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How Many People on SF Know Your Real Name?


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Pretty much the same situation as Tables. I'm actually trying to remember who I may have directly told though, and am drawing a blank.

A few know and most everyone should be able to find it out if they really wanted. I'm not really one to care much for hiding my real identity.

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Pretty sure anyone who knows how to take out the X in Nexas and then rearrrange it can figure out my real name.

It's Sean BTW, because pretty much everyone who's actually seen me in chat and whatnot knows this.

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Since I never seem to prepare a copy of my work not plastered with my real name if it was for school, I'm pretty sure anyone who goes through my art thread or even just visits my DA knows my full name. It's not a secret whatsoever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

People that were on the skype sf chat before i got kicked out for being inactive know my name. Also, a lot of the peeps that frequent Last to Post Wins know it iirc.

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Whoever has me on Skype.

Whoever had me on MSN back in the day.

Whoever has me as a 3DS friend.

Whoever saw me post about it in the past.

I don't care who knows my name, it's nothing I care to hide. I mean it's in my SF profile, for one.

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I am actually planning to tell everybody here. My horrible computer accident and life experience made me a different woman and I must express it that way.

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There is noone here with 0 people who know their name because everyone knows their own name unless they are not a person

What if you're an amnesiac and you just continue to surf SF in your free time?


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