her shoulder] S-Soft...? O-Oh my... goddess, if anyone sees us like this...! [/awkwardly reaches up and pats the top of his head]

Dusk: Mmm... Kat... *continues to nuzzle*

Aimee: ... Kat? W-Well, that's his wife, I mean... 'course he'd find her soft and warm and inviting... ... But this is me... not.. Kat, and I'm not soft I'm a... squishy wizard. Oh gee, I AM soft...

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[spoiler=Smile - Silvia and Klotho]Silvia: [/slumps against the wall and sighs] What am I even doing...?

Klotho: *about to head out for her patrol, but notices Silvia. Though she doesn't remember her name, she DOES remember Silvia and, thus, sets her bow down to go over to the Dark Flier and… grabs her face to stretch it into a smile*

Silvia: Uh... K-Klotho? W-What... are you doing... to my face?

Klotho: *still stretching her face into a smile* Eh, it'll do.

Silvia: S-Seriously, what are you doing. [/sighs] You're just a... ball of random, you know that?

Klotho: I'm making you smile, obviously. I can't imagine anything looking okay if you just sit here moping and not smiling. You have a REALLY pretty smile. I remember that, at least. But you look like you haven't smiled in AGES. Isn't it tiring to not smile? To just sit and nope because… well, I'm assuming you messed up, because I also remember you're REALLY bad at accepting mistakes too. Still, I can't imagine you getting anything done with all the frowns and sighs. So, I think you should smile, laugh, and enjoy life! Someone once told me that life's all about making mistakes. You made one, got called out, maybe got a few scars from it, but isn't it just tempering you into a better person? I think so, at least. Just sitting and stagnating because of a mistake… isn't that wasting everything you've ever done? And you don't like waste, do you? ANYWAY, I'm making you smile because it's been too long and I love you and your smile and I think that the best medicine for you at the moment is a bunch of smiling and laughing and living to say 'screw you' to the people who said you'd fail and 'fuck you' to anyone who thinks you'll just lie down and give up. Your smile is amazing, and so are you!

Silvia: ... ... I'm actually quite fond of Waste. B-But jokes aside... [/sigh] I... I tend to do that apparently... I just... Silver told me I always preferred books to people, so when I'm upset I don't talk to anyone. I just... read. And I've apparently been reading the ONE thing I shouldn't. I just... need to remember how to be social I guess. And... I - I guess I need to... to smile...

Klotho: *stretches her face again* Like this! …Well, but prettier. You look funny, by the way. It's silly. You're silly!

Silvia: ... I think you're just shoving all your extra silly onto me. Seriously, since when are you this hyper? Did someone spike your water or something?

Klotho: Wouldn't it be obvious if there was a spike in my water? *confused* Silly H… I called you something with an 'H', right? I'm sorry. I forgot names for some reason, so I'm having to relearn them. Anyway, you're silly. Can you make me a promise?

Silvia: ... [/smiles faintly] You called me Harem, Klotho. You called me Harem. And um, a promise? Like what exactly?

Klotho: Harem! *giggles* I want you to PROMISE me that you'll smile. That you'll smile and look around at your successes. Like that really cool fire spear trick that I still want to learn. Okay? Promise me that you'll smile and laugh and live?

Silvia: ... That old magic trick? I can show you that with your arrows, it's simple. But... let me think here. Phoibus kind of insured I'm going to live, I'm not ticklish but I like stupid jokes so I'll laugh... and... yeah. I think... maybe... I can smile.

Klotho: Pinky promise? *holds out her hand and smiles sweetly at her*

Silvia: Oh no... not the pinky promise... Damn! I can never resist these. [/locks pinkies with Klotho] Fine, fine. I solemnly swear on my son's existence.

Klotho: Yay! *laughs and hugs her* Oh, right, I was supposed to patrol. I'll see you later, Harem! *races off*

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[spoiler=Marth & Sorin - Lifetime]It was just another evening, the Sun was slowly sheathing itself into the horizon as the orange glowing sky was know in contrast with the evening sky. There I was, out at the harbor, just taking in the sights. Although, this same setting of the sun was similar to how it was on the day that I had proposed to Caeda. A day that I'll never forget, but thats a story for another time

Sorin: "Marth... I hate to interrupt you when you have such a peaceful look, but may I ask a favor? It will benefit the both of us."

Marth:"Hm? Oh, Sure thing Sorin. What is it?"

Sorin: "I... well... yeah. I wanted to talk to you since I technically haven't in a couple years. Is this alright?" *pulling Abysm in its Storm form off of my back.*

Marth: "Talked? In a couple years? Sorin, what do you mean?"

Sorin: "...I haven't told you of my bloodline have you? ...I think he'd... I'd... Sorin would explain it better." *Stabs Storm into the ground* "If you would take hold of the blade and relax. Somebody who time forgot about wishes to see you again..."

Marth: "Someone.. who time... for..got? You can't be talking about....." *Grabs hold of Storm*

*Storm gave off a fragile silver light before taking the minds of Marth and Sorin to Altean Sorin's domain. He was in the center of the space and seemed to be thinking to himself.*

Sorin: "Marth... My bloodline has existed since the 12 Crusader's battle in the Jugdrali tales. It is the only one that can properly harness Abysm's power. I'm the reincarnation of the one with the strongest will of this bloodline, The original Sorin. The Sorin that served on your Royal Guard was no different. We each have our own memories and experiences however. Our spirit is then trapped in Abysm upon death to aid the next Sorin. The original's son is also here due to inheriting Abysm and also having a strong will. I'm trying to find a way to free them but in the meantime... I believe there is somebody who wishes to speak with you. I'll be waiting if you need me..." *sits down and turns his back, not needing to hear their conversation.*

A.Sorin: "They're here... Thank you Sorin. You are true family as well as an amazing friend.”

Marth: "A special bloodline spread throughout the ages? Trapped within the sword? Peculiar indeed."*Takes notice of Altean Sorin* "S-Sorin?! B-But how?! Where did you go?!"

A. Sorin: "My liege... So it's really you..." *walks over* "So I guess... how have you been?"

Marth: "Sorin...It's been over two millennia. So much of the world has changed since the last you were at my side. They revere to me as legend. And yet.... just as you wished, none of history even knows of your existence”

A. Sorin: "Good. I didn't wish to have the praise. Keeping you safe was my duty and I made sure I did it to the best of my ability. I've seen the changes while in this... prison. I suppose it is also my duty to guide the future generations. You seem different from when we last met... Stronger in a way. I trust my descendant hasn't given you too hard a time?"

Marth: “I am what I am today, only because of your pillar of support, and to this day can't thank you enough for it. But now, I've been reanimated to do the same as a son of the Divine Dragon. I had wondered how I would pull through without my other half, but this descendant of yours is... well, he's definitely got the makings. But just isnt quite there yet. Heh, I'm surprised its only now that I noticed the resemblance”

A. Sorin: "Reincarnation? I see. On the matter of life... Milady Caeda and the young master didn't take your death very well. Milady would seclude herself in your room and the only thing you would hear was faint whimpers of sadness. The young master... All the life left his eyes. He wouldn't speak and would barely eat... I failed in that moment.I tried to take their minds off of it... I worked tirelessly for it. Catria told me to do otherwise and watch my own health but I... Eventually I fell ill also and....left them. Catria and Cisyli... Did I make mistake? Do you think Catria knew how much she meant to me? Does Cisyli hate me for leaving? My lord... Do you believe I was too devoted?"

Marth: "....I had a strong feeling that I would leave such a toll on them. As if.... the War of Heroes wasn't enough pain for her to hold in... And then my.... my son...... Getting back to you. How you chose to live your life was not for me to choose. Though i do question why you are so loyal to me, I'm sure that you and your family supported your devotion every step of the way. So do not doubt yourself. Though, what I don't understand is why you have not returned like I have? Even with Naga's blessings, I am still but a man."

A. Sorin: "... Thank you my lord but... And in a sense, I have returned." *points to Sorin* "A piece of me is inside him. Surely you see it. As to specifically why I am here... We don't know. Purigon says it just happened. Maybe this is a fate worse than death... You are the only one I have seen since I came here. Supposedly Cisyli is supposed to be here but for some reason, Purigon can't say for sure where. My friends and allies.... I'm sure they understood, but... Catria... Forgive me my lord. Even if you say she understood... I just... She was my moon. Shining ever so delicately... I hurt her heart once more when I promised she wouldn't go through another heart break. I lived true to the point but now I can't apologize for my shortcomings. The guilt I feel is driving me to madness..."

Marth: "...Sorin, I understand how you feel. I - I really do. Like she is your moon, Caeda is my sun, whose warm rays of radiant light shower me and shine through any dark abyss. And yet, the expectations of the world weigh heavily upon me and separate us which brings her suffering. Each task going for days. Then days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months to a year sometimes longer and more heart breaking than the last. Until... that fateful day..... my death isolated us from each other forever. Not a day goes by..." *Pulls out an amulet picture of the two of them and their son* "Where that fact doesn't fail to cripple me..."

"Whenever I needed anything, whether on the battlefield, or just closure, you were there. You were my other half, my brother, my..... Shadow. If you are forever bound by the blade and therefore encased here, I will stop at nothing to find a solution for you. Then again, there is the new you; the leader of the Azure Dreamers, who as you say, holds a part of you within him. If there is truly no way for us to meet again, then I can at lease be content with whatever piece of you is left. No amount of time, or circumstance will be able to sever the bond that we share, because, like i had said just now, and as you said all those years ago, you are my shadow and therefore will always stand by me." *Lifts his hand for a handshake*

A. Sorin: *looks down at his hand before taking it firmly* "I... Thank you. I can say Sorin is trying to free not just me, but all the others here. If it comes down to it, I making sure the other ones are freed before I am." *brings Marth in for a bro hug* "You said I was always there for you, but in reality... It was the other way around. I'll see to it that one day... Everyone is reunited under better circumstances. Count on that." *steps back* "I think I have taken enough of your time. You still have battles to fight my liege. Depend on the new generation just as you depended on me and everything will turn out fine."

Marth: Farewell Sorin. Even though history may have forgotten you, know that I will never will. May we meet again

Sorin:*smiles and stands up* "Ready to go?"

A. Sorin: "Hey Sorin, if I'm not here when you come see me next time, I'm looking for my daughter. Both of you take care" *turns and starts walking*

Sorin: "He shouldn't have to much trouble. The Jugdrali Sorin found his son relatively easy a few day ago. Marth?"

Marth: “Yes.... he'll be just fine. I just know it. Now, how exactly do we get out of here?”

Sorin: "Well you say, 'There is no place like home' while clicking your heels three times." *smirk*

Marth: “You're funny haha. But really.”

Sorin: *concentrates before snapping his hands along them both in reality* *pant, pant* "And we're back. Thank you for cheering him up. He hasn't smiled in awhile."

Marth: “That was..... surreal. I had no idea that he'd end up in a place such as that, but I am glad that I at least had the chance to meet a part of my old life again, brief as it may have been. Sorin.... will he ever be able to make it out?”

Sorin: I don't know... If there is a way, I'll find it. If there isn't, I'll make one. For everyone trapped here. That is my promise to them and I keep my promises. Thank you for reassuring him. He needed that.

Marth: You and him are very welcome. If possible, I'd like to aid you in finding that. But.... Right now, we have this crisis to worry about. Let's see to it that the future is saved, my good friend.

Sorin: Right.

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Klotho and Aimee's friendship]Dusk: Umm... Dear, can I ask you something? It's been on my mind for the past day or so, and it's bugging me

Kat: Go ahead?

Dusk: It's about Klotho. She seems to be getting... really close with our Anna guest...

Kat: Yes?

Dusk: Well, correct me if I'm mistaken Kat, but aren't we killing Aimee ourselves?

Kat: Yes.

Dusk: ... So we're going to let a comrade who, may I also add, isn't exactly 'right in the head' due to being an amnesiac, become "best friends" as she calls it, with a person we're eventually going to kill?

Kat: And how do you propose to stop it?

Dusk: Well, that's partly why I came to you on this matter. I was hoping you'd had similar experiences during you many lives as an assassin?

Kat: Since my job tended to be simple killing with little infiltration, all I did was master luring a target into a situation where their death was most likely, preferably by my hand. Likely, I'll do the same for Aimee, unless fate decides otherwise. That was Phoibus doesn't have to play betrayal again. He always does the job, and often has little trouble, but it'll be nice to let him have a break for once.

Dusk: Fair enough, but how are we explaining this to the others?

Kat: What's there to explain? We can't tell her 'no', without causing problems.

Dusk: I know that, but... I just don't want to see her hurt... Or hate us

Kat: *glances to the notes stuffed on the shelf next to her bed before turning to Dusk* I don't think she will hate us. But there's nothing we can do about her being hurt at this point. She's made the decision, and there is no way to change it.

Dusk: Yeah. Not unless you want to sacrifice her happiness... *sighs* I just wish there was a way, y'know?

Kat: There isn't. We can't say 'you can't make friends with her'.

Dusk: Yeah, I know. That'd be inhumane of us... *scratches back of his head* Jeez, that's going to be difficult to sort out

Kat: War is inhumane. So, sometimes, you have to rely on inhumanity to push through it.

Dusk: I'm aware of that. Jxemas himself has told me my ideology is comparable to that of Ephraim, which I'm sure you know all about

Kat: Ephraim never picked fights he couldn't win. Still, he was an over-eager fool who had to learn the hard way what true strength was.

Dusk: Well yeah, but I was referring to the fact that he liked battle, but not necessarily war. He fought to defend, not to kill or wreck havoc. He felt at home when gripping the pole on his lance... In that sense, the two of us are similar

Kat: *deadpan* Aw, but I thought you liked it when I grasped the pole of your lance.

Dusk: Uh, well... Yeah, I kinda do... And it's been so long...

Kat: I suppose it has. *smirks* Now… give me a reason to… fix that situation?

Dusk: *grins* Because you still haven't thanked me for when I gave you that sponge bath and a massage last night?

Kat: I thought that was partly in apology for the ring thing.

Dusk: Two things for the price of one? Mercenaries don't live like that, love

Kat: I cried myself sick and I'm a hormonal pregnant woman. Deal.

Dusk: And I'm... a man... *drops his eyes* C'mon Kat, you're killing me here

Kat: It's fun watching you squirm, though.

Dusk: *puts on a sarcastic tone* You make me feel SO powerless though...

Kat: Ooo, how THRILLING….

Dusk: *dashes up to her and puts his hands under her arms* Perhaps I should remind you who's in control of this part of the relationship~

Kat: Considering I'm the pregnant one? Me.

Dusk: *furrows his brow and jokingly pouts* MUST you spoil my fun?

Kat: It's called PATIENCE, Dusk. If you don't exercise it, I MIGHT just have to tie you down.

Dusk: But I am... Meh, tie me down if you must *smirks* I'm sure we can have some fun that way

Kat: Oh… well then… *smirks* Hold still, DARLING...

I genuinely wonder how every time we do a skit, most of the time, it ends with us participating in sexual activities. Am I bad person?

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[spoiler=Meeting again - Phoibus and Klotho] *running around outside to do a quick patrol, waving at people as she passes, such as Silvia flying on Aurum* "Okay, let's see…"

​"They're still in the… how do these people get anything done with their insistence of staying in one place for prolonged periods of time?"

"Who's there?" *aims an arrow, only to see who it is* "Oh."

*startled* "…Uh… hi?"

​"Hi… um… what's your name?"

​"It's… Phoibus. …You were THAT mad at me?"

​"No? I've forgotten names for some strange reason, but… I know who you are. You're the man I'm in love with. But… I know you can't be with me, because you're with Aimee, and we're friends."

​"I… you… what?"

"You're Aimee's lover, so I know you can't be with me. It's okay. I know that. Besides, it's not that I'm all that pretty, and I'm… kinda useless a lot of the time, just good for running errands or being… silly over stuff that probably doesn't matter so much. Oh, and forgetting stuff. I'm apparently REALLY good at that and-"

*leans over to kiss her*

*freezes, trying to decide what to do*

*pulls away* "…"

"Y-you shouldn't do that. You're with…"

​"What if… I told you Aimee was going to die?"

"Not happening."


"We're best friends and promised to always help each other. So, that's what I'll do. I'll protect her. Besides, who'd want to hurt her anyway?

​"Her… her sisters."

"Welp, guess I have to rip her sisters apart. I'll protect her." *flushes* "B-besides..."


​"You're… happiest with her. And if you're happy, then I'll be okay, with you loving someone that's not me." *smiles sweetly at him, still flushing* "So, that's a double-reason to keep her safe."


"Oh! I have to run errands! Sorry, I've got to run!" *races off*

​*Stares after her* "That's… the thing. I'm… not sure if I AM happiest with Aimee… when seeing you smile makes me near giddy. Not that it matters. Aimee WILL die, no matter what you do and… and both of you deserve a lot better than someone as broken as me." *leaves*

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[spoiler=Phoibus and Anna Serena - She's Weaker Than She Seems]

Phoibus: Serena, you there?

Serena: [/whirls around, her bow still at the ready to strike] Oh. It's just you. ... Should let it fly anyway. [/sighs and lowers her arm] What do you want?

Phoibus: Hello to you too! My, what lovely arms you have! You've been working out recently. Have you cut your hair? Looks marvelous.

Serena: ... You're not here to simply attempt your... talk. If you want a feeble mind, go talk to Aimee. [/sits on her stool and examines her bow] What do you want?

Phoibus: Here to inform you of the change of plans with Aimee, actually. Also, you've a chip in your bow near the bottom.

Serena: [/nods and goes to examine the chip] ... That I do. And also, what change in plans?

Phoibus: Namely… you aren't killing her yet.

Serena: [/stops her examination and glowers at him] ... Why.

Phoibus: Because Aimee has decided to lighten my load and spy on the Dreamers for Michel.

Serena: ... Interesting how the moment we decide she needs to die, she's suddenly safe again... [/throws her bow aside and snatches an arrow out of her quiver, glaring at him] Interesting indeed...

Phoibus: I merely mentioned that Michel needed some help. She took the idea and went with it. Nothing I could say would convince her otherwise.

Serena: And it's really interesting... [/brandishes the arrow at his face] that a normally stubborn girl suddenly and willingly changes her mind so easily... What are you DOING to her?

Phoibus: I've done nothing to Aimee, but try my best to help her in her endeavors. And, truth be told, you really DO need any information that you can grab. I haven't had the time to get anything with all the other jobs I've had to do, but perhaps Aimee will overhear something helpful. Speaking of helpful, how's that amulet holding up?

Serena: Not to Aimee, to Michel. How did you manage to turn a fully functioning human being into your puppet? ... [/snaps the arrow in her first] If my weakness weren't so devastating, I wouldn't use it.

Phoibus: Hmm? Oh, Michel. I simply appealed to her logic, and settled a compromise. You REALLY need the information, and Aimee is, as hard as it is to say, your best option in getting that information. As such, I asked her to try, for the sake of your mother. If Aimee cannot find anything useful, then I shall extract Aimee from the situation and had Michel do as she wills. She is no puppet of mine, I assure you. I am merely doing my best to help her reach her goal of saving her mother. Just be careful. I cannot create an amulet that covers your… OTHER weakness.

Serena: ... What other weakness?

Phoibus: You… don't know? I'm sorry. That's not my place to say. Michel has sworn me to silence, and I am her faithful servant.

Serena: Gods be damned, Phoibus... TELL. ME. NOW.

Phoibus: You would have me disobey Michel?

Serena: ... I can't be the best I can be if you're holding me back. Tell me this weakness... so I can fix it and be as close to perfect as I can.

Phoibus: And, I told YOU, Michel gave me orders to not tell anyone. I only let it slip because I thought you were already aware of it.

Serena: ... ... What else do you want... Phoibus... [/says in an empty-sounding voice]

Phoibus: Nothing. Just… take care of yourself. Your shots are already looking off. You should take a couple of days to relax. Or not, knowing you. You're like a machine. Never knowing when to stop. Anyway, any messages you need me to carry to Michel or Maylis?

Serena: [/stares him down] ... Yes. Tell Michel that allies don't need to get secrets from each other. That's how we lost Theresa. [/snatches up her bow again and notches an arrow before firing it at him, inches from his face] ... Dismissed.

Phoibus: Of course. *smiles charmingly* Until we meet again, Serena. *leaves*

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This is why someone needs to kill Phoibus. Anyway, great job.

You… do realize that Phoibus is technically on the Dreamers' side, right? And that Anna Serena's an enemy, yes?

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[spoiler=Charlotte]Yuffie carried Anna Charlotte back to the base, refusing to share his burden.

He knew Aimee would hate him for killing her, for calling them clones. But he wasn't going to bury Charlotte's body because of that. In actuality, he didn't know why.

He carried her to a cemetery, and laid her on the ground. Using a shovel, he began to dig her a grave. Again, he refused to allow anyone else to help. He killed her. He owed her a grave, at the very least.

No. He owed her a life. He had no right to take hers. That was the part of war he hated most. Taking a human life. Killing Risen, no problem. But people? That was always difficult.

Knowingly taking someone from their family was the hardest thing a person could do. And the cruellest. But he did it anyway.

He continued shovelling. The grave was halfway done.

Her words came back to mind. I killed her because she was an Anna. Because of her family. For all I know, we could have ended it peacefully. She could have taken Aimee away. Spared her of this heartbreak. But I chose to turn it to violence.

What did she mean that we would destroy all we loved by killing the Anna's? That made no sense. Would we be destroying ourselves somehow? Destroying the world? Destroying the way back home for those who are stranded here? Maybe it was just battlefield bluster?

Finally, he had dug a grave for Charlotte. He clambered out. Filthy, but he didn't care. He lowered Charlotte into her tomb, and began to cover her in soil. Eventually, the grave was filled. Having no gravestone for the deceased woman, Yuffie instead fashioned a grave marker for her with sticks and paper.

Here lies Anna Charlotte.
Slain before her time.
May her Goddess grant her an eternal rest from the turmoil of this world.

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[spoiler=Plan - Kat] Everything was falling into place.

Aimee's inclusion into the ranks had been a boon in disguise to her surprise. It made the Dreamers start THINKING. Realizing that their enemy wasn't just clones or copies, but a group of sisters trying to protect something. Anything. She's glad for that. Thinking is what's needed in the end, not blind fighting.

Phoibus was stirring things on his end. Revealing the Dreamers to still be alive, pressing the Annas against the wall… it was all falling into place. It really was. Better than either of them could've hoped. All she had to do was, somehow, help hold the Dreamers together as they began to fray at the edges.

She HAS to get them to that point. To that simple, simple point. If she gets them there, then… then the plan she and Phoibus concocted for an ending that would save EVERYTHING without the sacrifice of whole realms… it would WORK.

Then all she and Phoibus would have to do is watch humanity surpass deities.

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[spoiler=FE4 Chapter Final part one. Through our eyes.]

Arthur: Father... I'm sorry.

Sorin: For? Actually, hold that thought. Shadow, you can come out now.

Shadow: Damn. You can SENSE my presence now? Hmm. Impressive you and that army have gotten to Freege.

Ice: Father, is that man an enemy? Why are you talking to him?

Arthur: Wait... I know that face... You're...

Sorin: They say with age comes wisdom you know. That and your darkness irritates me. Arthur, where is Tinny?

Arthur: With Sety. Father, is this the man who...

Sorin: Who I failed to stop once and kill the next? Yes. The man who took your mother and sister to Freege? Yes. *To Shadow* Awww, she looks just like you and... Raqu-....How did that happen?

Shadow: That is none of your concern. We can both say we had an...affair.

Ice: I am proud of the blood that runs through me. I would serve Grannvale with my life if needed to.

Shadow: Hm. How big Arthur has grown since then. Children sure do grow up fast.

Arthur: *Tenses and unsheaths Abysm*

Sorin: Oh right. About that. I never repaid you for laying a finger on my son. *Takes out Hero Sword* Arthur, you need to clear your mind. Let your anger go. Save it for Hilda. If you go into this fight using anger, you will die. I doubt Fee would like her boyfriend dead right?

Arthur: How do you even... Nevermind.

Ice: *blocks Arthur's path* You have to fight me first. Hilda will be protected at all costs.

Shadow: *unsheathes Shadowblade* Sorin. Loptyr is going to be brought back. Why do you resist?

Arthur: Move out of the way. She is an obstacle that needs to be dealt with.

Sorin: The fact that you'd ask that means you don't know what it means to be a parent. Even if I have to die for it, my children will be able to live happily in this world. I helped bring them into it, so I will make sure they are happy. Look at your daughter though. Have you thought about what will happen to her if Loptyr does come back?

Ice: .... This is what the gods want of me. We cannot walk off of the path I've already taken.

Shadow: My parents.... I never knew them. I gave my daughter what they could not. Dying has nothing to do with this.

Arthur: You aren't understanding father's point. What do YOU want for yourself? Forget about the god's for a minute. You can stop all of this and save your father if you wanted.

Sorin: Shadow, you didn't give her a choice. Tiltyu and I were dead to our children yet they still seems happier than your daughter. Look at her Shadow. Would you really do that to your little girl?

Ice: I want.... I want.... Get out of my head.... I want to...

Shadow: What does it matter to you? I wasn't dead. She's my bloodline. You don't dictate my actions.

Arthur: You don't want to fight. I can tell. You just know that this is the only way your father will pay attention to you.

Sorin: You are a selfish imbecile of a parent you know that? Your daughter is suffering and yet the only thing on your mind is Loptyr. Everybody here right now has him in their veins but forget about him. Choose Shadow. Your daughter or hatred?

Ice: Get away from me!*Launches Twilight on Arthur* ....Just go away.... You...know nothing about me...

Shadow: ...... Sometimes it just takes one domino to make the rest fall. Destiny has a way of doing such.

Sorin: Arthur, like I taught you.

Arthur: Right. *Weakens with Abysm and dodges* I don't need to know you. Your eyes are telling a story.

Sorin: ...Hatred I suppose correct? *sigh* Raquesis, forgive me for this but...*Dashes at Shadow*

Ice: Get away from me!* keeps on throwing Twilight at Arthur* Leave me alone! I am not a book for you to read...

Shadow: Focus! *sidesteps and kicks Sorin in the back* Ice focus your magic. Instead of throwing it.*turns to Sorin* I see. You've gotten weaker.

Arthur: I know you aren't a book. *Keeps dodging because he doesn't want to fight her* But you are acting like an instrument the way your father is playing you.

Sorin: *Takes the hit and rolls using it.* Weaker? I'm just not fighting back. Although I can rectify that situation if you'd like. *Strikes Shadow's rib cage using blunt part of the sword*

Ice: *takes a step back* N-no closer! Stop it!*Launches Twilight again*

Shadow: AGH!*kicks back Sorin* You think that's enough to stop me? *critical with Shadowblade on Sorin's chest* You can't defeat me.

Arthur: F-fath-*Get hit with Twilight* Argh... Your spells don't even have any backbone in them. You don't want this. You are telling yourself that I'm stopping you

Sorin: *pant, pant* I realized something... I don't need Abysm to defeat you. I just refuse to kill a parent in front of their child. She's afraid Shadow. You are torturing her and you don't care. *Stands bleeding* And that is what is killing me about this. *Changes his grip on the Hero Sword*

Ice: Lies. I'm one of the greatest mages in Grannvale. I'm not scared of you. I don't fear anything..

Shadow: See? I'm not torturing. I don't think you CAN kill me. Now die already!*jumps at Sorin*

Arthur: *sigh* You fear being alone. You fear death. If you won't acknowledge it I can't help you!

Sorin: Yes because we have seen how far thinking gets you. You don't jump at your opponent if they are faster than you.*Slides under Shadow's jump and slices his hip*

Ice: Just....Leave me alone already....*gets down on knees* Go away...

Shadow: Ahhhhgh! That stung...but I'm....not done...

Arthur: I'm afraid I inherited my parent's stubbornness. I won't let you be lost anymore. *Sticks out his hand*

Sorin; Yes. You are. I'll ask again. Your only daughter's happiness or your selfish hatred? Pick one.

Ice: ..........

Shadow: At this point it doesn't matter. Loptyr is alive. I am not needed anymore. Kill me now of you wish. I don't care...

Sorin: ...You don't care? *Contemplating decapitating him* ... *whisper* I'm giving you a second chance. Not for you to be foolish with it, but for you to be a parent. Come after my family or friends again and I will end you. Understand? Good. *louder* ... Arthur... We're leaving. Now.

Arthur: But fathe-

Sorin: Do I need to repeat myself? *Starts walking*

Arthur: ...*To Ice* The offer still stands. Just come and find me. *Joins his father*

Ice .......

Shadow: I-I'm going to join Archbishop Manfroy.*stands up*

Ice: I'll come with you-

Shadow: No. Go to a place that's safe. I don't want to see you dead.

Ice: But you'll be-

Shadow: .....I'll be fine. The country has become a battlefield. Join the liberation army.

Ice: .....I don't want you to die....

Shadow: Did I stutter? I SAID GO!

Ice:*runs after Sorin and Arthur with tears*

Shadow: *Almost begins to cry* I'm sorry....Ice. Raquesis forgive me... I've failed you once more. Now I have to pay for my actions...*teleports away*

Right one done...Hell of a lot more to go for FE4....I hate my life...

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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[spoiler=Before Conflicts: Jxemas and Gulasca] When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end The goddess descends from the sky Wings of light and dark spread afar She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

"Loveless. Prologue."

"You knew?"

"After all these days of beating it into my head? How could I not?"

"*Unsheathes Shadowblade* Don't take me lightly Alex."

"*Takes Purgatory Corona off his back* Noted, Jxemas."*Rushes toward him*

"*Runs toward him and swings*"

"*Blocks with Purgatory Corona*"

"Hmm. You've improved.*Hits him in the chest with Shadowblade* ...But not enough."

"*Gets knocked back* Is that truly the best my brother can do? Are you going to defend Valm with that power? Xavier.*Jumps on his Wyvern*"

"Hmm. Defend Valm? I am The Mage General. I am invincible, my brother."*Gets on his horse* "Now..*Pulls out Rexcalibur* Where are you..."

*Up in the sky*"Heh.*Pulls out Tomahawk* "I'm going to show you a axe show.."*Throws Tomahawk*

"*Blocks with Shadowblade* There you are..*Launches Rexcalibur*"

"Augh! *flies down* Grounded me."

"Hmm. When you learn to focus we can fight. Maybe Walhart will make you a general."

"Maybe. I'm not a leader of sorts. You are General Jxemas."

"*Chuckles and Sheaths Shadowblade* Yeah. I'm going back to Valm Castle. Stay here with Angie."

"Leaving a 14 year old with me? Fine.."

"Good.*Rides away*"

"What a good brother."

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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[spoiler=For Every Success, There Are A Ton Of Fucking Mistakes]

She hadn't been KIDDING when she'd said her sisters sucked at love. They did, and horribly, and at this point they were all kind of cynical about love and relationships. Except for Aimee. Maylis sheltered her hard.

No point in bullshitting around with Bernadette's story, everyone knew it. Her love had gone on a buying trip, been attacked and never returned. The body was found a week later, just barely recognizable, and suddenly the girl who used to fling paint onto her canvas like a madman and laugh while she did it, painted nothing but stars and stared up at them like nothing else mattered.

And to her it kind of didn't. Jake was her soulmate, her love, 'course she'd be crushed. And fuck, she wasn't surprised when Bernadette was stated to be dead. In fact, she had actually thought she'd just up and offed herself. Couldn't take the loneliness anymore.

Ciel was too into her books for love, but Jeanette hadn't been. She'd find this really sweet guy, this GREAT guy that she talked about constantly. And then she just... stopped talking about him, flinched when someone said his name and replied to the question with a blank stare and a "I don't know what you're talking about."

She never explained it, and after a while people stopped asking.

And then, oh goddess save her, that poor fucking girl. She'd heard the rumors and the accusations from Solange, and she kind of thought the bitch was just crazy and wanted something to talk about. But towards the end, it started to fit. Make a little sense. And then once Margeaux died, it ALL made sense. She didn't snap like she'd just lost another sister, she snapped like Bernadette had. Like she'd lost the only thing that mattered.

It was simple: give a lonely, quiet girl someone who listens to her, and speaks with her and FOR her and what did anyone EXPECT to happen?

She wasn't sure if Margeaux felt the same, or even noticed, but fucking hell, did Theresa pour her damn heart into that girl.

Solange and Michel have the same problem: neither of them knew what the hell the word commitment meant. They'd run their way through a list of people and wonder why no one seemed to care for them as anything but a one-night stand. And whenever they did find someone they wanted to keep, they were just like them: reckless and uncaring and only liked to play. Solange just laughed it off on the outside and cried on the inside, and Michel got possessive and clingy, right up until she threw them away again.

Vivienne was indecisive about goddamn everything, and the only thing she wasn't was how much she loved him. But everything else, she had to second-guess, triple-guess, over and over until he couldn't handle her lack of choices anymore. He left, in the middle of the night, and Vivienne woke up to a cold bed and a letter.

The only decision Vivienne has ever made in confidence was to never love again, and hell, she stuck to it.

And Marcy... she'd lied about Marcy. Bonnibel WAS the crazy one, and it had been Marceline who had back out, terrified of the girl she once loved. But she kept going back, trying to make her sane her again, trying to make her see the world the way she used to. But Bonnibel would just mumble disjointed phrases and random words and Marceline would just hold her and TRY. She’d TRY and TRY and TRY, and Marceline would always crumble and swear she’d never go back.

… She’d do it again though. And again. And again. And again.

... Pfft, Serena. Next.

Fuck, did Maylis love anyone? She'd never seen here with an interest in anyone - either she hadn't found her true love or she wasn't even looking. Probably the latter. She devoted so much time to her siblings that nothing was left for anyone else. Unless...

... Well, it WAS possible. Maybe. After Theresa, anything was possible.

And then there was HER. The more she thought about her own lost love, the more she wanted to pull a Solange. Laugh and cry all at the same time.

Fucking Madara.

That name was a bane to her soul and yet as much as she hated it she still… she still loved it. And her.

Mada was so over-dramatic, large brown eyes always wide and sparkling with some kind of happiness or her fucking crocodile tears. Mada would always bat those eyelashes of hers and she would practically rip her heart out if she asked.

And it was all a GAME, because Mada didn’t actually give a damn about her in the end anyway.

She sounded so fucking GIDDY about it, “My lover and I are getting BACK together!” she had squealed, and she had the audacity to ask what about them and Mada had LAUGHED.

“You were an experiment.”

She’d left her heart right there with the callous bitch and to this day she still wonders if she smashed it pieces or left it there.

… Both options hurt.

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Just saying, this will show up in the actual RP, just wanna write it now.


Dear guys,

Yeah, it's me. I killed him alright. Left Zeph to bring this to you guys for a reason. I'm probably gonna end up dead out here. If I came back to try to get healed, it would be too late. So, figured I would use the rest of my strength to write this little letter to you all. Wouldn't want to cause more trouble now would I? Heh, sorry to worry people if I even did, but this was how it was meant to be from the beginning. I'm just a lonely person on the inside, with only me as a true friend with them dead. But, it's better this way. Easier to let someone go who wouldn't get close with people. Sad, but true. Though, there are some fun memories I've had here, and there were some not so fun memories, but hey, that's life. Ups and downs, and once you let those downs consume you, you can't see the ups again.

Anyway, Cedric is gone. I killed him and his body is gone. But he got his wish after all, I'm dying as I write this. Though, this really was my wish for some time. Without her, I was lost. Why I was captain I'll never actually know, but I don't need to. All that matters was that I had friends with me during that time. Then all that happened, and I came here and joined up with you guys. If my life was gonna end soon, why not try to make the future better for others is what I thought. Turns out, I lasted longer than I thought. Funny how things work out that way. We all had great times together, but all things have to end eventually. Sad, but it's how life works.

Anyway, when you guys re-write those history books for the future, put down a few good words for me. Not as they always depressed guy, or the lost in memories guy, or the guy who wrote too much on his deathbed, but the guy who put his broken life back together right at the end of it. You all have your dreams, so make them a reality. That's where the name came from after all right?

-Captain Breezy

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[spoiler=Important - Weapon (Klotho)] "Was it really necessary to kill all of them?"

"We told them there would be consequences to not paying for our services."

"Yeah, but now we're not getting anything from them, on the account of them being a little too dead to work."

"Tch, we didn't kill everyone. The children are all still alive. Well, the children that can still be useful."

"That is not my point."

There's arguing. Two of her owners are arguing. She wonders briefly about it, but then the thought slips out of her head, along with a few more shards. She loses more of those shards each second, hour, minute, day. She has no concept of time. That's fine, though. Weapons aren't supposed to REMEMBER things.

"Bah, this is ridiculous." One of her owners appears in front of her, brushing a light hand across her cheek. The touch is cold. "You did a splendid job, despite being so horribly out of practice. A shame that bitch cracked your armlet."

It's more than cracked. It's broken, really, lying in the mud with the shards glinting in the dying light. For some reason, though, the sight of it makes something in her ache. Something about it was different than the large numbers of corpses that scattered the area. Fairly peaceful corpses, they were. Most of them had died with arrows in their lungs, hearts, spines, eyes.

"Ah, no matter. I will simply replace it with a better one. Nothing is too good for the care of you, my darling weapon. Come, let us go."

"There are corpses."

"And? Let them serve as an example to the others within our little circle. I do hope they listen. It's such a waste of arrows."


"Oh, and one more thing." He reaches up and tugs something out of her hair. A ribbon. A deep blue ribbon. He tosses it on the ground. "Much better. Such a useless thing. There's no need for you to have it." She stares at the ribbon as it slowly sinks into the mud. "Now we depart."

Except she lingers, staring at the two useless, worthless things. Broken and frivolous. Yet something about them makes her… something. Something inside her is… screaming, aching, fighting. Something… worthless, trying to be heard anyway. It makes two things dance in her shard-filled head. A faint smile paired with a far-too-lovely voice. A ghost of a laugh paired with an eternal promise. They disappear with the wind, yet still they linger on and on, dancing in her head, sinking into the shards.

Mechanically, she picks up the mud-stained ribbon and broken gauntlet and hides them in her near-empty quiver. Why? Why do this? They're nothing, worthless, useless things. A weapon has no need for it. A weapon… has no need for anything.

Yet something still screamed that they were important.

"Are you all right?"

She looks up as sees it's the other one. The one who is not the owner. He watches her carefully within his hood, but she can't understand the gaze. There are questions, but one doesn't ask questions of a weapon. The weapon simple cannot understand the concept. So, she walks after her owner, as obedient as ever to the one who wields her.

Yet those worthless (important) things remained in her quiver.

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[spoiler=Chained]Just... what was he doing with his life?

Growing up, he finally found his first friends when he was a teenager... through violence

His profession, being a mercenary, meant that there was only one way to put bread on the table... through violence

The first "love" of his life was taken selflessly away from him... though violence

Is this what he wanted; to be surrounded by violence? Granted, a spectacular death always brought a cheeky, yet genuine smirk to his face. He loved it, yet deep inside... he knew that it wasn't the way forward in his life. Forming the Dreamers, he had one of two wishes; either for the Annas to be defeated, or him himself. Selfish perhaps, but what else did he know? Silvia called him distant once, which, after giving it some thought, was somewhat true. Most of the time, he'd wake up every morning, collect a piece of paper that he deemed was just, kill the person on the paper, get paid and go to sleep. That's all it was. When he wasn't doing that, he was conversing with his fake friends in local taverns, sharing stories with local mercs or just the people looking for a good time. Some of them loved him for it, but did they love him, or the legend behind the tales? To him, he was just another person trying to make a living. Is that the stuff of legends? He didn't think so... but that wasn't the problem right now, or, at least, not the major one

No, the main problem is that both of his wishes weren't coming true. The Dreamers hadn't made any real progress to beat back and vanquish the real evil hiding behind the cloaks and monsters of the recently resurrected ones. They weren't the problem. Yes, they had to be stopped, but they weren't doing anything right now. Just a minor nuisance really. Didn't satisfy him... there it was again. Satisfy. Satisfy. Was he such a monster that only ending the life of another made him even close to happy? It shouldn't, since he has a wife, who is definitely a huge factor in his life, but... just his once, he WANTED to be selfish

His second wish was never going to happen. He wouldn't allow it, since he's going to be father soon, which definitely scared him. He wasn't letting his son be raised without his biological father though, that's for damn certain. That meant that only the first wish could be granted. Become a reality... but he felt like the Dreamers just... didn't feel that same dream, not any more anyway. The world was going to be purged from this damn plague... even if it meant he was going to do it alone. It's what he wanted, but it was selfish and idiotic of him to think that way. He was bound to the Dreamers, yet he had to break out of these chains somehow... and make his wish a reality

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[spoiler=Part one of the dreaded beach skit.]

Shadow: Sorin. We need to talk.

Sorin: How important is it? I'm planning something.

Shadow: Planning..?

Sorin: Romantic interaction. We are at a beach. I figure I can get her to put her feet up and relax for once. Sure there are enemies around, but is anyone really going to follow the Tactician's orders now?

Shadow: I don't have time for such a thing. Leaving here is my main priority. I could care less if it's a beach.

Sorin: And the point of Chrom letting us come here goes right over your head. *sigh* What is it?

Shadow: What do you desire the most from life?

Sorin: ... To experience all I can while surviving and destroying my opposition for the sake of my family and friends. Why do you ask?

Shadow: What if you can't anymore? What happens then?

Sorin: If I can't then obviously I'm dead.

Shadow: And you'll have no regrets?

Sorin: Can't say until it happens.

Shadow: Hm..*Walks away*

Sorin: H-Hey wait. ...*sigh*

[spoiler=The Dreaded Beach skit. Part two.]

Sorin: Shadow.

Shadow: Yeah?

Sorin: What you asked me earlier... Why did you?

Shadow: Because. I have reasons.

Sorin: And I just asked for them.

Shadow: You and I have more in common than we both think.

Sorin: In what respect?

Shadow: Stuff. I don't have to tell you. Actually, hold my sword.*Takes out Shadowblade*

Sorin: ... *takes it* Is there something special about it?

Shadow: Is it heavy?

Sorin: *throws it into the air and catches it when it comes down* Nope.

Shadow: Heh. That tells me everything then.

Sorin: And at the same time tells me nothing.

Shadow: We are more...intertwined than you think.

Sorin: *flush* I-Idiot! Watch how you say those things. If somebody heard, they'd get the wrong idea!

Shadow: B-but Sorin...*Comes up closer and moves up his shirt* What if I want to see us this way?

Sorin: *tries to keep him back with his foot* S-Stay away!

Shadow: *Gets on his knees and grabs his waist* Please Master! I've been a bad boy. Torture me anyway you please~

Sorin: *pushes him off and attempts to run away*

Shadow: Wait Master! Please teach me something new about the sword!*Grabs his leg*

Sorin: *starts yelling at the top of his lungs*

Shadow: Shit! Master what are you doing~*Covers his mouth* I'll make sure whatever is making you scream doesn't matter. I'll make you feel better..~

Sorin: *throws him off* Go away! *takes out Abysm*

Shadow: *Starts laughing* You should've seen your face! Fucking priceless....

Sorin: ....Huh? *looks up to see most of beach including enemies and allies staring before they break into laughter* I... I.... *runs away and disappears into the foliage*

Shadow: Oh Hahahahaha! Aahahahaha....Hey Sorin? Sooooooorin? Hm. Must've ran to put clothes on. Oh well. Should've had taken a Snapshot tome with me...

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[spoiler=The Darklord: Xert. Part one]

"I hope teleporting feels right. Loose any bones or anything?"


"None. Can I drop this son of a bitch now?*Drops Sorin anyway*

"Ow... You're an ass. You're the one who decided to keep carrying me."

"Well, nothing seems to be missing. Right, where exactly are we?"

"Wellspring of Truth, Daniel. His "Majesty" should be down the hall, near the water."

"I am an ass thank you."

"*Sigh* Let's see here...where to go..where to go.."

"This place is dark."

"Your brother closed the windows."


"Something wrong Marth?"

*sigh* "Oh that reminds me. Jxemas. Where is he?"

"Down the hall brother....near the center water piece..."

*is running back over to the group, Pillow-kun in hand* "Excuse me, but... you guys may not like what I have to tell you. I know Pillow-kun didn't like what he saw."

"Don't worry. The doors are locked with Rune Magic. Nothing gets in or out without me saying so."

"What did you see?"

"Right then. I'm going to go see the idiot for a second. Be right back." *walks away*

"A lot of... inhuman looking things. Pillow-kun thought that Jxemas may know who they were if he saw them."

"Go ahead. He'll be asleep....Morphs. Xert's pack of morphs."


"Jxemas... How have you been? Idiot..."

"*Very deep sleep* ................."

"Ohhhh! Its Sorin! Sorin's here! Skippdy happy fucking joy."

"And it seems our third player of LOVELESS is here. Where's Marth?"

"Outside. Can you please wake up the one I have to call family now?"

"Fine. Shadowfrost go somewhere else."


"Alright...*Kicks Jxemas* Wake up you shit bag."*Disappears*

"...Sorin. So it seems you got my message.*Stands up*"

"That I did. So... Xert huh?"

"Yes Xert. I wouldn't have gathered people here. The ones I trust the most."


"Yes, yes...*Moves Sorin out of the way*Where are they?"

"Down the hall. I'm going to plan my strategy..."

"Good.*Walks down the hall* Sorin come with me."

"Hmm..." *follows behind*


"Hey there, Xert, you fucker. I still have to pay you back for sending me across the desert. Then there's that bit about Loptyr..."

"You recognized me for Xert? Wow Dan. That's pathetic."

Um... who are these people, Dan? I'm scar- er, I mean... Pillow-kun's scared by them."

"You all look and act the same way. It get's hard to tell the difference. Cass, these are a bunch of people whom you really don't need to care about at the moment. Just know that I have a personal score for the one with the flaming red hair. That desert walk was torturous, or at least it WOULD have been if not for Ishtar."

*Starts to laugh* "Oh that was priceless. Fucking priceless! Oh I love it. That was before Xert decided to back stab me."

"And then you were never serious about this?"

"Jump down a hole Ice. I care less about what I did. Besides, you can't touch the living dead."

"Xert... Never heard of him." *turns her head slightly* "... Neither has Pillow-kun."

"Ice, Alexander...help entertain our guests."


"I've never told you to call me that bastard. Now it looks like Loptyr is gone from your foolish heart. We had a memorial day for the dragon.*Salutes*"

"Are you really my father's evil side?"

"Go ask Leo in your spare time kid."

"Wait a minute. First off, what does Cassandra have to do with this? Second, 'most-trusted'?"

*blinks* "... Pillow-kun, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"Out of many choices we needed people we can rely on. Dan, you show power. Marth shows compassion. Shadowfrost chose Cassandra for some other reasons. Sorin is the one who were relying on to kill Xert. As well as Jxemas."

"Ice. Good to see you again."

''Loptyr may be gone, but that doesn't mean I don't have the power to kill you myself.''

"Hmmmhmmmm......Who are you again?"

"And then you remember I'm dead Daniel. Such is life."

"C-can we come in now?"

"Or rather I'll come to you."*Walks out of the shadows*

"Jxemas! You son of a bitch!*Punches him in the face*"


''...Ugh this is giving me such a headache...''

"W-wait... why exactly did I come along again? And who's Shadowfrost? Dan, what's going on?"

"And the gods picked you? Wow. I wish Loptyr still claimed you."


"...Right right. Where's Angel?"



"I deserved that..."

"*Kicks him in the face* Of course you do! Dammit you commited suicide! What else is there to say!?"


"I'll explain it later Alex."


''...I don't know why you're here, but these people...Shadowfrost is an old...ally of ours. These are...I don't even know anymore...''

"Alexander. Ice, Angel. Go away for a while."




"I'm tempted to take Pillow-kun and leave. This is... odd, even by our standards."

"Cassandra that was more of my choice to have you come. Sorry."

"Then why did you have me come?"

"I enchanted weapons that allowed you to attack Xert. Your blade Cassandra is one of them. Marth's Falchion, Dan's Ragnell, Sorin's Storm and Nirvana are all weapons I enchanted with that magic."

"I... I see... so I have no choice but to fight..." *sighs* "Oh, Dan... Pillow-kun... why did I get brought into this?"


So this is the Wellspring of Truth? There's something about this place thats.... mystical. *walks over to notice everyone and a few other faces* Oh...... Well then...

"Marth... I have not so fond memories of this place. It forces you to look into yourself. Your doubts... Your fears... This is where you face them all."

*Turns to Sorin* Is that so? So then the legends are true. Although, i've already face such things for a lifetime. I already know myself, so I don't think I should have any trouble

"I see. Must be nice..." *looks off somewhere in thought*

"For the sake of my time, we need to get to the point."

"Yes. I'm taking you all...to Valm Castle. Well except Angie and Gulasca."

*Turns over to Light* Wait, we're moving on already? Didn't we just get here? I've yet to see the reasoning behind it

"We have to. Xert has to be dealt with. I've no time for games."

"If you have no time for games then get to the point."

Xert huh? *nods* (I've heard that name once. I believe it was Raydrik who mentioned him?) Very well then. lead the way

"I'm going to send you all using my Rune Magic. Xert has 8 morphs of choice. Sorin, you might know them once you see them. But Angie and Gulasca are leaving with me back to their own realm."

"The gates are gone.. Unless were.."

"I'm not asking. I'm want you too. We got involved in a war I didn't want to be a part of. Blame Shadowfrost. So on his bargin he's sending you both back. When you get back, find relatives or family. Alright?"

"...Hmm... Angie, if all else fails, go to Ylisse and ask for my family."

"And where would I go dammit?"

"Come with me. I'll help them get used to you."


"For your sake, try not to go near Severa."

"Hmph. Those years ago I did that...I was paid to. Don't worry. I won't go near daddy's little girl."

"Anymore complaints?"

I don't think so, no.

''So...we're here to fight only Xert? Not these other ghosts? Fine then...''

Fighting Alexander would probably be bad for me and the others. Now lets go."

"Brother....Are you going to come back?"

"I don't know yet. But I know I'll be victorious. Alright?"

"You better be. Or else The Mage General will become a laughing stock."

"Heh. I look forward to seeing you both."

"Once I send you all you aren't going back. Ok? See you... and good luck. Magic Rune! Warp!" *Transports Jxemas, Sorin, Cassandra Dan and Marth from Wellspring* "You two..*Opens time portal* Are coming with me."

"I understand Archbishop."

"Mhm....Bye Brothers... be safe.."


Part one done. Cripes.

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This skit thingamajig is based from Weaver's point of view.

[spoiler=Nathaniel and Weaver- Father and Son- The Meeting]

The old man stood alone by his son's tent, waiting patiently.

It had been a long time since they had last spoken. Despite his old age, Weaver felt a surge of excitement at seeing the boy again.

It was quite late when he saw Nathaniel- about a half-hour until midnight. Nathaniel approached the tent, looking like he hadn't slept in days.

The boy had grown; but not by much. He still wore the same, tailor-made clothes; the white dress-shirt under a black vest, alongside trousers and ankle-boots of the same hue. His black hair went half-way down his neck and was kind of messy, but clean.

His dark blue eyes were tired, yet curious as to why an old man dressed in rags sat outside his tent.

"Hm...?" He yawned and looked at the old man curiously. "...Who are you?"

Weaver grinned and threw back his hood. "We've met before... Buddy."

"...Huh?" Nathaniel took a while to realize who it was because of how exhausted he was, but when he did, he smiled in the darkness. "Heh... How could I forget, father? You have a habit of stealing my mannerisms... Please accept my gratitude." Nathaniel laughed softly as he bowed in an archaic-fashion.

"I'll be hanging around your little group for a while, Natty..."

"Good. I'm sure you'll be helpful, old-timer."

"Hey!" Weaver tossed a pebble in Nathaniel's direction, which bounced off his leg.

"It's true. You're ridiculously old."

"Respect your elders!" The old man laughed.

"So..." Nathaniel trailed off. "You know the main reason I asked you to meet me, right?"

"A girl. I saw her already." Weaver smirked. "You have exquisite taste, old boy. She doesn't have a crazy brother or ex-husband hanging around, does she?"

"...No." Nathaniel gave him a slightly disgusted expression. "Have you finally lost it, old man?"

"Just making sure. My vast wisdom isn't usually used to instruct sexually-frustrated boys-"

"I'm twenty years-old, for the love of-"

The old man scratched his beard and put on a wise expression. "I'm old enough to consider anyone younger than me a child. Anyway, you wanted advice?"

Nathaniel sighed. "This was a bad idea..."

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