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I misread that as "call them all rehab-chans" as in "call it rehab-chan instead of your peepee" and as in "everyone's penis is now named rehab-chan" and I was like "that's kind of a dick thing to say about rehab"

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I misread that as "call them all rehab-chans" as in "call it rehab-chan instead of your peepee" and as in "everyone's penis is now named rehab-chan" and I was like "that's kind of a dick thing to say about rehab"

I interpreted it that way too.

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the infantilisation involved in saying any word like that is infinitely worse than the offense anyone can take from 'cock' or 'dick'

i've always preferred 'cock'

as a term, i mean

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I-I've never had a real dad. Thanks Stoly can we have hamburgers and go on bike rides and lift weights and fish and other cool stuff plz

Also I need a loan for college daddio. And can I borrow the car for tonight I promise I will return it and in the same general car-shaped shape as when I got it.

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Shit I read the "as a term" part and I was like "as opposed to what?" and then like 10 seconds later I realized you basically said "I prefer the cock~".

You could have just not said anything and I'd have never noticed the opportunity

also really you fucks quit playing out your oedipal fantasies

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