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Woah, I just saw this. I had no idea there was a Direct today. Looks pretty cool but it seems to be pretty early in development. The graphics are putting me off tbh, and I'm not a graphics fanboy by any means.

New characters huzzah also maybe this will bring back some heroes or would be heroes from past Zelda's to help like Ralph

Hell yes, I want Ralph playable in this, along with Zelda, Tingle, the OoT sages... There's plenty of characters they could bring in. I hope they make Zelda playable in story mode too for once.

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Not bad. I don't know much about Dynasty Warriors, but if this is similar to it, then that's pretty interesting.

Gonna keep an eye on this game.

Dynasty Warriors is based on the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms which was based on historical and fictional accounts of Chinese history from the Yellow Turban rebellion (180's) to the end of the three kingdoms period. Late 200's

Many heroes and warlords were in this period.. But more to the games.

Its a hack n slash. Cut down all enemies in your way without dying and helping your allies and fighting powerful generals. Quite a few modes of difficulty and leveling up and weapon improving are common aspects

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Dynasty Warriors is based on the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms which was based on historical and fictional accounts of Chinese history from the Yellow Turban rebellion (180's) to the end of the three kingdoms period. Late 200's

Many heroes and warlords were in this period.. But more to the games.

Its a hack n slash. Cut down all enemies in your way without dying and helping your allies and fighting powerful generals. Quite a few modes of difficulty and leveling up and weapon improving are common asspects

Sounds pretty fun, then. I'm still surprised they decided to make a Zelda game based on it, though.

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Sounds pretty fun, then. I'm still surprised they decided to make a Zelda game based on it, though.

In a 3DS warriors game there were costumes based on Link and Zero Suit Samus oddly so maybe this is retuning the favor

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Wow, this looks so cool....I never expected them to make something like this. I would've preferred Emblem Warriors or something but this looks pretty neat!

I second the playable races idea! And while I want playable Ritos, my favorite race.....that's never gonna happen since they're not on the Great Sea..... >.<

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Wow, this looks so cool....I never expected them to make something like this. I would've preferred Emblem Warriors or something but this looks pretty neat!

I second the playable races idea! And while I want playable Ritos, my favorite race.....that's never gonna happen since they're not on the Great Sea..... >.<

I shall 3rd the playable races idea, let's get em all from the Gerudo to the Minish to the various things in all Zelda games
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I think one of the reasons I've liked Zelda games is because I often like the aesthetics of the places they take me, and I enjoy the variety within them, even when they get derivative of things from past entries about it. So while I was definitely taken aback a bit that this even exists, I sort of wish the trailer could've shown a larger range of environments, enemies, and situations overall. What sides we'll get to take and how, or rather whether there'll be anybody to play as at all other than Link, etc.

(and one reason why not having seen much in those departments yet gets me a little nervous is that I don't exactly remember many Warriors games for the level designs) (although to be fair I haven't acquired any since the end of the ps2 era, not counting a demo of the first Gundam Warriors)

Of course there's a neverending list of reasons why promotional material might omit all kinds of shit, especially in a particularly "hey guess what we're crazy enough to make exist, fuckers" kind of first announcement trailer, but there's some sense of unease I can't seem to shake about the idea of this thing, and whether "it's Nintendo, they wouldn't do anything but put a hell of a lot of effort into this," is a sound line of judgment.

(Not that I won't be very interested in how it turns out, being shamefully nostalgic for DW in general.)

On one hand, I do tend to enjoy the moments in the main series where they let loose the hordes and give me a significant tonnage of shit to fight just for the sake of it, but on another, that may often (at least in part) be because it's such a change of pace from the vagrant puzzle-solving that takes up the better part of playtime. Sorta makes me wonder about/interested in how much content will be in the game, and how fleshed-out it'll feel.

also I could feel a small part of myself getting painfully fussy when the trailer got to the dodongo. "Just what is what looks to be a form of, or at least something derivative of, the OoT King Dodongo doing outside Goron lands, what's more in an open field of grass, possibly Hyrule Field itself, amidst a horde of bokoblins?" *snorts* => *punches self* "NERRRRRRRRD"

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That's pretty funny, but don't forget about Hyrule Warriors: Xtreme Legends or HW2

You know, I wondered about costumes, I know KT doesn't usually do DW or SW costumes for non-KT games, but imagine Link in a Zhao Yun, Yukimura, Mitsunari, or Xu Shu costume for a minute

Edited by Soledai
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That's pretty funny, but don't forget about Hyrule Warriors: Xtreme Legends or HW2

You know, I wondered about costumes, I know KT doesn't usually do DW or SW costumes for non-KT games, but imagine Link in a Zhao Yun, Yukimura, Mitsunari, or Xu Shu costume for a minute

You forgot the Ranmaru Mori costume.

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Yeah I know, but it was nearly a problem when I first saw him since I was a lad and I liked pretty girls and all... doubly so since this "pretty girl" had a sword and was pretty good with it too

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But the biggest question on everyone's minds is. . .

Will Hyrule Warriors:Empires make it overseas?

Didn't they give us a trailer for Westerners ?

They gave us the same trailer, without the beautiful logo and just a lame " title not official " card that looked like it was made on MS paint :/

Edited by mikan-tsumiki
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Didn't they give us a trailer for Westerners ?

They gave us the same trailer, without the beautiful logo and just a lame " title not official " card that looked like it was made on MS paint :/

Not quite what I meant. It's almost certain that we're getting the game Hyrule Warriors, yes.

Most of the "main" Warriors games - namely Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors - follow a format in which the original game is released, say, Samurai Warriors.

A short time later, before the next full sequel is released, an (generally) enhanced re-release comes out with more characters and extra campaigns and small content (costumes, weapons, slight changes to combat and character's combos, etc.). This version of the game is (again, usually) subtitled "Xtreme Legends," though most fans will simply type the title with XL appended - i.e. Samurai Warriors:XL is where Tadakatsu Honda made his first appearance as a Non-Generic officer.

My post refers to the other kind of re-release that Koei employs - the Empires version of a game. Less common than XL releases (to my knowledge) the Empires release gives the player more control over their allies and gives you a part in the larger scheme of things - a turn based system is used to build the infrastructure of your provinces, raising troops, and employing officers as you set out on a conquest of Japan. Empires releases can generally be considered a slight crossing between Tecmo-Koei's two strategy series, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Nobunaga's Ambition, with their two hack-and-slash mainstays, Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. (It's somewhat difficult to fit in a good explanation into one paragraph.)

This is all a gross over-simplification. The point of my post was that it is not uncommon for both or either of the two re-releases to never be brought over to America. It was partially a joke, since I don't know of any Empires titles outside of the main two (DW and SW, again), not even in their crossover game (Warriors Orochi, where a demon-general decides he wants to fight the strongest of Asia and so messes with space time to do so.) Even a Hyrule Warriors 2 may not be that likely, though Dynasty Warriors Gundam got 3 releases and the Fist of the North Star games got two, so it's a possibility. . . as an aside, Gihren No Yabuo (Gihren's Ambition, popularly "localized" by fans as Gihren's Greed) could be considered the strategy counterpart to DW:Gundam thanks to its basis as a Nobunaga's Ambition IN GUNDAM! (And also has not had a single titles make it over seas since neither series is individually popular here.)

If any of my info is incorrect, feel free to make the correction known. I'm saying this all from memory, and a good memory is generally not my strong suit.

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Well, I'd say it'd depend on how HW fares. HW needs to prove popular enough to warrant an Empires version... and then popular overseas to warrant a localization. Well, can't say I know much of it. My only knowledge is that both the XL and Empires versions of SW3 didn't made it overseas...

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Not quite what I meant. It's almost certain that we're getting the game Hyrule Warriors, yes.

Most of the "main" Warriors games - namely Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors - follow a format in which the original game is released, say, Samurai Warriors.

A short time later, before the next full sequel is released, an (generally) enhanced re-release comes out with more characters and extra campaigns and small content (costumes, weapons, slight changes to combat and character's combos, etc.). This version of the game is (again, usually) subtitled "Xtreme Legends," though most fans will simply type the title with XL appended - i.e. Samurai Warriors:XL is where Tadakatsu Honda made his first appearance as a Non-Generic officer.

My post refers to the other kind of re-release that Koei employs - the Empires version of a game. Less common than XL releases (to my knowledge) the Empires release gives the player more control over their allies and gives you a part in the larger scheme of things - a turn based system is used to build the infrastructure of your provinces, raising troops, and employing officers as you set out on a conquest of Japan. Empires releases can generally be considered a slight crossing between Tecmo-Koei's two strategy series, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Nobunaga's Ambition, with their two hack-and-slash mainstays, Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. (It's somewhat difficult to fit in a good explanation into one paragraph.)

This is all a gross over-simplification. The point of my post was that it is not uncommon for both or either of the two re-releases to never be brought over to America. It was partially a joke, since I don't know of any Empires titles outside of the main two (DW and SW, again), not even in their crossover game (Warriors Orochi, where a demon-general decides he wants to fight the strongest of Asia and so messes with space time to do so.) Even a Hyrule Warriors 2 may not be that likely, though Dynasty Warriors Gundam got 3 releases and the Fist of the North Star games got two, so it's a possibility. . . as an aside, Gihren No Yabuo (Gihren's Ambition, popularly "localized" by fans as Gihren's Greed) could be considered the strategy counterpart to DW:Gundam thanks to its basis as a Nobunaga's Ambition IN GUNDAM! (And also has not had a single titles make it over seas since neither series is individually popular here.)

If any of my info is incorrect, feel free to make the correction known. I'm saying this all from memory, and a good memory is generally not my strong suit.

I think you did very well in summarising XL and Empires in one paragraph, and I want to add on that you can create a warrior in said Empires games, that sometimes adds to the attraction of them...

I gotta correct you and add something to what you said, there are 4 DW Gundam games, and don't forget about the 2 One Piece Warriors games

Well, I'd say it'd depend on how HW fares. HW needs to prove popular enough to warrant an Empires version... and then popular overseas to warrant a localization. Well, can't say I know much of it. My only knowledge is that both the XL and Empires versions of SW3 didn't made it overseas...

I honestly don't doubt it'll be popular, I know there are Warriors haters out there, but there are more Zelda lovers though, so it might have a good chance here, I really see a HW2 happening before I see a HW:Empires though, but with enough fan demand, who knows...

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I think you did very well in summarising XL and Empires in one paragraph, and I want to add on that you can create a warrior in said Empires games, that sometimes adds to the attraction of them...

I gotta correct you and add something to what you said, there are 4 DW Gundam games, and don't forget about the 2 One Piece Warriors games

I honestly don't doubt it'll be popular, I know there are Warriors haters out there, but there are more Zelda lovers though, so it might have a good chance here, I really see a HW2 happening before I see a HW:Empires though, but with enough fan demand, who knows...

I only just found out about Shin Gundam Musou today, and I am very excited for it to come over to the states. As for the One Piece Warriors games. . . yeah that would be my fault for having the gall to think that everyone cares more for Fist of the North Star then they do about straw hat. Knew about it, just kinda said "Eh." in my head.

The Warriors series does have devoted fans over in the states. Popularity wise, I'd expect at least one sequel and one re-release. In my mind, the actual limiting factor will be how committed to this deal our two parties are - Nintendo may only be grasping for another Zelda game to tide fans over until they put out the Wii U Zelda HD (which seems kind of silly with Wind Waker HD in mind) while Tecmo-Koei tries to boost sales in America with a famous Zelda character as their poster boy, or perhaps our contestants have more interesting, far-reaching goals. . . ? I can't possibly pretend that I truly know what they're thinking, but I at least have the ability to list out and draw up possibilities and then try to run the numbers, the reasons through my head.

Edited by Verdant Shade
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This game will have its naysayers. It will also have its fans, like me already haha. From the trailer alone I can tell they have blended the two styles other very well.

This is probably the most warrior pardon the pun. Link we will ever see in comparison to the others, let's enjoy it eh? I gotta say its funny how simple adds to his design a scarf and shoulder pads have already made it my favorite link design ever

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Whatever gets done with this game, I'd like to see a Survival mode of some fashion, that's one of the reasons SW1 and Xtreme mode from DW4&5 XL are some of my favorites modes in a Warriors game

I only just found out about Shin Gundam Musou today, and I am very excited for it to come over to the states. As for the One Piece Warriors games. . . yeah that would be my fault for having the gall to think that everyone cares more for Fist of the North Star then they do about straw hat. Knew about it, just kinda said "Eh." in my head.

I think people like "You are already dead!" moreso than they do... whatever straw hats do

I hope there will be a secret level that pits you against hordes and hordes of pottery, just like those moblins.

Honestly I'd love to see the chicken from Link to the Past as a secret boss

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