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Gee, Nintendo sure ditched that whole "Worldwide Release" philosophy for the game pretty quick after the release date, didn't they?

Oh well, I guess I'm sort of okay with this. In between work, getting stuff squared away in my Gen IV game, and actually playing X, I haven't even transferred my guys up to my buddy's copy of White yet, so I don't mind the delay as much as I mind the fact that it wasn't a worldwide launch for the service. (Or the fact that we still only have one Holocaster Announcement while Japan has 21 - granted, not all of them for a distribution event, but still.)

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I'll be honest, I'm loving this pseudo pokebank time. I put a frillish in the GTS, ask for any pokemon I want, and manage to get it in less than a minute! I've almost completed the national dex doing that haha. I don't mind if the pokebank stay down for another month.

Edited by Nobody
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I basically only have unowns and legendaries missing from the pokebank mons

Everything else I have or I can evolve to have

Maybe I can put up some of these for extra legendaries ehehehe

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'll be honest, I'm loving this pseudo pokebank time. I put a frillish in the GTS, ask any pokemon I want, and manage to get it in less than a minute! I've almost completed the national doing that haha. I don't mind if the pokebank stay down for another month.

I... should do this.

Or not. I could care less about completing my dex.

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I'll be honest, I'm loving this pseudo pokebank time. I put a frillish in the GTS, ask for any pokemon I want, and manage to get it in less than a minute! I've almost completed the national doing that haha. I don't mind if the pokebank stay down for another month.

I swear, the world will rue the day if I get a porygon before the international release

Also I'm disappointed, I was looking forward to training infernape and cofagrigus...

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ooh are we now talking blackmarket trades on Pokébank mons

because good news: i am now a professional Mudkip smuggler and have fucktons of the precious little shits to give away

hit me up

Edited by bookofholsety
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flaming shit flingers, who wants one

should be hasty natured and may have 4 perfect ivs!

get the number in my signature and grab your pyro monkeys

yeah i should probably be getting better dittos, they only seem to inherit awesome special defense ;/

Edited by Woodshooter
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Bankmon trading? I'm breeding for a shiny Cottonee, and am willing to trade the nonshinies I get. No guarantee about IVs, but yeah. Shoot me a PM if you want one.

Edited by Zak Stealer of Waifus
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