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Masquerade - Info and Signup Thread

Nanami Touko

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Wow this sure is a thing, huh?

[spoiler=Pretty boy elf]

Name: Tristram
Race: Elf
Age: 23
Appearance: 6'4", slightly pointed ears, pale skin, shoulder length silver hair pulled back into a pony tail pretty much at all times, goldish eyes, lithe build, wears loose clothing under his chain mail, armored gauntlets that go to right below his elbows, armored knee high boots, and thick cloth pants
Personality: Serious and calm, dedicated to whatever he's working on, slightly a loner though more due to his past than a personal dislike for people
Backstory: Born to a family of traveling elves, he traveled around the world for the first years of his life. However, when he was 13, his family was murdered by a band of thieves. He managed to escape because his parents sent him into the woods and told him to ride as far as he could when the bandits first attacked. He settled in Bau Berg, and was able to be apprenticed to a metal worker there. He was used originally as a hauler of metals and other loads with his horse, but eventually was asked to transport finished goods to other towns to sell to fellow merchants. He doesn't enjoy the work especially, but he does it because he doesn't know anything else at this point. He trained with weapons to be able to protect himself on the journies from Bau Berg to other towns.
Class: Cavalier
Hp: 21 (65%)
Str: 4 (45%)
Mag: 0 (10%)
Skl: 6 (45%)
Spd: 6 (45%)
lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 4 (40%)
Res: 3 (30%)
Con: 8 (3%)
Aid: 12
Move: 7
Affinity: Light
Weapon Ranks: Lance (D), Sword (E)
Inventory: Iron Lance, Vulnerary, 200 gold
Skill(s): Canto

Edited by scorri
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  • 4 weeks later...

She was already aiming sort-of down because her aim and form were pretty bad. Tripping was because of her bad form, and the fact that she got a free baby-stopper in was because her positioning was also poor - had she NOT lost her balance, she would've missed him entirely. :P:

(BRB, fixing her stat growth so that she has 200% LUK) :P:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now it's Juliette time!

Name: Heather Rhodes

Race: Elf

Age: 28 (20)

Appearance: A tall woman, Heather reaches six feet in height with ease. She has striking brown eyes and short brown hair as well with tanned skin. She wears a rather simple blue shirt and a pair of white pants that dont provide much defensive utility but allow for easy movement and unrestricted shooting.

Personality: Haughty and brash, Heather thinks highly of herself and always demands the best of herself and those around her. She has little patience for messing around and generally prioritizes working effectively above all else, much to the ire of more relaxed co-workers.

Background: Born into a merchant family with four brothers living in Ward, Heathers early years were simple and came easy. She learned archery well from some of the centaurs, and became adequate at negotiating through the family business, sometimes serving as a guard for them. Most of her life passed by in this simple pattern until about a month after she turned twenty-eight, when her father passed away due to illness and the business subsequently taking a turn for the worse. After a bad argument with her brothers, she angrily quit working with them and left the city to head for Felson, hoping her luck would turn around.


Hp: 24 (65%)

Str: 6 (45%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 7 (35%)

Spd: 4 (60%)

Lck: 6 (20%)

Def: 4 (30%)

Res: 1 (45%)

Con: 7 (4%)

Aid: 6

Move: 5

Skill: Pierce

Ranks: Bow D

Affinity: Light

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I'll try to get to the posts tomorrow, but I'm not sure how I'm going to feel after the doctor's appointment. I'll hop on Skype on Saturday, and see if I can talk to you guys then~!

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No problem, Eclipse! You've been doing a lot lately and putting up with the terrible snake boss, how does Meredith do it so take it easy if you're not feeling it.

Hopefully we can get ourselves out of Felson before Christmas break ends, haha.

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[spoiler=Color Guide]


Lanos Azix

Maja Henning

Kadin Fahl

Raith Ereld

Angus Brant

Kendeall Soderberg

Valha Nix

Sonia Blanchard

Quincy Belmondo

Ferdinand Coulpere

Vesta Halcyone

Tristram Eroth

Meredith Farswain


Makin Tiarn

Ingverd Klarn


Isabelle Briar

Alicia McConnell

Made this to help me since I couldn't find it anywhere else (might be helpful to put it on the spreadsheet or something, unless someone already did this and I totally missed it...which is probably the most likely possibility), and figured other people might want to use it.

Edited by Refa
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  • 3 months later...

Uh I guess I'll post here that I've kicked two people out of the RP (for being inactive/nonexistent) and there is one spot left (as one of the two spots was taken).

First come first serve (tho' not necessarily first come first picked.)

Edited by I have opinions
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Might take you up on this if I have time to get a profile out. Couple things:

1. I have not been following the story. At all. Where are you guys?

2. How are battles handled? I might be blind, but I only saw info on stats, not the battles.

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Oh hey Toogee

Story currently is the group has been tasked by one of the high council of a castle town to visit a mysterious castle out on the tundra that no one's ever returned from (ohh so cliché spooky)

And battles are done in regular FE style, on a map, with coordinates and sprites and such.


and here's a link to the doc if you need it to see stats and such.

Edit: Should add that if you join, your character would show up after we get back from castle adventure. Might be a bit.

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It's first come first serve, not first come first pick. I'd be understanding of Mr. Opinion's decision if he decided to pick someone else over me. Despite that, I have here a biography I quite like, so I shall submit it. What's the worst that could happen?

Name: Vire Radan
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 26

Appearance: Vire is, in her whole aspect, quite small, as if she obtained the breadth of an elf and the height of a very, very short human instead of a more typical arrangement of traits. Her height is laughable, falling just shy of five feet, though while skinny her arms have a little more muscle to them than one would expect, but only a little. Her skin is deathly pale but clear and relatively healthy outside of its ashen color. Her Elfin heritage causes her to have an overall younger appearance, and mixed with her height she appears as one barely in her twenties, if in them at all. Night-like dark purple hair, cut around shoulder length, drapes over the back of her head with a bronze circlet to keep it out of her eyes. She dresses very conservatively, a thick dark blue robe with purple and yellow patterns along the rim coming down past her knees and covering loose, long clothing of a similar midnight purple to her hair. Her robe includes a hood which can be tied at the chin.

Personality: Vire is a very quiet person, tending to keep to herself. In a crowd or even small groups she tends to shrink away and mind her own business. Most commonly, this business is reading. Vire has spent most of her life reading in one form or another, and it holds a special place for her. She normally speaks slowly, calmly, often with intermittent pauses and minimal inflection. This is because she operates on the bare minimum amount of sleep possible, though despite staying up well into the night and waking before sunrise she manages to stay reasonably alert. It's likely her blood-given health benefits that allow her to do this, and it's also likely her tendency to sleep so little stunted her growth.

Her social skills leave a bit to be desired, as she tends to use conversation as a chance to explain things about whatever book currently holds her thoughts instead of actually conversing. Despite her general tranquility, Vire also has a trigger which can cause her to act in an uncharacteristically spastic manner, and even cause her blood to boil. This is her haphephobia, the fear of physical contact. While she has learned to tolerate (though still strongly dislikes) people accidentally brushing against her, intentional contact will cause her to explode on the poor soul who touched her, and in extreme cases might even lash out at them with a book. Vire is very rarely without a book.

Backstory: Born and raised in (Whatever Town is Convenient for the Story), Vire's mother was a human merchant, her father an Elfin one. The two met and made trades and the like, and her father took a fancy to her mother. Being an elf, he was not very afraid of less kosher deeds, and the two had a daughter. Being a jerk, Vire's father didn't stick around for her birth. Her mother was a successful merchant, so even as a single parent she was able to provide a reasonably comfortable childhood to Vire. However, the circumstances of Vire's conception left her mother with a feeling of guilt, and she never married as a result. This would put a shadow over the young girls life.

Though her mother was a smart woman, young Vire was rather clueless. As a result she would often fall victim to the jokes of others, the shame causing her to isolate herself and read to better her mind. A bastard child, she never garnered much respect with others, and her two-member family would often garner scorn. As a result, other children would often extort money from Vire, knowing that her mother was reasonably wealthy and that the chances of discipline were lower if she was their target. This went on for a short number of years, during which time time she began to practice dark magic. This only increased the negativity of her reputation. At the age of twelve she repeatedly refused to give up anything to her persecutors, and was beaten by a small gang for it. Though this event did garner punishment for the group, the damage was done. Never very outdoorsy in the first place, Vire rarely stepped foot outside unless necessary since then.

Vire and her mother did not have a very loving relationship, instead adopting a mutual desire to be alone. Vire would keep to her books, her mother would keep to her work. This led to her being very uncomfortable with the idea of contact. Following the above events, Vire developed a legitimate hatred of it. This stewed inside her along with the knowledge of how she came to be, that her mother felt so much guilt because of it, and the fear of ever ending up in the same situation. These anxieties eventually developed into haphephobia. Vire's case is not the most extreme ever, a fact her own reading confirms, though it does still make every day living more challenging.

Spending so much time reading and studying, Vire eventually began to practice Dark Magic. She became rather good at performing the basic tricks and exercises, but had never thought much about using it combat. None the less, her use of this forbidden fruit of spellcraft brought even more contempt to her from the few who knew much of her, adding fear to a list of reasons to dislike her. The reason Vire picked dark magic over light or anima is that she finds it more cooler (more in a temperature sense than an interest sense), neater (in the orderly sense) and overall more comfortable. Fire, thunder and light generate too much heat and are too bright, while wind magic can easily make a mess of things like papers. Now an adult woman, she owns a small bookshop in which she works entirely behind the counter.

Her specific reasons for taking work as a mercenary might change if a more sensible reason in the plot comes up, but plain old debt is what I'll go with for now. Not many people care to by books from the illegitimate dark mage who never talks to anyone, and rather than request money from her mother (starting to go through tough times herself), she turns to the use of her tomes to pay the bills.

Base Stats/Growths:
Hp: 18 (70%)
Str: 1 (15%)
Mag: 5 (50%)
Skl: 6 (35%)
Spd: 3 (40%)
Lck: 4 (20%)
Def: 2 (40%)
Res: 4 (30%)
Con: 9 (2%)
Aid: 8
Move: 5

Affinity: Ice
Weapons: Dark (D)
Inventory: Flux, Vulnerary
Skill: Rend

I may change the growths around a little, but this is the general style of unit I would want Vire to be.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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