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Aren't sisters overrated?


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So they have good offense, but it's not the game, in which that's not big deal. You probably even won't use they against bosses since they don't have The Amazing Wind Tome and dies in one hit (Sara have prayer, but she won't attack bosses with her 0 PPC). They have staves, but on lower rank than Saphy. Don't mention you have three more staffers (+ Tina, but she can have problem with hitting A rank), which every is better at this. They are like Jack of all trades, master of none, but there is other Jack, who comes earlier and it's just better.

And there is one big issue. Even with Hezul their HP growth is so lame, that they will be fatigued at end of every chapter. Without life ring they have no chance to hit ~30 HP.

And with every issue they still are ranked quite high. Imagine that girl who can be used in only 5 chapters (because in other five she'll be fatigued) is higher than all-round tank, with personal lance and Leif support.



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If this is referring to Linoan and Sara, I kinda agree they are overrated

....For every single purpose other than breaking the game in half


Edited by Eradicator Boner
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They don't have unique staves except like Kia IIRC?

Hammerine and Thief count don't they or has it just been that long since I played FE5 I totally forgot
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Hammerine and Thief count don't they or has it just been that long since I played FE5 I totally forgot

I think you're thinking of the wrong kind of sisters!

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salem is definitely better, fin is arguable, and felgus is a chump.

Well Felgus does get that insta brave sword use, and is an extra blade in Manster.. I wouldn't rule him as a chump but then again I am no master of FE5 as much as I love the game
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felgus does not have instant brave sword use and he might as well not exist after chapter 7 and i wouldn't care

I thought he did? I mean its in 4X sure but.. I recall him having the rank for it.
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felgus does not have instant brave sword use and he might as well not exist after chapter 7 and i wouldn't care

okay so I was gonna respond to this but then I decided I would rather respond to this guy:

this is dondon; there there is literally no mode of "extremely fast" that is faster than his

so I clicked "quote" without clearing dondon's stuff first and it ADDED THE QUOTE???? LIKE WHAT I DONT HAVE TO COPYPASTA I COULD HAVE DONE THIS THE WHOLE TIME????

er anyway dondon also plays 0% growths so while he is certainly 9000 times cooler than you will ever hope of being him not caring about FeRgus after Ch 7 doesn't mean you don't have to either

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also tits bias doesn't depend on actual tits because it's just waifu bias and I thought it was obvious

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