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Tales of the Abyss 3D


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Hm, what stuff apart from voiced skits does the Japanese version has that the North American doesn't?

Nothing. I meant the North American one had the Mystic Artes that Japan didn't.

The status which got "retconned" by the 3DS release.

Remember the part where the Japanese exclusive releases of Tales games usually get the better stuff? Like PS3 Vesperia?

Like Guy's Brilliant Overlord. And Natalia's Noble Roar. Fortune's Arc Extension. And especially the glitchy Ion Mystic Arte Luke has, which has hopefully been fixed.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Stuff like Vesperia on the PS3 really make me want to learn Japanese, I could expand my gaming & animes so much if I could only understand it! One day I will learn this language.... Plus I absolutely love listening to Japanese songs, after listening to them enough It ended up making some of my dreams Japanese though I didn't understand a single thing

Edited by Shelie
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Nothing. I meant the North American one had the Mystic Artes that Japan didn't.

The status which got "retconned" by the 3DS release.

Remember the part where the Japanese exclusive releases of Tales games usually get the better stuff? Like PS3 Vesperia?

Like Guy's Brilliant Overlord. And Natalia's Noble Roar. Fortune's Arc Extension. And especially the glitchy Ion Mystic Arte Luke has, which has hopefully been fixed.

Oh oh oh, I misunderstood what you were saying there then, k.

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TOTA is one of the games that I want to obtain for the 3DS. I'll buy it after AA5, which I'm prioritizing now. I'm not new to the series, though I've only played the SNES and PS1 one (which I hated) and the DS and Wii ones (which I loved because of the gameplay and, in Tales of Hearts' case, the story, but I never finished them).

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Wait... how the HELL do you target someone of the party when in the PS2, you can target via directional button for the person *OR* field area in the PS2?


See the target graphic? The "field" indicator only happens when it's the analog stick on the PS2. The "Target" label on the character changes immediately to someone via the directional button.

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Honestly SoC I forget how to change target stuff on the PS2 ver, its been so long.

Unrelated but who does everyone in here usually mainly use in ToTA?

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Honestly SoC I forget how to change target stuff on the PS2 ver, its been so long.

Unrelated but who does everyone in here usually mainly use in ToTA?

Natalie is objectively the best ToTA character, I will accept no arguments about this!

EDIT Luke and Guy are definitely ballers first class, though. DEMON FANG and all that what what.

Edited by Refa
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GUY! He's so much fun to play as!

My Dad would agree with you, when we played the PS2 ver we rock and rolled through the game as Luke and Guy. Main reason my Dad used Guy was that he had a style simliar to Lloyd from TOS lol.

Natalie is objectively the best ToTA character, I will accept no arguments about this!

EDIT Luke and Guy are definitely ballers first class, though. DEMON FANG and all that what what.

Natalia is pretty fun to play as too, I was getting used to her. I bet everyone due to my archery bias thought I mained her :P

I even made a picture of Luke just the other day


Nice :D

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I usually use Luke; like the rest of the main Tales Protagonists, he's easy to use and I'm used to melee characters. But occasionally I like to use Tear, since she's my fave character in the party (must cosplay her someday), and Anise, since its fun using a mage who rides on a very melee based doll. Weird, but cool combination.

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I usually use Luke; like the rest of the main Tales Protagonists, he's easy to use and I'm used to melee characters. But occasionally I like to use Tear, since she's my fave character in the party (must cosplay her someday), and Anise, since its fun using a mage who rides on a very melee based doll. Weird, but cool combination.

I find Luke to be alot more brute force then the other main Tales Protagonists. He isn't exactly super combo artist.

I like to use Luke, Guy, Jade and Natalia, but I usually always have Tear in my party in her maid outfit

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