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What was your first job?


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Funny, I got my first job friday, I only had one day, but I mop the floor of the bar and clean the bathrooms in addition to whatever else the boss needs. It's not a glorious or glamorous job, but it's better than sitting at home doing nothing.

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Grocery crew at a grocery store, so basically stocking shelves. I learned that adjusting the company rules to fit your store is the best way. If you go by the book, you'll only stress yourself out, and those people don't last long in the grocery department.

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My first job was working as a helper for a steel and aluminum manufacturer. I was seventeen, and it was the summer before my senior year of high school. I learned that I enjoyed having money.

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I worked at a nonprofit law firm's legal aid hotline. I learned a little bit about civic law. Actually, the first thing I did was making calls out to former clients about the results of a program specific to mortgage foreclosures (like a survey on quality) but that was actually volunteer work. It was fun because I got to have lots of conversations with lots of different people every day.

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Never had one. I assume the first one might be

a) grading papers as a ta for a prof...

b) at some fast food or grocery store

c) at a profs lab (really wanting this)

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I learned how to get laid off without being paid.

On my very first job I said thank you and please

They made me scrub a parking lot down on my knees

Then I got fired for being scared of bees

And they only give me fifty cents an hour.

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I worked at an ice cream store/factory. I scooped ice cream for people, including a large influx of tourists to the Cedar Point amusement park every summer. Eventually, I was promoted (not sure if it counts as a promotion if my pay and hours stayed the same, but not having to deal with customers anymore made it feel like one) to working in the freezers where the recently-made ice cream is stored. I learned that food service jobs are terrible, tourists are terrible, and -40 degrees is f***ing cold. Still, I held the job for two years from when I was sixteen to when I graduated high school.

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I worked in an R&D lab for two summers before university. I synthesized and tested UV curable inks (I didn't write the formulations or interpret the results), and ran diagnostics tests on industrial super-wide printers.

It was a pretty neat first job.

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My first job was for a bed and breakfast when I used to live in Italy. The pay wasn't too high, but it made me learn how to deal with customers properly and how to deal with money better. Even if now I'm currently in the UK with a different monetary currency, the knowledge I've acquired has helped me a great deal with my current job, which is in a video game, movie and music store.

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An hybrid between a clerk and a computer technician\online adviser for the bike shop at the first floor of the building I live in.
Also been a rent agent in London - very bad experience 'cause it was one of those societies with only foreign people so no British fair-play and my colleauges were ignorant leeches.
In Italy they tried to deceive me to work as a door-to-door seller yet they published on the internet they were looking for secretaries... I denounced them to the "anti-trust official organization"...

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No proper job* but back when I had a lighter workload I did some freelance artwork

But then my workload caught up with me

Still made a couple hundred bucks off of it though

*this isn't to say that freelance artwork itself isn't a proper job, just since it was like once ever 3 months or so for me and not near as intensive as the career artists

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Age 16 and worked at McDonalds during the crappy restaurant training wage where I was only paid 6.25 CDN an hour because the government in my area was being stupid at that time. The people there were great and most of our customers were seniors so it made up for the crappy pay. I learned a lot about the operations in McDonalds and of course all the

frozen foods

I left right before they took away the crappy wage coincidentally.

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