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Breezy Does a Thing! Project X Zone!

Breezy Kanzaki

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NxC is even longer than PxZ because when the enemy attacks you, you have to defend for half a minute straight pressing button combinations and the turn order is dependent on action points and unit speed.

Good thing in PxZ they just show a quick slash.

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And we art back.

Yuri/Estelle: ATK+15/TEC+10 DEF-5 SKL XP cost -20%

Lindow goes to Yuri/ Sanger goes to Soma/ Vashyron goes to Zephyr

[spoiler=Chapter 13: Valkyrie's Adventure]


But before that we're in a desert. Nothing good ever happens in the desert...

I beg to differ Yuri. And into the Pyramid we go~

It's Valkyrie. What a shock! THEN SUDDENLY PEOPLE! Riela and Kurt. It's like a joke that they show up with Valkyrie, because they're from Valkyria Chronicles. *ba dum tish* Also this theme is awesome. Kurt is number 7 and Riela is 13. Cool. I'd imagine Kurt is facepalming right now. And Valkyrie is number 17. Hey look it's our gang. PFFFFFT. Valkyrie is the best. Some plot points later....

Some plot about Valkyria Chronicles later.... Riela turns BLUE! best plot twist ever. And Frank gets a DRAMA photo. Damn kinky journalist. And then enemies. Joy. For the sake of this chater, Valkyrie goes with Kurt and Riela. Holy shit how fitting. For once.

Our Music is Valkyria's Theme.

Closest I could get to it. Still awesome though.

ZLV kill a thing/ 2 crits


DD kill a thing/ 1 crit

KB kill a thing/ 2 crits

ISN kill a thing/ 1 crit

Next Turn:

ISN kill a thing/ 3 crits/ LEVEL UP

KM kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

ZLV kill a thing/ 2 crits

HK kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

RK kill a thing/ 2 crits

Yay we're done here. Thanks for reading this chapter and I'll see you all next ti-


No, I said a GIANT TANK.


Anyway, the tank is The Echidna. Echidna.png

Sure, let's go with that.

Then suddenly another person. Selvaria Bles. AKA I have no idea. Oh god more people why. Hi Saya. And T-elos. Turns out the Tank is in league with the horny fountains. KNEW IT. And Vashyron is conflicted. Suddenly Brave New World intervention. And some NxC plot point that I don't know about. GOD DAMMIT FRANK NOT THE TIME. And suddenly Open Fire.


HK kill a thing/ 2 crits

FH kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit/ Level up/ We get their Multi Attack. They get it at Level 14

APB weaken a thing/ LEVEL UP

KRV kill a thing/ 1 crit

RK weaken a thing/ 3 crits/ LEVEL UP/ Down Attack get. I think

SAS finish a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

DD kill a thing/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UJP

Rk finish the thing on counter/ 1 crit

ISN kill a thing/ 2 crits

DD kill a thing on counter/ 1 Super

Next Turn

HK weaken a thing/ 1 crit

YEL kill a thing/ LEVEL UP/ Nurse get! YES!

KRV weaken a thing/ 2 crits

KB kill a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

DD kill a thing on counter/ 1 crit

ISN counter something

Next Turn:

O-GA-MI-SAN/ kill a thing/ 1 crit

RK kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

KRV kill a thing

KMH finish a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Yuir heals the team up/ finish a thing

FH weaken a thing/ 1 crit

DD kill a thing/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Reiji gets a Soda

Next Turn:

YEL kill a thing/ 1 crit

RXT kill a thing/ 1 Super/ 1 crit

KRV kill a thing/ 2 crits

Akira gets a pizza

Next Turn:

SAS weaken Katana/ 2 crits

RXT kill a Katana/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

Next Turn: (Yes this chapter is half moving up the stage)

HK weaken Katana/ 1 crit

YEL finish one Katana

ZLV weaken a thing/ LEVEL UP

RK finish a Katana/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

O-GA-MI-SAN/ kill a Katana/ 1 Super/ 4 crits/ LEVEL UP/ Cpt. Command Wind get! (According to a reliable source (Jedi), when playing the actual Sakura Wars game, that is the formation you use with Sakura. SO BASICALLY without Sakura Ichiro's skill set would be crap)

SAS weaken a Byakku/ 1 crit

Reiji gets Perfect Aid/ weaken Akatana/ 1 crit

ZLV kill a thing on counter

CM weaken a thing

Next Turn:

Ichiro uses CPT Command Wind/ You should know what happened here/ weaken the Byakku/ 1 crit

Yuri heals up the team/ weaken Akatana/ 1 crit

I waste some XP items to use Frank's Multi Attack/ They kill 2 things O.o/ LEVEL UP

HK weaken Akatana/ 1 crit

RXT weaken Akatana

RK attack a Byakku/ 1 Super/ 2 crits

CM weaken Akatana/ 1 crit

DD finish Akatana/ 2 crits

SAS kill Akatana/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

GE weaken the Byakku


ISN kill Akatana on Counter/ 1 Super

Selvaria moves to the left side team. FINALLY

ZLV chip a thing for XP/ 1 crit

And T-elos kills Akira. Fucking lovely.

Yrui does a heal/ Attack the Byakku/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

HK weaken the other Byakku/ 3 crits

FH weaken the Byakku/ 3 crits

SAS attack Selvaria/ 1 Super/ 2 crits/ Eat her Super

KRV weaken the Byakku/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UUP/ Skill get!

RK weaken the Byakku/ 2 crits

DD finish the Byakku/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

ISN save Akira.

Akira then proceeds to run the fuck away.

KB weaken the Byakku/ 3 crits

Erica does this to heal Zephyr/ weaken Byakku/ 2 crits

Yuri kills it on a counter.


Selvaria Multi attacks us

Soma gets a Healthy Talisman/ weaken Selvaria

ZLV chip a thing for more XP/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KRV attack Selvaria/ 1 Super/ 3 crits

ISN deal the finishing blow to Selvaria/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

OH MY GOD FINALLY. Oh god Saya and T-elos are on the tank. And now Selvaria is. And we all get transported. GREAT/

















O-GA-MI-SAN count: 7


Stuff I don't know because chapter 14 is boring!

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It's not a necropost if this is a project thread right? At least that's my excuse.

Kurt and Reila get as follows: ATK+15/TEC+10 & HP+1000/SPD+5/ Half XP for counter and 20% reduction for skill costs.


Neneko goes to Yuri

Lindow goes to Kurt

Valkyrie goes to Chun-Li

And Vashyron goes to Gemini.


I hate you all for wanting this playlog back. *shakes fist*

Oh look 2 people. It be Flynn. He's a guy. Tales of Vesperia. Oh yeah and we have: Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX. Fuck is up with this? Some random stuff happens. Then we show up. As you do. I always forget this chapter exists for some reason. It's kinda just, there. I dunno. NAME DROP. And we're in Valkyria land. Lovely. Oh yeah a Shielder. To the Demon World we go. Fucking Vashyron is the best. "Soma and Alisa sitting in a tree. Showin' each other their Ara-ga-mi!" Alisa is mine Vash. Don't make me pair you with Dante next level. Uh anyway.

Flynn goes to Zephyr.

And Devilotte goes with Haken.

Our Music is Mighty Number 9: Frank's theme. Let's get this party back on track.


ZLF kill a Mettaur/ 2 crits

ZEN kill a Mettaur

HKN kill ANOTHER Mettaur/ 1 crit/ LEVEL UP

KRL kill a Mettaur

FH kill a Mettaur/ 3 crits/ 1 Super

End turn

Holy shit I forget Ciseaux appeared here. THAT'S HOW MUCH I KNOW THIS CHAPTER FOLKS. Fuck dammit Sakura wars why can't I get the first 4 working on PC :/. Oh cool, he's in league with dudes from Vesperia. And Feydooms. Damn forgot this chapter was such a troll. Now we gotta rout.

RK weaken a rock this/ 2 crits/ LEVEL UP

HKD kill a Mettaru

ZLF kill a Feydoom

KRL weaken a rock by counter

FH kill 2 things with the AOE/ LEVEL UP

CMV weaken a Mettaur/ weaken it more on counter

GEV weaken an Adephongorus (Not actually the name)



ZLF weaken a mini-mech

YEN weaken a mini-mech

RK weaken a rock thing/ 2 crits

KRL kill a Feydoom/ 2 crits

HKD kill the Adephogo thing

RK Hadouken spam a rock thing on counter/ 1 crit

FH kill 3 things with the AOE/ DOUBLE LEVEL UP/ Down+A Attack get! Wurf

CMV kill a mini-mech/ LEVEL UP/ Down+A Atatck get! (Yes they're underleveled shut up)

GEV kill an Adephongey/ 1 crit/ 1 Super/ LEVEL UP

Oh yeah CMV kill a Mettaur on counter.

And because I'm a troll, splitting this chapter up. See ya'll next time~!

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Nice! Btw, unless you have some way to prevent Down and Stun (or are TC, who have such an ability as a passive), I generally find countering hard to justify unless the enemy you're attacking is near dead or can't hit you with either (which makes counters impractical against bosses for the most part; the only boss I can think of that DOESN'T hit you with Down or Stun with their normal attack is Riemsianne). Also, lightweights are a pain to combo. And going back to chapter 8, I highly doubt that getting Frank and Hsien-Ko's Multi-Attack before then would be possible (they get theirs at level 14).

Also, I love chapter 13's end because suddenly, Path to Certain Victory. And with it, Xiaomu snacking on the fourth wall (funny thing is, it's used as Reiji and Xiaomu's Special Attack theme).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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