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I'm going to put more thought into this than your response to me deserves.

this wasn't about you, tang. i was just helping integrity express to everyone how PERFECT his life is. i mean, he has no problem doing it himself, so i might as well help him out since i can't just take his perfect life away from him?

but tang, i admit...i should have known better than to spam this topic with videos, because not everyone has a computer as slow as my own. of course there would be people without the problem of loading the page. combine that with integrity's lackeys who are perfectly willing to report me at a moment's notice for the "greater good". this is a man who was allowed to bail out his little buddies, but dished it out to me for defending a special person who is one of only two friends who've never really hurt me before. i do acknowledge that my attempt was foolish, tang. i really do.

Actually this, as well as most of your antics, just scream "I want attention and I'm going to get it even if it is negative" to me.

You are also, again, trying to suggest that Integrity (or insert mod here) can do whatever they want without reprimand despite evidence that directly contradicts that statement. Anyone on the staff team can vouch for how observant I am of the actions they take when I have reason to be. The thing is, you are not an objective opinion. You refuse to acknowledge when you do something wrong, and so everything that anyone else does is considered a worse offense than what you got punished for.

So I ask, why are you even using this forum if you're convinced nobody likes you and all you're going to do is try to piss people off and ruin their mood? Nobody dislikes you inherently, people dislike you because of the things you do. Do you think what you're doing in this thread is likeable? Why do you suppose your friends have gotten tired of you in the past? Could it not be - shocker incoming - the way you act and treat others? People don't want to be friends with someone who acts like that. But no, you see it as people betraying you, it never occurs to you that you are eliciting that reaction by making them feel bad.

Everyone on this forum, including Integrity and myself, has stepped on someone else's toes at some point. The difference is that most of us do not go out of our way to strain those relationships even further by harassing those people, and even more we recognize that it is something that we've done that has caused that poor relationship to develop. For example, there is a user on the forum who I've butted heads with several times in the past. I had a couple options about how to handle it, I could:

1. Limit my interactions with them to avoid further negativity (Integ's favorite option, btw!)

2. Deflect blame and harass them (This one seem familiar?)

3. Contact them and apologize for the way I treated them

I ended up going for the third option after a lot of the first recently. They forgave me, but I don't think that they will ever like me and I don't blame them for that. At the very least I hope that the gesture improved their day a little even if it came too late for the relationship to be repaired.

Do you understand the point here? That person did not dislike me for no reason. I had to recognize that I treated them in a way that I shouldn't have, and it certainly is never easy for a person to come to that conclusion and also show the humility required to make it right. But it is not impossible to make it right as long as you are not expecting to become besties with those people. As for the ones who were your friends before, maybe you can salvage and repair those friendships by taking the right steps.

So yeah, cut the trolling out and piss off with the snark, because I'm about done handing out 1ups.

Edited by Tangerine
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won't happen because it's not true, unless i wanted to believe a lie? not like i asked to be treated like shit by most people(including the ones i thought i could trust) just for existing, but i digress. anyway, i'm still waiting to see a post by you that actually isn't intended to mock people, but that still hasn't happened yet. maybe at some point that'll happen? maybe

If you walk down the street feeling great about a new shirt that you just bought, and by the end of the street 20 people have told you that it's a shit shirt, do you turn around and say, "Maybe this shirt isn't as good as I thought it was," or do you say "All these people are just dicks that are just jealous of my shirt."

You mean not this?

Well it's a good thing I'm on Integrity's dick, or I might have got warned or banned or something.

I'll let Tang clean up the rest.

Edited by Tryhard
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pictured: drunk necktie

sober, hungover necktie

How 'bout. . .

- nectkie after seeing the gif for the first time

- necktie after seeing the gif for the hundredth time

Isn't he too young to drink? :P:

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no prob gg never celebrated christmas tho

won't happen because it's not true, unless i wanted to believe a lie? not like i asked to be treated like shit by most people(including the ones i thought i could trust) just for existing, but i digress. anyway, i'm still waiting to see a post by you that actually isn't intended to mock people, but that still hasn't happened yet. maybe at some point that'll happen? maybe

this wasn't about you, tang. i was just helping integrity express to everyone how PERFECT his life is. i mean, he has no problem doing it himself, so i might as well help him out since i can't just take his perfect life away from him?

but tang, i admit...i should have known better than to spam this topic with videos, because not everyone has a computer as slow as my own. of course there would be people without the problem of loading the page. combine that with integrity's lackeys who are perfectly willing to report me at a moment's notice for the "greater good". this is a man who was allowed to bail out his little buddies, but dished it out to me for defending a special person who is one of only two friends who've never really hurt me before. i do acknowledge that my attempt was foolish, tang. i really do.

that looks like a string of biblical verses.

Im pretty sure this isnt the first time you blamed a mod for your own being a shit, brah. Deflecting blame to other people is a childish and cowardly act, especially if this isnt the first time you feel "betrayed" or whatever. If negativity keeps happening to you in patterns, its probably because you are the one responsible. I know from experience that this is a thing. I used to be like that when i was young.

You are needlessly snarky, mean spirited, bitter, and a total Negative Nancy. I highly doubt Integ has a "perfect life". Perhaps he just enjoys what he has. (STOP THE PRESSES! SOMEONE IS GRATEFUL FOR WHAT THEY HAVE!! AHHHHH! BURN THE WITCH! <_< ) Why would you WANT to take that away from another person? Im sorry, i was originally not going to step in on this topic, but the bolded just fucking grossed me out. Good job, mate. Now go and stay go.


:): Awww Froot.

This gif is disappointingly untrippy

I was originally wondering why you found that trippy until i read "drunk necktie". :P:

Oh its mythological hashtag time?


Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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i was just really surprised to see the lil guy come out of what i thought was a blank space and it totally blew me away and i kept staring at it for like a minute and half-grinning.

i celebrated new years early lol

Hehehehhahah! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Why would you try to take his perfect life away from him? That's not in the spirit of Christmas IMO

what does a christmas feel like?

I'm going to put more thought into this than your response to me deserves.

Actually this, as well as most of your antics, just scream "I want attention and I'm going to get it even if it is negative" to me.

You are also, again, trying to suggest that Integrity (or insert mod here) can do whatever they want without reprimand despite evidence that directly contradicts that statement. Anyone on the staff team can vouch for how observant I am of the actions they take when I have reason to be. The thing is, you are not an objective opinion. You refuse to acknowledge when you do something wrong, and so everything that anyone else does is considered a worse offense than what you got punished for.

i'm not trying to imply that i should just never be punished for anything ever, i was speaking generally. I READ IT, tang. mods don't just get off scott-free. i said it.

So I ask, why are you even using this forum if you're convinced nobody likes you and all you're going to do is try to piss people off and ruin their mood? Nobody dislikes you inherently, people dislike you because of the things you do. Do you think what you're doing in this thread is likeable? Why do you suppose your friends have gotten tired of you in the past? Could it not be - shocker incoming - the way you act and treat others? People don't want to be friends with someone who acts like that. But no, you see it as people betraying you, it never occurs to you that you are eliciting that reaction by making them feel bad.

not like i asked to be treated like shit by most people(including the ones i thought i could trust) just for existing, but i digress.

is this was you're referring to? i'm not talking about this forum, i'm talking about my whole life. everywhere i go, no matter what. it...almost feels like living in solitude away from "people" is the way to go...but the world doesn't just work that way, no. i'm not retired. i'm a teenager who's always pressured to keep going to college and get a job while also honing my abilities and struggling to work around my own human limitations...and unfortunately, i'm not prepared to quit life. tang, i'm not trying to say that i shouldn't be punished. i am not. do what you will. people will still continue to be happy.

At the very least I hope that the gesture improved their day a little even if it came too late for the relationship to be repaired.

it will take time for me to develop the ability to actually feel happiness from other happiness. right now, i don't get it. not too long ago i started to get it, but...that's been undone. so terribly undone.

Do you understand the point here? That person did not dislike me for no reason. I had to recognize that I treated them in a way that I shouldn't have, and it certainly is never easy for a person to come to that conclusion and also show the humility required to make it right. But it is not impossible to make it right as long as you are not expecting to become besties with those people. As for the ones who were your friends before, maybe you can salvage and repair those friendships by taking the right steps.

i have been acquainted with people to some extent, but the ones who turned a blind eye to me and then just went about their business are the ones who i have no desire for a friendship with...i mean, making me feel more disposable than i already do? yeah, you're a saint, sure <_< i don't want to as a pal either. i wish it were this easy, though. people who i don't care for much if at all are rereadily available, but the friends i've lost that i would give a lot to reunite with are practically dead. gone without a word. nowhere to be seen or heard. lifeless, as far as i can tell. hope they're feeling really well!!

...then i think about how happy they must be right now...was i really that worthless? WOW, what a nice thing to think about during the stupid holiday seas--

...oops, i went on a tangent... /rant

anyway...if i DID want to reconcile with someone, i don't want to go to someone and pathetically apologize to them rather than stop doing what i did so wrong and let them decide for themselves whether or not they'll come back to me. i still feel dirty about making that apologetic topic for you and jedi. i made it because i wanted to apologize for misjudging people(because i hate being misjudged), and i didn't do it in private because i wanted it to come across as meaningful by showing that i would embarass myself like that. STILL...at the same time it felt like i was trying to get people to like me better.

You mean not this?

huh, i never saw that post...so you're telling me that ...okay, so parhesia/furet said "hey boney, maybe you'd be popular too if you weren't a loser creep!!" and i respond saying "hey, i don't creep up on anyone, and i don't care about being popular if it means i have to be like these people!! (generally lists people for clariification)". then a handful of said people gave me a bad word or two, and things went on, kon accused me of trying to get people to like me(bless her soul btw), and eventually i was warned.

but cmon. i was just explaining myself. i didn't want to be judged as "that person who tries extraa hard to make friends with anybody around and be popular".

You are needlessly snarky, mean spirited, bitter, and a total Negative Nancy. I highly doubt Integ has a "perfect life". Perhaps he just enjoys what he has. (STOP THE PRESSES! SOMEONE IS GRATEFUL FOR WHAT THEY HAVE!! AHHHHH! BURN THE WITCH! <_< ) Why would you WANT to take that away from another person? Im sorry, i was originally not going to step in on this topic, but the bolded just fucking grossed me out. Good job, mate. Now go and stay go.

i've made it very clear that i have a powerful sense of jealousy at all times; is case you didn't notice. also, i thought it was just common knowledge that i'm never happy? there you have it. that should answer your question. my profile statuses are always a vivid respresentation about myself these days. i'm not hiding anything.

...wait a second...

Perhaps he just enjoys what he has.

"i'm glad to *closes eyes* have a friend like you, who's *opens eyes* always ar--"

"...huh? w--where did you go...?"

so yeah. just be glad i don't get what i want.

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Well maybe if you didn't decide to mess with people on purpose, such as Integrity, people wouldn't have a problem with you. I don't think you've even really addressed that yet.

And I'm afraid jealously (or envy would probably be better term) isn't a good enough excuse. I'm envious of Robert Downey Jr. because he kicks ass but does that mean I hate him? Nope.

I'm stunned that someone could write so much and yet say so little in the above reply. Jesus, boney. Please just don't hit reply when you're about to go into snark-mode next time. And this from a snarky asshole myself.

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