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Any Bravely Default players?


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Oh i meant spiritmaster

Well , that's why the spiritmaster cant be the healer. If the healer dies, use stillness and bring him back to life/get his hp up.

Also, giiving hermes shoes/boots and air knifes to both the spiritmaster and the healer was a great help for me, and having them acting first than everyone made the game way easier.

Another job i like is a knight with dual shield.. They won't even be scrathed by physical attacks and are able to deal a lot of damage with that ability that uses defense rather than attack

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hmm alright

so two spiritmasters, i'll try that once i can be assed to levelgrind spiritmaster on my support unit (ringabel usually)

what level am i supposed to be at? i'm at level 72 right now on hard mode; i think astra told me he's at level 86 in c7 so i'm kind of afraid i'm super underleveled????

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what level am i supposed to be at? i'm at level 72 right now on hard mode; i think astra told me he's at level 86 in c7 so i'm kind of afraid i'm super underleveled????

I went into chapter 8 with around Lv55 (though that was on Normal), so no, I don't think you're underleveled.

(I didn't beat any of the chapter 8 boss rushes either, though, so there's that, haha.)

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what level am i supposed to be at? i'm at level 72 right now on hard mode; i think astra told me he's at level 86 in c7 so i'm kind of afraid i'm super underleveled????

Just a little bit underlevelled. I beat the game at lv.80 in Hard mode and I think I was a bit underlevelled myself, so that's pretty much it: get a few level ups and you should be fine. The gap between Normal and Hard mode in BD is the same between Normal and Lunatic in Awakening, pretty much.

Also as the others said, a Spiritmaster is a must in any team. Even if you don't spam Stillness, most of its abilities are really useful.

I'd suggest to use a Salve-Maker as well (as a secondary job). If you can combine the items correctly, you get some really OP effects, like the one that revives you with full HP (potion+phoenix down) or even a tonic that doubles anybody's HP for the whole battle (Beast Liver + Dragon Fang IIRC).

If you don't like to have a White Mage, a Vampire with the Genoma ability White Wind works like a charm.

And finally, Vampire's Auto-Revive ability is really useful to have on your healer and/or Spiritmaster.

Edited by Alfred Kamon
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Hmm, alright. I'm kind of loathe to get rid of my Holy One+Epic Group Cast Spiritmaster/WM; agnes can literally heal for over my party's maximum hp bars with cura :(

I'll definitely try using a salve-maker, i'd assumed that they're kind of gimmick but I guess not

will give me something to do with all those random items i have lying around haha

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Yikes. I just got into chapter 8 and the difficulty seemed to have jumped pretty far up. I just finished fighting the Ancheim guys and they gave me a pretty hard time with them outspeeding everyone aside from thief Tiz and Spiritmaster Agnes who had the Hermes shoes on.

I ended up relying on a rather cheap combination of Stillness, Rampart and the poison/exterminate combo. Perhaps now is the time to ask for some team advice.

My guys are in their early 70's

Tiz has Monk, Thief, Ninja and dark knight maxed. At the moment he's a thief with the ninja commands.

Agnes has white mage, merchant, salve maker and spiritmaster maxed. She seems to be doing rather well. She's a spiritmaster with white mage commands and has the healing lore and epic group cast as skills.

Ringabel has Black mage, Time mage, red mage, Arcanist and vampire maxed and is currently a black mage with ritualism. Skills are group cast all, status app and zero

Edea has Knight, spellfencer, Valkyrie and Templar maxed and is currently a knight/Templar.

Any combo's with these classes available aside from the above one. Also anything worth stealing since so far I could only get turbo ethers and elixers which are rather nice to have, but nothing crucial.

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I'm currently in chapter 5 and so far I don't see much problems with it. I don't mind revisiting some places and doing some stuff. I have only done some of the side quest so far though.

I'm a little disappointed with some of the classes you get in chapter 4 though. Rampart is a great skill, but other then that the Templar class has been lacking a little, especially when it comes to dealing damage. I know its supposed to be a tank, but a little more power wouldn't hurt.

I heard a lot of good things about the vampire class, but I'm a little disappointed. The draining skills don't do much damage and the genome skills are consistently outdamaged by Ringabel's magic. The status effect most of the genome skills give don't seem to be very effective on bosses either. White wind is rather nice, but thats all at the moment.

My black magic got a lot better in this chapter though. Death combined with group cast all basically means that random encounters are over in no time.

Fire Ball is so freaking OP (it ignores defense and is obtained on chapter 4 (or against a boss in CH7), and the absorb stats skills are pretty great.

Also, remember Genome are physical attacks, not magic.

What are some good class combos? I just got time mage and spell fencer
Ninja +Vampire. That's how I beat most of the boss in the game.
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Finally got around to finishing the true ending. So worth it!

It definitely topped the false ending for me. The story definitely had a lot of holes but I was very impressed by how ambitious it was. Tying in StreetPass and using the camera to make the real world part of the game's universe was just GENIUS! Those final boss battle themes were just amazing music in an already amazing soundtrack. After doing everything in the game including the secret boss I can say it's one of the best RPGs I've played, and except for the plot holes and chapter 5 being lame it'd be almost perfect.

Also, that Bravely Second trailer... Again, genius use of the 3DS! I definitely saw Goldie outside a window, and I assume the trailer took place in Eternia Central Command...so are the Ba'al attacking Eternia? Magnolia seems cool, though I'm hesitant to trust a random apparent ally again. Anyway, seeing how much they improved Flying Fairy in For the Sequel, I'm confident Bravely Second will be even more fine tuned. Hoping for lots of new jobs among the ones obviously returning!

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[spoiler=true ending]Yeah, I totally agree. All that Celestial Realm camera thingy was pure genius.

The OST was what brought me to buy the game in the first place.

And I'm looking forward to Bravely Second!
Actually, I've rewatched the trailer 5 times already and I always notice new details. It took me a while to see Magnolia's arrow attack from the upper-left window, haha!

(also pls make Tiz a 50 yo man with a beard and epic moustache in Bravely Second)

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(At Shytende since I can't seem to quote.)

Ah yes I learned that a little while ago. Its a bit of a shame since Ringabel has only learned mage classes in my game so the genomes aren't great most of the time.

Anyway I did a good enough job in chapter 8 having some trouble against team profiteur, but defeating the next two quite easily. And now I'm stuck at the stupid mage team.

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I like it, but it's unreliable for bosses with group-hitting moves.

In DeRosso's case, I'm surprised he didn't hit you with Graviga, Bone Crush and Energy Burst more : P

Graviga was the one thing that really screwed me, but I had Agnes with a couple defaults ready to heal everyone. Energy Burst I could see coming and I had Ringabel with Rampart prepared for that. Bone crush...never seemed to do anything. Even when I didn't have Stillness up it usually did 0 damage. I don't really know. By the way, I'm about to go into Everlast Tower and my characters are level 57. Am I on pace, or do I need to grind some more?

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I reckon you're above pace if you took down the Vampire.

Yeah, Energy Burst is easy to predict; also Bone Crush hits for no damage when you have full HP.

Anyway I did a good enough job in chapter 8 having some trouble against team profiteur, but defeating the next two quite easily. And now I'm stuck at the stupid mage team.

If you're not going to cheese it, Magic Defence Specialise from a Spell Fencer sounds like your friend. Plus everyone using Before Swine (Swordmaster) or Magic Absorb (Dark Knight).

Edited by VincentASM
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My reaction after the Alternis battle: Okay on to the infamous second half of the game, I heard that it's mostly reawakening the crystals again and again. *Sees all the sidequests available after getting the party together* Are you fucking kidding me?


This may be the only game I play for a very, very long time

Everyone is going to master every class



Also Dark Knights are now my favorite class

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So, I finally beat the game.

[spoiler=About the true ending...]It's tragic.

It's SAD, damn!

I expected it to be a classic happy ending with some Agnès x Tiz and Ringabel x Edea scenes, but NO!

Agnès stayed in her eternal celibacy and Tiz DIED while the others were preparing a feast? Good Lord.

I'm just butthurt because I wanted some Tiz x Agnès and now I know it won't ever happen

Oh well, overall it was totally unpredictable and good. So Tiz was... already dead from the beginning but he was kept alive by a... human soul? (one of the Celestials, who are the people in our world, meaning the player?)

And after his second death he was kept alive in some artificial way for years, until Magnolia came to set him free?

... Man, this is confusing.

And what about Ringabel?

You get a scene where Edea returns to the Central Command with her father AND ALTERNIS and then you see Ringabel in another world against Airy? Whaaat?

So, overall, I have some mixed feelings about this.

It was good and all, but it's also sad and confusing.

I just hope the plot of the series doesn't turn into some very fucked up Kingdom Hearts style.

Wanted to answer to ths.

Well, FFVI also had a pretty sad ending. (FF:TAY makes it even worse). And FFVI didn't have any sequel.

I always thought Tiz was sharing his soul with his brother. Don't he "die" near his brother's tomb ?

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Wanted to answer to ths.

Well, FFVI also had a pretty sad ending. (FF:TAY makes it even worse). And FFVI didn't have any sequel.

I always thought Tiz was sharing his soul with his brother. Don't he "die" near his brother's tomb ?

[spoiler=about the true ending]Yes, but that was just symbolic I suppose. He got the soul from a Celestial, not from his brother: this is what Ouroboros actually said, it is *not* a theory. Ouroboros also said "see the Celestial realm there?" when the interdimensional gate opened during the last battle, revealing the player's face.

So Celestial realm = Our world (fact)

and Celestials = humans from our world (fact)

Tiz has got the soul of a person from our world (fact)

Celestial's soul in Tiz = player (strongly implied, since the player "controls" him during the adventure)

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[spoiler=true ending]Yeah, I totally agree. All that Celestial Realm camera thingy was pure genius.

The OST was what brought me to buy the game in the first place.

And I'm looking forward to Bravely Second!

Actually, I've rewatched the trailer 5 times already and I always notice new details. It took me a while to see Magnolia's arrow attack from the upper-left window, haha!

(also pls make Tiz a 50 yo man with a beard and epic moustache in Bravely Second)

Yeah I'm going to have to rewatch it to make sure I see everything! Such a cool idea for a teaser. I also missed her arrow attack, actually, and it took me forever to find where she was at the end. XD

I did notice a couple of interesting things, Goldie for one, also some teddy bears inside the tank which is what led me to believe it's the same one Victoria occupied. But if it is, and those are Eternian scientists, then I'm really doubting Magnolia since presumably Braev or Edea (depending on how long has passed since the first game) would be in charge of Central Command, and I can't see them keeping Tiz for any reason other than keeping him alive.

Speaking of Braev, I wonder if the few asterisk holders that survived in the first world will be the only returning ones... I think that'd be Braev, Praline, Yulyana, and DeRosso (only the last world's DeRosso sacrifices himself, right? I could see them leaving him out though). Oh and Alternis who apparently survives his fall since you do see him in the end.

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[spoiler=Endings and everything]

I just beat the game and earlier I beat the false final boss. Well...they were both really, really easy (What's funny is that after many tries, I still couldn't beat Ominas and friends, yet I could beat the final boss). I got the unscathed bonus on each of them. My team was all level 70, and these were their classes:

Tiz: Monk (Dark Knight)

Agnes: Spiritmaster (White Mage)

Ringabel: Dark Knight (Monk) (I was going to make him a monk because faster, but now he's Alternis~)

Edea: Pirate (Ranger)

I had Edea using Shin Smash and Torrent while Tiz and Ringabel used Phoenix Flight/Minus Strike, then Agnes used Stillness. Stillness is too OP, need nerf. I really liked the designs of the final bosses, even if I had been spoiled to them before. Also, I'm confused at why I was in the background watching the final fight. It was cool though, so I'm okay with it. And the music, oh maaaaaaan that music. I almost didn't want to finish the fight because of that Wicked Battle/Flight, and Serpent Eating the Ground.

The ending...I really loved it. I thought I would be sad, but it was great. I loved Ringabel's cutscene the most. Especially because I had him as a dark knight before. One other thing I loved from before was during the Yulyana sidequest, when Ringabel and Edea meet Edea's parents. That's definitely in my top five favorite scenes in the game.

Favorite Chapter: Tough one...probably three or seven. I loved everything about three, but seven had those interesting tag teams and more backstory. It also showed a different side of some of the bad guys like Khint, who had previously just been a badass, and became a badass with a background.

Favorite Character: Ringabel. I don't think it takes much to know why.

Favorite Boss: Another tough one. Lord DeRosso is really awesome, Khint is a badass, Barras is Barras, and Konoe Kikyo and Mephilia have awesome designs. However, I'm going to have to give this one to Barbarossa. I LOVE HIS VOICE. I don't know why, but I just do. He's hilarious, seems t have a heart, and is well designed. I also ship him and Mephilia (The scene with Yulyana in C7 motivated this). The two opposite gender bosses with the best design.

Favorite Sidequest: I have two that immediately come to mind. Yulyana's sidequest is so touching, and I really enjoyed playing it. But, my favorite out of all of them is Konoe Kikyo's. I adore the atmosphere in this level, and I love murder mysteries. While this one was a bit lacking and it's pretty obvious the ninja is behind it, I still enjoyed the dialogue in this one more than any other sidequest.

Favorite Music Track: There are a lot of them, but I believe that You Are My Hope (Both vocalized and not) is my personal favorite. I use Tiz's special move more than I should just so I can hear this song.

My overall thoughts: I loved this game. It kept me playing and playing for hours on end. It probably still will, because I just started New Game+ on hard (I found it incredibly entertaining to have all my trained, amazing characters destroying bosses in one hit). The voices...could have been better (Especially Agnes'), but they were good enough. The gameplay was addicting (Even if a bit broken), and I had a ot of fun with all the classes and weapons and everything. The soundtrack was absolutely top notch, and it's up with FE4 among my all time favorite soundtracks. I do wish more people played it though...

Let's have a moment of silence for Zak's world, which despite my team's best efforts, did not survive the battle against Ouroboros.

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