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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Signups/OOC Thread


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Alright scorri, hope you have a good one, and thanks for the money~!

Anyway, will update my part now. Somehow, I'm not surprised that I lost to Ivan. :P:

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gosh... i wonder to myself if i should even join this roleplay with the current story its at right now... such a hard choice since i have never done a fourm roleplay before.... oh choices...

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAGALI'S LEVEL 10 BONUSES (that took a while, didn't it?)




- 10% SKILL + 10% LUCK

- 10% MAGIC + 5% DEFENSE + 5% RES (¡¡¡best stat!!!)



Extra Weapon Type (Light Magic)

Edited by Xinnidy
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[spoiler=Dreams Abridged]

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: No.

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: No.

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: No.

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: No.

Vale: Are we there ye-

Mel: FINE. We're here. Set up camp.

Vale: Yaaaaay~!


Celestia: Damnit... why is this ground so cold and hard? Whatever happened to my soft, cushiony fantasy ground?

Mel: It never existed, Celestia. Stop daydreaming.

Vale: Are we leaving ye-

Mel: NO! Stop. Please.

Vale: *whimper*

Celestia: What's that, voice in my head? BURN THINGS?! Burn firewood... aww, you're no fun...

Mel: Ehehe~ Mmm, such a hot fire~ Almost as hot as... wait, right, french. Almost le hot as le you~ *pounce*

Celestia: I need an adult, I NEED AN ADULT!

Mel: I ammmm an adult~

Celestia: Meep.


Vale: Luckily, as a gay man, I can ignore all of this female homoerotic subtext! WHOOOOOOOOO.

Mel: Vaaaaaaaale, my fire is running out, can you bring me a nice thick stiiiick~?

Celestia: Send help!

Vale: As I was saying, ignorance is bliss~

Celestia: You bastarddddddddd!


???: Knock knock~!

Mel: Ooh, who is le there?!

???: It's meeeeeee, Zombie bob!

Mel: Yaaaaay~- I mean, le kill eet!

Z. Bob: SIlly lesbian, you cannot kil-


Z. Bob: Oof... Vale... how could... I thought...?

Mel: Ooh Vale, so strong and handsome~

Vale: Still gay. I don't want any of your cooties.

Mel: Damn.

Celestia: Are we just ignoring the zombies?

Mel/Vale: Zombie... s?

Celestia: Yeah. There's like, hundreds of them.

Vale: Crap?

Mel: Crap.


Celestia: You know, we're doing pretty well for how outnumbered we are.

Mel: Don't say it you doofus!

Celestia: Oww, it bit me! IT BIT ME?!

Mel: HEY! No one eats her but me! Fuck off!

Celestia: I'd... uhh, prefer if you didn't, either... d-did you just uproot an oak tree and... throw it at him...?

Mel: That I did, oui oui~ Ah, my le balance, oh no, plot based fall! *trip*

Zombies: For Bob! And Bill! And Steve! Don't forget Ignatius! *dogpile*

Celestia: Oh no, Mel! This'll take an ultimate attack, to fix!

Vale: Uhh, Celestia? They're uhh... doing things... to her...

Celestia: Not now, Vale. I'm charging up!

Vale: How long, Celestia?!

Celestia: Uhh... three more episodes?


Celestia: Fine, fine... FINAL... FLASH!

*Untz Untz Untz Untz Untz*

Vale: Where did the club music come from?!

Celestia: You can't have a light show without mad beats, silly Vale~

Vale: Son of a bitch, he grabbed my hair!

Celestia: Just shake him off!

Vale: You don't understand! It's my hair!

Celestia: You're right, I really don't understand.

Vale: Just... do something!

Celestia: Alright, alright... FINAL... FLASH!

Vale: Can you really use that move twice?

Celestia: Yeah, why do you ask?

Vale: Well, I mean... it'a called final, isn't it?

Celestia: How many Final Fantasy games are there, Vale?

Vale: Point taken.

Mel: How am I... alive?

Celestia: Plot armour.

Vale: Pretty much, yeah.

Mel: Sweet, I love plot arm- that's a sword in my chest, isn't it?

Celestia: Yes.

Vale: Yup.

Mel: Pamplemousse. *le frenchest of collapses*

Celestia: Melanie, no!

Vale: Celestia, what are you doing?

Celestia: I'm trying to revive her, this was her favourite rejuvenating stick!

Vale: I dunno if I have the heart to tell her what kind of rejuvenating that stick is for...

Zombie: She's dead, Jim.

Celestia: Noooooooooo!


Vale: Hah, he called you Jim... you're not a dude.

Gargoyle: Yeah, she's not. But you are~

Vale: Crapbaskets. Hey. hey hey hey, no hair pulling until at least the third date, asshole! What kinda guy do you think I am?!

Gargoyle: Just my kinda guy~ Ain't that right, boys?

Vale: Hey now whoa! No gangbangs until the /fifth/ date, thank you very much.

Gargoyle: Aww, he got away...

Vale: They ripped out all of my hair! I'LL KILL THEM ALL!


Celestia: Mel... oh Mel, why?

Vale: I'm sorry, Celestia. I had... some business, to take care of.

Celestia: It's okay... not your fault, just... take her and run, okay.

Vale: You sure?

Celestia: Yeah... go.

Vale: Alright... I'll meet up with you later, Celestia. WOO HOO FUCK THAT I'M OUTTA HERE, JACKPOOOOOOT!

Celestia: ...


Vale: Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel? Mel?

Mel: WHAT?!

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: No.

Vale: Waiiiit a second. If you're dead, and I'm talking to you, and you're responding...

Mel: Yes Vale. You're dead too.

Vale: Damn. Hey Mel?

Mel: Yes, Vale?

Vale: Are we there yet?

Mel: Yes Vale. We're there.

Vale: Yaaaaaaaaay~!


Celestia: Seriously? I told him to run, and within like, half a minute, he starts hallucinating and gets killed?

Zombie: It's just the way of things, really.

Celestia: Oh right, you... say, how about we uhh, just put all this behind us, and you let me leave, huh?

Zombie: Not a chance. We need to eat, after all.

Celestia: O-oh...

Zombie A: Hey, hey! I want the breasts this time, you got them last time, you always get them!

Zombie B: Fine, fine. I like the look of the thighs on this one anyway.

Celestia: M-meep?


Celestia: *pant* *pant* Fuck... that was one hell of a dream... uhn, seriously, now? Damn, I'll have to change the sheets again... I know I'm a masochist sometimes but fuck, I got eaten... and not in the good way. Ecstasy is one hell of a drug, no way I'm touching that shit again...

Mel: Celestia, I'm hooome! Do you le want to get high and have le make outs?

Celestia: ... Fuck it, I wasn't gonna keep clean anyway. I'm in.


[spoiler=What, not abridged enough for you?]

So uhh basically, Mel, Vale, and Celestia are off to somewhere(undisclosed), camp for the night. A little bit of cutesy mushy happens, then revenants and the like storm in. Horde hordes, everyone dies. Cruel things are done to characters. Don't PTSD dreams suck?

Edited by Ether
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  • 3 weeks later...

Plan! With some help from Shin and Marth and some other people!

Mel moved
Lugos to 6-4
Taima to 5-3

Sheikah to 4-1
Peter to 6-3

Orpheus to 2-3
Declan hold
Arty to 6-1
Wolf to 5-2
Norman hold
Calden hold

Mags to 4-3, dance Taima
Taima to 3-5

Diana to 3-4

Vale to 7-1
Ivan hold

Cel hold

Edited by scorri
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Because of the larger party size and some other factors, WW is switching over to a shared exp pool like in Masquerade. Sheikah has been elevated to level 13, and the rest of the party and NPCs have been leveled to 12.50. Level ups and the details can be found below.



95 - 43 - 81 - 91 - 40 - 66 - 30 - 81 - 46

Strength, Speed


10 - 50 - 15 - 73 - 27 - 81 - 67 - 45 - 29

HP, Strength, Speed


73 - 84 - 30 - 1 - 77 - 1 - 27 - 79 - 23

75 - 16 - 72 - 82 - 65 - 42 - 19 - 36 - 14

HP+2, Magic, Skill, Luck+2, Defense+2, Resistance


20 - 20 - 10 - 92 - 96 - 68 - 66 - 44 - 28

3 - 80 - 80 - 14 - 84 - 33 - 62 - 28 - 83

HP +2, Strength, Magic, Skill, Resistance +2


70 - 88 - 54 - 42 - 19 - 35 - 41 - 21 - 14

27 - 1 - 52 - 70 - 92 - 90 - 89 - 92 - 42

HP, Strength, Magic+2, Speed, Resistance


78 - 56 - 86 - 25 - 12 - 45 - 94 - 85 - 58

Skill, Speed


96 - 63 - 18 - 54 - 45 - 72 - 94 - 55 - 30

24 - 93 - 44 - 92 - 7 - 42 - 90 - 60 - 21

HP, Magic+2, Speed


40 - 24 - 17 - 50 - 3 - 53 - 91 - 65 - 84

HP, Strength, Skill, Speed


24 - 49 - 71 - 2 - 64 - 41 - 32 - 45 - 35

58 - 65 - 30 - 8 - 4 - 67 - 65 - 96 - 30

HP +2, Strength, Skill +2, Speed, Defense


7 - 35 - 5 - 71 - 45 - 45 - 98 - 45 - 93

51 - 40 - 82 - 63 - 4 - 33 - 61 - 68 - 48

HP+2, Magic, Speed+2,


8 - 36 - 13 - 65 - 79 - 98 - 1 - 33 - 59

75 - 93 - 5 - 81 - 61 - 15 - 32 - 30 - 40

HP, Strength, Magic, Luck, Defense +2, Resistance


7 - 57 - 48 - 11 - 3 - 87 - 54 - 3 - 22

HP, Skill, Speed, Resistance


20 - 8 - 4 - 31 - 45 - 10 - 67 - 1 - 96

12 - 43 - 22 - 1 - 16 - 90 - 64 - 89 - 2

HP +2, Strength +2, Magic, Skill +2, Speed +2, Luck, Resistance, Constitution


9 - 88 - 75 - 52 - 86 - 17 - 77 - 90 - 87

64 - 41 - 9 - 97 - 65 - 84 - 3 - 92 - 32

HP, Magic, Luck, Defense


Chipping gives 1 exp.

Staff usage, dancing and stealing give 2 exp.

Killing gives 5 exp at base.

If the level difference between the party and the unit killed is greater then 1, then an additional 1 exp is added/subtracted (for being lower or higher leveled respectively) for every difference in level beyond this. This caps at +/-3.

Units in a higher tier give 10 exp for a kill.

Units in a lower tier give 2 exp for a kill.

Bosses give an extra 10 exp for kills.

Edited by SB.
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[2:25:51 PM] Mr. Snake: Melanie to 4,4, use vuln (20/30)
Wolfgang to 5,4
Sheikah to 6,5, attack Cavalier B with shine(77 hitx2)(this attack is just chip damage, it doesn't stop the other attacks from happening)(please do before other attacks, tho'), canto to 5,5
Peter to 7,4, attack Wyvern B with iron bow (84 hit, 28 damage)
Lugos to 6,6, attack Wyvern B with elfire (85 hit, 15 damage, should finish), canto to 6,5
Celestia to 3,7, attack Knight A with Thani, (80 hit x2) should kill
Magali to 3,6, dance Celestia, use Rhythm once, trade lighting from Celestia, attack Wyvern A (86 hit, 7 damage)
Celestia to 4,7, attack Cavalier A with thany (86x2, should kill), canto to 1,7
Calden to 3,7, attack Wyvern A with Elwind (87 hit, 21 damage, should finish)
IF CALDEN MISSES, Orpheus can risk this V
Orpheus to 3,7, attack Wyvern A with quick axe (65 hitx2, 10x2, should finish), canto to 2,7
Taima to 4,8, wait
Diana to 4,7, mend Taima (full hp)

Figure something out with ivan, norman, artemis, vale, and declan

This kills three enemies up top and makes your bridge rush safe

if everything hits
[2:25:59 PM] Mr. Snake: if you can figure out something better, be my guest
[2:26:05 PM] Mr. Snake: if you don't want to risk a bunch of 80s
[2:26:10 PM] Mr. Snake: we can go with what adam was originally planning
[2:26:14 PM] Mr. Snake: and back off for a bit.

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So, uh, I lost my Hand Axe? ;/

Can Sheikah stop on water tiles? If so, Celestia can move to 5,5, which will make my hit rate a little less shaky.

Here's what I got for hit (with Celestia):

Iron Bow = 85

Forge = 16

Skillx2 and Luck/2 = 24

Dual hit supports = 10

The wyvern's avoid looks like it's 39, which means that it'll bump my overall hit rate to something like 96%.

EDIT: Math corrections/reasons why this won't work are welcome~!

Edited by eclipse
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No, you're already getting wolfgang support from 4,5, and you can only have one support at a time

and uh

if you missed it

celestia has other things to be doing

and does not have enough move to do things like that

sheikah is at 5,5 because she has charm and is giving people more hit.

Also, Eclipse, you're set to attack Wyvern B, not Wyvern A
you're also attacking at 3 range
which is -20 hit

The math for that is:

85 bow

16 forge

5 wolfgang

5 charm

24 from peter

= 135

-20 from farsight

-31 from wyvern B's avoid

= 84

so my math was a few numbers off but

this works itself out better.

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Ah, gotcha, thanks. Was wondering why my hit rate looked so low (and I totally derped and forgot about Farsight). Okay, will wait for Marthipan to make his move~!

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I'm hoping people will actually offer opinions on it, because I'd rather hear what people have to say before we start rolling.

But if no one else does, then this should be fine

given we can hit 80s.

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Melanie to 4,4, use a vuln (20/30)
Wolfgang to 4,5
Sheikah to 6,5, Lightning cav B, canto to 5,5
Artemis to 7,5, Fire Wyvern B, canto to 6,5
Peter to 7,4, Iron Bow Wyvern B

Wyvern B dead

Lugos to 6,6, Elfire Cav B, canto to 6,4

Cav B dead

Calden to 3,6 Elwind Wyvern A
Celestia to 3,7, Thani Knight A, canto to 4,7

Knight A dead

Magali to 3,7, dance Celestia, rhythm, trade lightning, lighting wyvern A

Wyvern A dead

Taima to 4,8, Firefly Cav A
Orpheus to 5,7, Quick axe cav A

Cav A dead

Celestia to 5,8, thani cav C, canto to 3,8

Cav C dead

Diana to 4,7, Trade/switch Orpheus to iron axe, Mend Taima

This is the new plan for up top
and it's a lot safer/kills more guys
we'll probably go with this, as long as everyone's okay with it.

And once again, pls go in order of top to bottom. Most moves won't work without that.




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So, uh, I lost my Hand Axe? ;/

After combing through 6 months of spreadsheet revisions, I found the thing. I put your vulnerary into the convoy for now in it's place, but if you want to swap it for a weapon you haven't already used this map then tell me and I'll switch them up.

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After combing through 6 months of spreadsheet revisions, I found the thing. I put your vulnerary into the convoy for now in it's place, but if you want to swap it for a weapon you haven't already used this map then tell me and I'll switch them up.

Nah, it's fine. Just wanted to make sure that I didn't waste all my gold on a weapon I never got back!

(and feel free to shoot me a PM next time, since I'd best be able to find my own weapons!)

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Hey Eclipse, since we have the go ahead from SB, mind editing your post to have Peter quickswap to his hand axe? Just in case that last wyvern gets testy with the archer man.

As for everyone else, we don't really have a lot, but I'd like to keep you down below for next turn:

Vale to 7,3
Declan to 6,3
Norman to 7,1

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1 82 50 47 8 37 4 61 30
HP, Skill, Speed, Luck Defense.

79 96 39 30 31 58 98 56 7
Skill, Speed

46 62 96 45 90 52 93 7 46
HP, Speed, Resistance

13 87 59 22 28 76 34 88 61
HP, Skill, Speed, Defense

16 62 87 41 38 34 6 98 26
HP, Speed, Defense

49 75 100 45 52 75 5 50 7
HP, Skill, Defense

86 64 37 92 19 79 74 52 22
Magic, Speed

62 72 10 71 70 12 7 85 21
HP, Magic, Luck, Defense

84 77 94 11 28 60 77 3 85
Skill, Speed, Resistance

51 90 59 88 2 60 10 94 97
HP, Speed, Defense

48 95 58 53 37 14 75 78 87
HP, Speed, Luck

1 20 72 47 44 56 42 58 7
HP, Skill, Speed, Defense

11 14 47 68 55 52 19 98 39
HP, Strength, Defense

85 64 49 73 25 73 13 76 56
Speed, Defense

86 56 18 77 39 65 2 21 32
Magic, Speed, Defense, Resistance
Edited by SB.
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