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First attempts at IV breeding: Did this crap once and never again

Mister Sunshine Sprinkles

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For the sake of entering the realm Of competitive wi fi, I tried Iv breeding a perfect Solosis, with the help of friend safaris, destiny knots, and everstones. It took me five days, but I got one; 31 Special Attack/Def/Sp Def/Hp and a 0 in speed, for Trick room. This shit was not worth it.

Lots of time and inbreedind wasted on the smallest variables in battling made me want to pull my eyes out. Even with breeding being easier than it ever will be on Generation VI, two boxes worth of hillbillies still makes me twitch by just by looking at it. The perfect Solosis was beautiful, but quite frankly, not worth it. And with all that effort thrown onto one of my party members, I draw the line at doing it five more fucking times. I guess EVs, good natures, and abilities are all one really needs.

What about you guys? What is your opinion on IVs?

Edited by Mister Sunshine Sprinkles
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No pain, no gain. I know next to nothing about competitive Pokemon but if it's anything like any other high-level competition any advantage, no matter how small, can be decisive. If you want to be the very best, like no one ever was you will probably need to do it.

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There used to be methods for breeding perfect IV pokemon in previous generations by abusing the Pseudo-RNG and the DS internal clock. Was definitely the only practical way to get perfect IVs without hacking. It's only a matter of time before they figure out how to do so for this generation.

edit: I found this, might be worthwhile. http://nuggetbridge.com/breeding/pseudo-rng-abuse-for-eggs-in-pokemon-xy/

Edited by General Ciraxis
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It depends on your definition of "Perfect IV Pokemon". For A LOT of players 5 IV is basically perfect, and breeding for 5 IV is so easy that "settled for less perfect" stuff make me feel like a chump. Still, usually I aim for AT LEAST 31 Speed IV

Thankfully there is only one pokemon that i need to have 6 Perfect IV, and I already get that one

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To be honest the first time is the most frustrating. You can usually cross-breed the IVs over other egg groups in no time to fill out the rest of your team if needed. Wonder Trade can work wonders (pun intended) in terms of finding breeding fodder with some perfect IVs.

Still rather time-consuming though. (Also make sure to mark your breeds ;D)

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To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how it could've taken five days, unless you were just seriously unlucky. That said, it can the few few Pokémon you breed can be quite a choir. I can remember being rather overwhelmed myself. However, it does get easier down the line.

- Once you've breed a few Pokémon with five IVs, you can use them to fast track others of the same egg groups. For example, if I want to raise a Pokémon from the Water 1 or Dragon groups, I can get them easily by breeding a female with my male Dragonite, which has five IVs. The same goes with my male Arcanine and Vaporeon, if I want anything from the Field group.

- As you breed Pokémon, you'll likely amass various leftovers; Pokémon that don't have exactly what you want, but have some good IVs and the right nature. If you keep all the ones with four IVs (or even just three) you can offer them up for trade in exchange for other good IV Pokémon. Again, this makes the process of breeding them faster.

As for the question of how many perfect IVs a competitive Pokémon needs; five is ideal, but four is good, so long as they're in the right stats. You'll rarely, if ever, need a Pokémon with six IVs, and it's never worth trying to get one either.

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It depends on your definition of "Perfect IV Pokemon". For A LOT of players 5 IV is basically perfect, and breeding for 5 IV is so easy that "settled for less perfect" stuff make me feel like a chump. Still, usually I aim for AT LEAST 31 Speed IV

Thankfully there is only one pokemon that i need to have 6 Perfect IV, and I already get that one

Well in most cases 5 IV are perfect unless you count minimizing Confusion/Foul Play damage for your Gengar >_>

Breeding a mix attacker with 31/31/31/31/31/0 is the most annoying thing though.

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I like big numbers so I am okay with doing it

But really gets easier as you breed since you are likely to have a couple of 5iv dads unless you start in some completely unrelated egg group. For example, I was just breeding a bunch of Nidorans for a side project I've wanted to do for fun, and I ended up with a couple of Nidoran Ms with a set of 5 ivs, one only missing atk and one only missing spA. The one missing spA is thus a perfect dad for, say, if I want to breed Gibles next (I got a nice foreign female Rough Skin one sitting in my boxes, too), and statistically speaking by the time I get my perfect Gible, I'd probably have a couple I could use as dads for someone in the dragon group. And it repeats, etc.

I probably wouldn't bother breeding the genderless ones though since afaik I can't breed dittos with each other and genderless mons that aren't in undiscovered can only breed with dittos. But they aren't common cases.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I couldn't stick to my word, and IV Bred again; this time a Swinub with Icicle crash.

31 in everything but HP and SP ATK. Goodenough.png

@Alg: It was mentioned in the OP (It's pretty easy to miss, though); I have been using Destiny Knots, Everstones, and the like.

Edited by Mister Sunshine Sprinkles
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I couldn't stick to my word, and IV Bred again; this time a Swinub with Icicle crash.

31 in everything but HP and SP ATK. Goodenough.png

@Alg: It was mentioned in the OP (It's pretty easy to miss, though); I have been using Destiny Knots, Everstones, and the like.

Do you have a Pokémon with Flame Body or Magma Armour?

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My trusty Fly Slave (Named Flaislev) of a Talon Flame handled my Flame Bodied needs.

God, breeding would be a fucking nightmare without it. Well...A bigger one.

Does Flame Body/Magma Armor Stack, when you have two Pokemon with the ability?

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My trusty Fly Slave (Named Flaislev) of a Talon Flame handled my Flame Bodied needs.

God, breeding would be a fucking nightmare without it. Well...A bigger one.

Does Flame Body/Magma Armor Stack, when you have two Pokemon with the ability?

I don't think so. There is however, a Hatching O-Power you can get, after obtaining all the others.

Edited by Shuuda
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I really wish I knew that.

That would have shaved off time spent waggling the analog stick.

So, to clarify (Just in case someone else asks) I did use:

Flame Body, Everstone, Destiny Knot, the Friend Safari, Power items during the first stages of breeding, and internet guides.

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I really wish I knew that.

That would have shaved off time spent waggling the analog stick.

So, to clarify (Just in case someone else asks) I did use:

Flame Body, Everstone, Destiny Knot, the Friend Safari, Power items during the first stages of breeding, and internet guides.

Last ingredient: Something heavy to put on the left analog arrow and the circular path near the Lumiose Gym.

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I don't think so. There is however, a Hatching O-Power you can get, after obtaining all the others.

This. Definitely go get that at some point because it's worth it. However, if you need some Hatching O-Power prior to that, you can feel free to add my Friend Code (in my profile). - Just alert me if you do so I can add you back.

Last ingredient: Something heavy to put on the left analog arrow and the circular path near the Lumiose Gym.

That penny trick is so strong. I never felt it was that time-consuming though to hatch eggs though :P. I just run around to the two accessible venues near the Day-Care (the Battle Chateau, so I can spread Pokerus to my eggs and try to rank up and the Berry Fields so I can manage my Kee/Maranga Berries (hopefully the mutation happens anyways) among other berries I want to farm.

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