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The War For Our Future: Chat Thread

HK Motendra

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... A-Are you sure... B-Because I don't want Silvia's entire "corruption" personal-arc to overtake the main story like it did yesterday...

We let it yesterday because the main story hasn't kicked into gear yet. ^^ It was fun, too, and primarily focused on a handful of chars, the ones who were still online. If it had happened, say, in the middle of a fight that wasn't necessarily related to Silvia at all… *shrug* actually, because Silvia's written so well, it still might've gotten a pass, but you get my point, yes? What happened here was a random skirmish, Silvia deciding to try dark magic, and then things went to hell.

When did you say this?

Char development.

I think some characters are getting more "main character"-ish purely because of the activeness of something people. I mean, I'm online quite a bit everyday, and because of that, my character can be in quite a lot of scenarios. Similar things happen with other characters, so maybe that's why. If this is true, then telling people to tone it down is basically saying "You can't comment unless every user is able to RP", which is pretty unfair. People taking initiative might be playing a part of it too

This is my basic belief. But then you have the ones who don't try to steer the scenario without at least asking.

I do post a little... much, and I'm really sorry for that because I - I guess old habits die hard...

Oh! Yes! I said that would be perfect. :)

And that's because you KNOW Silvia's response. "Twenty? ... Wonder if we can't get it done in one..."

I think I'm the one who posts the most, so...


Dan, Shadow also isn't the only one who does it (hence why I made the general comment above; hell, I'm more or less certain I've done it!). If you have a problem with a specific user, PM them please.

Edited by Kat
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He has... Decided on stuff he should've consulted with the admins first, I do agree, but this thread wasn't made to take jabs at people

True, but i really just wanted to at least state it somewhere before it boils up and i just yell at shadow

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We let it yesterday because the main story hasn't kicked into gear yet. ^^ It was fun, too, and primarily focused on a handful of chars, the ones who were still online. If it had happened, say, in the middle of a fight that wasn't necessarily related to Silvia at all… *shrug* actually, because Silvia's written so well, it still might've gotten a pass, but you get my point, yes? What happened here was a random skirmish, Silvia deciding to try dark magic, and then things went to hell.

Char development.

This is my basic belief. But then you have the ones who don't try to steer the scenario without at least asking.

I think I'm the one who posts the most, so...


Dan, Shadow also isn't the only one who does it (hence why I made the general comment above; hell, I'm more or less certain I've done it!). If you have a problem with a specific user, PM them please.

Y-Yeah, but I mean, I - I don't want to start getting passes on stuff because I write okay... so, if I'm taking a bunch of attention j-just tell me...

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Y-Yeah, but I mean, I - I don't want to start getting passes on stuff because I write okay... so, if I'm taking a bunch of attention j-just tell me...

I think I'm getting hypersensitive on it, don't worry. *very dryly*

You know, this RP has turned you guys into today's top posters. With Kat being #1

Fun fact


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where do i find the top posters?

Community index. Where it shows all the online users there's a thing to the right saying "today's top posters" or something. Kat currently holds the lead, contributing 10% of the posts on SF today!

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Community index. Where it shows all the online users there's a thing to the right saying "today's top posters" or something. Kat currently holds the lead, contributing 10% of the posts on SF today!

I… have?

Oh... Okay then...

Relax. If I'm not snapping on you, you're probably in the clear. ^^;;;;

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Right, sorry...

? What are you apologizing about? I was poking fun at me being the harsh admin that doesn't let people get away with stuff more than anything.

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? What are you apologizing about? I was poking fun at me being the harsh admin that doesn't let people get away with stuff more than anything.

which is the best kind of admin in my opinion

Your #6

Nope. You lost your place to Vash

i wonder what number im at...

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