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A Link Between Worlds

Loki Laufeyson

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How far did you get so far?

What do you think of it so far?

Well...I can tell you, ive been (albeit a bit secretly) very freaking excited about this game because its an A Link To The Past sequel. Anyone who knows my connection to Zelda, knows that not only do i have all the games so far, but i am also a massive ALTTP fan. Its my favorite in the entire series. So a sequel was...


Well...so i rushed out yesterday and nabbed a copy. I am not disappointed. I played for most of yesterday and got a LOT done in the game. So i got a really good idea on whats going on here in this game. Problem is, theres still unanswered questions regarding the plot. However, i have not finished it so these questions could yet be answered.

NOTE: This is not the same Link and Zelda from ALTTP.

[spoiler=Some stuff]

It is implied that many generations (at least 8) have past since the events of ALTTP. While it is indeed the same Hyrule (almost to the letter!), the characters are not the same ones from that game. Some may have the same names but yeah. [spoiler=Spoilerception]

The Big Bad is actually someone we've seen before, however, circumstances are somewhat different. The new character, Yuga, has a lot to do with this.

The game plays really well and stuff like the Energy Meter and Merging does not feel like stupid gimmicks. They feel very natural to the game and wont hinder your progress or even annoy you. The thing that might (especially if you are prone to dying) is the item rental system. But after a while, you can buy these items (and you are going to see rupees up in your dome everywhere) so, that gets negated eventually. Whats hella cool is that you can basically do the dungeons in the game in any order you want! That shit is awesome! The dungeons themselves are a bit short and may be a bit easy compared to past games, but they are really fun regardless.

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So far, I have just got the Master Sword, and have bought the Fire Rod (and upgraded it), the Bow and the Hammer. The first two dungeons were a bit on the easy side (although I was kind of stuck on the Gale Dungeon for a bit), but I put that down to me being a veteran of the series. Also, rupees seem to be a bit more plentiful than other games.

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Rupees are everywhere mostly due to Ravio selling/renting the items. There are other uses for them too. It does get kinda silly how much the game throws rupees at you. LOL! Tower of Hera was actually really disappointing to me. Moldorm got nerfed, but im sure tons of people were happy about this! But that was the only dungeon that made me go "what? Thats it?"

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Gotta wait 'til Monday. A Link to the Past is my favorite Legend of Zelda title, and the fact that they made a sequel has made me quite happy.

Gonna get that snazzy new 3DS, too.

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I'm really enjoying the game so far, I like every dungeon I've played so far except the Tower of Hera, kind of mediocre. This game makes it so much more heartbreaking to die (see what I did there) and much more frustrating. After you enter Lorule, the challenge gets a sizabe boost, and I sometimes find myself out in the fields struggling to find somewhere safe. So far, this game has beat OoT in how much I enjoy it, but seeing how I rank OoT in the middle of all Zeldas, there's still a few it has to beat to get up there, but my opinion of it is only increasing.

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So I picked up the game yesterday.

I beat the main game earlier today.

Despite the length, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. The twists were neat; the dungeons, although short, were very intricate and used the mechanics very creatively. Now I just need to find the optional stuff, then I'll start over again.

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Just beat the game, a very cool final battle, although I feel like...

they just ripped off the Ganon fight from Link to the Past. Cool twist with Ravio and Hilda though

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Go to the swamp area then head West and you should find a Portal which allows you too get to the Desert/Misery Mire.

Yeah, i figured it out. lol! I rushed over there when i realized that dungeon had the Titan's Mitt. Har.

Oh yeah, i totally beat the game. It was awesome!

Just beat the game, a very cool final battle, although I feel like...

they just ripped off the Ganon fight from Link to the Past. Cool twist with Ravio and Hilda though

[spoiler=stuff thats spoilery]

They totally did during YuGanon's first form. Its total nostalgia moment but hes still tricky. The second part of the fight was no rip off though. That shit was cool! The Tennis Match and Light Arrows funzies!

Man, dat twist. Hilda...I think shes now my favorite Zelda character. I really loved how she was written. Its simple, but really clever on the writer's part. I wasnt expecting her to be the Chessmaster and it was GREAT!! Ravio, in hindsight, i should have seen that coming to be honest. His Bunny Suit is basically Dark World Link's bunny from ALttP. I should have seen it a mile away, but i didnt. Him wearing that and being Link's Lorule counterpart made all the sense. His personality too. Hyrule Link is heroic, brave, and selfless. Ravio is cowardly, in it for the money (initially), and a bit sly. There were so many clues dropped all over about Ravio's identity but i really didnt notice until after the fact. It was brilliant!

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One thing I noticed is that each dungeon contains something really useful for the rest of the game, like the magic boost, hylian shield, defence tunic, ore for a better Master Sword, or the Titan's Mitt. So each dungeon is benificial in it's own ways to complete first rather than later. But I will repeat, fuck the Shadow Palace.

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Does anyone know how to get to the guy stuck on Death Mountain wanting the Premium Milk? I can't find the way to get to him, and it's driving me crazy.

Merge, man, MERGE! When in doubt, Merge.

But I will repeat, fuck the Shadow Palace.

Theres a puzzle in that level that is the nastiest, dirtiest trick Nintendo has pulled so far. Dammit. I skipped the dungeon item cuz i just couldnt figure out wtf was going on in there. The level itself isnt that bad at all, but that one puzzle! Grrrr....

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The only time I ever used a guide was to figure out how to get the Master Ore in the Shadow Palace, and I thought it was actually the Big Key in that room. That is the major reason why I hate it, but many of the small things like not being able to see shit and enemies that go invisible make it just all the more worse.

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I've got the Master Sword and arrived in Lorule.

Personally, I am not that exited about it. In my opinion, the game has very little that justifies it not being a remake.

Like, they may call it Lorule but it's still the Dark World. Still the same looks, the same enemies, the same music...

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I've got the Master Sword and arrived in Lorule.

Personally, I am not that exited about it. In my opinion, the game has very little that justifies it not being a remake.

Like, they may call it Lorule but it's still the Dark World. Still the same looks, the same enemies, the same music...

Personally, I think it's the item system, merging and non-linearity that is intended to make this game stand out as it's own Zelda game. Although I may like it and think it's good enough to justify the game's existence, I guess not everyone sees it the same way.

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Well, in the case of non-linearity, it is definitely an interesting game. Those were definitely fundamental changes.

If nothing else, it convinced me that the upcoming Wii game could be quite promising.

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