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Who's your favorite lord?

Ema Skye


105 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite lord? (You only get one vote)

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Lyn
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Elincia (Counting her because she meets all of the lord criteria in FE9)
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
    • Avatar/My Unit/Chris/Robin/Potato

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OK, screw this, I'm voting Roy.

Thank you.

God Tier:

Ike, Ephraim, Hector, Sigurd

Awesome Tier:

Eliwood, Celice, Lyndis

Bro tier:

Marth, Alm, Chris


Don't Know Yet Tier:


Bitch Tier:


Annoying Tier:

Avatar (FE13), Derpika

Annoying Fanbase Tier:

Chrom, Lucina

Scrub Tier:


I totally am not like one of the only characters who can Solo Idoun in one turn or anything.

(I originally voted Micaiah... but then I switched to Roy. I've got a thing for less liked lords...)


Edited by Roy: Marquess of Pherae
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Well what if Marth didn't have Falchion?What if Eirika didn't have (Whatever that thundersword is called)? Halfof the lords would be terrible if it weren't for a legendary weapon. Of course Hector and some others are more capable than a teenage boy, but that doesn't mean I'm terrible. I am the only one of two can wield the Sword of Seals. It's a great weapon and has a cool animation.

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Halfof the lords would be terrible if it weren't for a legendary weapon.

Not as much as you :p

Eirika and Ephraim work really well without their weapons. Hector, ike are also pretty great without any special weapon. You and your father are by far the worst lords.

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Not as much as you :p

Eirika and Ephraim work really well without their weapons. Hector, ike are also pretty great without any special weapon. You and your father are by far the worst lords.

But do you truly believe I am still that inferior when I wield the Sword of Seals which is as I said earlier, exclusively for me.

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I voted Leaf this time around. Though he usually ties with Ephraim.

Both characters good a nice character arc dealing with them growing into responsible people fit of rulership. ...unlike certain other chumps who see themselves as too pretty to be called anything but prince.

So in terms of writing, It could really be either. But this time I went with Leaf because of his unique abilities through his magic sword. He is not as powerful as Ephraim but more fun to use.

Speaking of the weapon, it's also nice that he has a weapon with an actual history and that also serves as a memento.

Edited by BrightBow
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But do you truly believe I am still that inferior when I wield the Sword of Seals which is as I said earlier, exclusively for me.

Well, I guess Roy welding the Sword of Seals is useful for 3 chapters. Eliwood is always useless, since Durandel sucks in FE7

Edited by Nobody
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I voted Ephraim, but it could have gone Hector, Marth, Sigurd, Celice, or Leaf as well.

If I had to rank them, the only ones I couldn't would be Celica and Alm.

Should Julia be on this list since Elincia is?

Edited by Rezire
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God Tier:

Ike, Ephraim, Hector, Sigurd

Awesome Tier:

Eliwood, Celice, Lyndis

Bro tier:

Marth, Alm, Chris


Don't Know Yet Tier:


Bitch Tier:


Annoying Tier:

Avatar (FE13), Derpika

Annoying Fanbase Tier:

Chrom, Lucina

Scrub Tier:


Duck you're terrible.

Marth gogo.

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I really like Lucina because waifu but in all honesty she doesn't get enough of an independent role to warrant being my favorite lord, if that makes sense (she takes backseat to Chrom/Avatar).

Favorite would probably have to be Ike, then Hector, then Ephraim/Lyn/Lucina.

Eirika sucks, my feelings on Michaiah are a bit mixed, Chrom and Eliwood are pretty generic in my opinion, and I don't really consider Avatar a lord.

Haven't played the Japanese ones, so I can't comment on them.

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The mascot. If FE11 didn't exist, he'd be bottom tier but FE11 provides an interesting and well written take on his character. In FE3, Marth is quite the fool. He barely knows the history of his own country, let alone the history of the continent. Everything needs to be expained to him clearly. While this serves the purpose of explaining the backstory to the player, it doesn't make much sense that the prince of a country with such a rich history would have no knowlegde of what it all means. From Jagen and Malledus to Xane, everyone spoon feeds him the backstory. This was a pretty poor way of doing it but I guess they had to work with the limitations of the era when programming and writing the game. While little changes in how the story is told in FE11, there are some minor differences. Subverting what we're told about Marth in FE3, FE11 has him flat out state, "Yes, Malledus... Is that what this was about? I do know my own kingdom's history. And I know what I must do[...]". A small but brilliant change.

Marth in FE11 knows what's up. He behaves like a real person who's had way too many responsibilities shoved on him but never needlessly angsts about it. The conversations that show this best are the ones in Prologue 4 and Chapter 13.

Look, sire. See how Altea shrinks on the horizon...


I beg your pardon?

I am a craven. Powerless to save my sister, to staunch my kingdom's wounds; to ease my people's fears...

This...was your only recourse, sire. But surely, one day, you will be able to set things right...

"Surely"? Why do words of such conviction smack so much of uncertainty when spoken? Not surely, Jagen. Assuredly. Gra will pay for their acts. Today, though, allow me to wallow in this pain, to feel every awful twist of it. I never want to forget.


I will return, Altea! Your prince will return to you one day!

Today, there was this commoner... She mentioned Grust was divided about the war. Some of its people wanted to fight with Altea, she said...Ever since I lost my father and kingdom, I've held nothing but hate in my heart for Gra and Grust...but not once did I give any thought to what must have been going on in their heads.

And now you find your hate for them has been lessened?

No... the hate remains. I will never forget the pain they inflicted upon me, the rage I felt. Yet now, at least, I can tell you it's not just hate...Not anymore.

Not all evils are wrought of evil purposes. Perhaps this sounds naive, but...A true leader needs to look at his opponent and see more than just an enemy.

A completely believable and well written character in 2 short conversations. Far more than what a certain game could achieve.

Marth in FE12, sadly, reverts back to his FE3 personality: a hopelessly naive child. This is more disappointing because they tossed aside his development in FE11. I'll say this though: If there ever was one good thing to come out of the avatar feature in FE12 and the way he/she butts in on all conversations, it's that the game dumps the exposition on the avatar rather than Marth. Or some of it at least. I've noticed that when retelling events that Marth should be well aware of, the game uses the Avatar as a dumping ground while all new backstory that Marth wouldn't be aware of is told to him and he retains some intelligence at the very least.

Marth's interactions, or lack of interactions with Caeda show his awkwardness and denial of his own feelings. Lack of conversations actually achieves far more than any excessive dialogue filled with awkward ellipses could have. The only time the game uses this often repeated tactic, is when Marth finally does address his feelings and thus the game doesn't waste any of our time.

FE11's lack of dialogue actually works in its favour and I've been telling this for a long time to anybody who will listen. That doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any support conversations or the like. Sometimes though, less is more. Learn to hold back and let the player use their imaginations but don't depend too much on it. FE11, in my opinion, does this perfectly and Marth's brilliant charcterization is the best example of it.

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Hector for character and Sigurd for gameplay, though Hector in gameplay is nice too

There's actually this really nicely written meta on Hector I've read that illustrates his character is a lot better than just big dude smash and a lot better than people give him credit for. If I can only dig it up...

Honorable mention to Lucina, whom I wish didn't take a backseat to Chrom in story importance.

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Roy is da best.

Also I really like Marth in both FE11 and FE12, I think he's pretty compelling as far as FE lords go

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Hector for character and Sigurd for gameplay, though Hector in gameplay is nice too

There's actually this really nicely written meta on Hector I've read that illustrates his character is a lot better than just big dude smash and a lot better than people give him credit for. If I can only dig it up...

Honorable mention to Lucina, whom I wish didn't take a backseat to Chrom in story importance.

If you find the Hector meta, id love to read it.

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Hector all the way. He is by far the best of the FE 7 lords, and it is beyond me how Narshen Von lamo beat him in FE 6. Macaiah is my least favorite, because of part one, where she thought it would be a good idea to help the Daein army escape justice for their actions.

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