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FE8 - Sea of Corruption


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Hi all. Myself, along with Siegmund have been talking about the idea of making an FE8 sequel. I felt like doing this because I felt like Magvel was a pretty underdeveloped FE world, and Siegmund took interest into a post I wrote in another thread. It'll be an FE7 hack, and it's going to be set about 25-30 years after the events of FE8.

Current working title is "Sea of Corruption".

Plot summary(updated!)

It's been 30 years since the War of the Stones. It's been a reasonably quiet time
in Magvel, up until about 5 years ago, where a civil war broke out in Carcino.
The end result left Carcino under the rule of Caligula, who immediately named
himself Chancellor of Carcino. He's got several... issues, so the rest
of Magvel keep an eye on his actions. Several recent reports from spies
in Carcino suggest that Caligula is building up a military force, and that he
plans to invade Rausten. However, nobody will know that the scale of this
invasion will bring the entire continent into war (again), and of the... outside
influences that it brings along with it that may be an even bigger threat to

Elias, the Prince of Rausten, is in a town near the Carcino-Rausten border when
bandits attack the town. Elias notices that they mention things about Carcino. He
informs L'Arachel, current ruler of Rausten, and Elias' mother about what he
heard. L'Arachel decides that someone needs to get deeper into Carcino, so that
she can learn more about Carcino's plans. Elias' volunteers himself for the job,
and proceeds to investigate Carcino...

Character List (updated):

Elias- Prince of Rausten. Mother: L’Arachel. Father: Innes. Speaks like his mother, is somewhat stubborn and arrogant. Tends to rush into trouble without thinking. Is in charge of a group of peacekeeping knights send to investigate Carcino. (Eliwood Lord, lv. 1)

Penelope- The care-taker of Elias. Devoted and dedicated to Elias and the Court of Rausten. Guards Elias against his own rash behavior. (Valkyrie lv 1)

Bernard- Knight of Rausten. Father: Dozla. Has a fun-loving, boisterous personality. Acts as a foil to Penelope and insists Elias get into whatever trouble he damn well likes. (Fighter lv 2)

Eleanor- A knight of Rausten’s court. Serene and silent; often the object of Bernard and Conrad’s affections, but possibly infatuated with Elias. (Peg Knight lv 1)

Conrad- A knight of Rausten’s court. Obsessed with details and order, likes to prove that he is the most organized and prepared. (Lance Cavalier lv 1)

Clifford- A priest of Rausten’s court. Noble and quiet, a source of wisdom and support. (Priest lv 3)

Wilhelm- A Carcinian monk. He treasures peace and is willing to join Elias’ army to ensure its arrival. (Monk lv 3)

Ada- A Carcinian youth. She got caught up in the Carcino military as a thief that would raid fallen battlefields. (Thief lv 2)

Daniel- A member of the Desert Tigers. An ex-knight who can’t stop talking about how much better being a mercenary is. (Axe Cavalier, lv. 4)

Benjamin- A member of the Desert Tigers. Serious and skilled. (Archer, lv. 4)

Mae- Next in line to lead the Desert Tigers. Mother: Tethys. Father: Gerik. Ambitious and wants to be a great mercenary leader. (Mercenary, lv. 5)

Esther- Princess of Jehanna. Mother: Natasha. Father: Joshua. A bit of a wanderer like her father, with her mother’s kindness, but a monster on the battlefield. (Myrmidon, lv. 5)

Garth- A member of the Desert Tigers. Aloof and likes to be on his own. (Wyvern Rider, lv. 7)

Svetlana- A female pirate (secretly from the North); with surprising kindness. (Pirate, lv. 6)

Reuben- A villager in Renais. Mother: Neimi. Father: Colm. A shady trickster but gets emotional sometimes. (Archer, lv. 6)

Nell- Amelia and Franz' first daughter. Kind and watchful of Reuben, one of her best friends. (Armor Sword, lv. 7)

Felix- Prince of Renais. Mother: Tana. Father: Ephraim. God among men, who has inherited a bit of Tana’s clumsiness. (Ephraim Lord lv 10)

Clementine- Noble of Renais. Mother: Eirika. Father: Seth. A very insistent peacekeeper. (Cleric lv 7)

Lemuel- Knight of Renais. Mother: Amelia. Father: Franz A young genius and devoted warrior. (Sword Cavalier lv 8)

Eric- Knight of Renais. Mother: Amelia. Father: Franz. While Lemuel is book smart, Eric is street smart and teases his brother for his dullwittedness at times. (Armor Lance, lv. 7)

Gwendolyn- Knight of Renais. Mother: Lute. (Mage, lv. 8)

Jasper- An adventurous noble from Frelia. Wants to build his own throne of glory. (Mage, lv 10)

Griffin- A knight of Frelia. Father: Gilliam. A stoic and dedicated guardian. (Armor Axe lv 10)

Ewan- A brilliant Sage. While more mature, still retains some of his fun-loving tendencies. (Sage/Mage Knight, lv. 1)

Eugenia- Ewan’s pupil. Because she uses dark magic, she likes to think of herself as an evil genius. (Shaman, lv. 5)

Phoebe- A member of the Desert Tigers. Mother: Tethys. Father: Gerik. Super majestic. Everyone loves her. (Dancer, lv. 1)

Dalia- A member of a group of Carcinian thieves. Likes to flaunt her beauty. (Troubadour, lv. 10)

Walt- Ada's older brother. Very protective of Ada, Dalia, and Camilla, seeing himself as the man of the group. Constantly thrusting his dagger around. Timid at heart. (Assassin, lv. 1)

Camilla- A member of a group of Carcinian thieves. A renowned warrior. (Peg Knight, lv. 14)

Corinne- Reuben’s older sister. Mother: Neimi. Father: Colm. Ridiculously sneaky. Upsets her younger brother often. (Arch Knight, lv. 15)

Edmund- A royal knight of Rausten. Sent by L’Arachel to protect Elias. (General, lv. 5)

Myrrh- Same. (Manakete, lv. 1)

Bruce- The heir to Grado. Father: Duessel. Incredibly majestic and manly. Honorable. (Great Knight, lv. 8)

Amelia- Despite her incredible prowess, still demonstrates unexplainable timidity. (Duke Knight, lv. 10)

Franz- Renais’ finest general. Devoted. (Forrest Knight, lv. 10)

Marisa- A member of the Desert Tigers. Sends her regards from Gerik and proceeds to slay everyone. (Swordsmaster, lv. 10)

Gallikas- A Northern villager who eats a ridiculous amount of food and sings very loudly, who is sympathetic to Elias' cause. Proceeds to be Bernard's BFF. (Hero, lv. 9)

Elgora- A Northern villager, engaged to Gallikas, who is frighteningly deadly with a bow. Scares the hell out of everyone except Gallikas. (Sniper, lv. 9)

Ross- Now a legendary warrior around Magvel who slays entire hordes of bandits with his right hand tied behind his back. (Warrior, lv. 14)

Naphtali- An ally of Knoll's and the leader in the stone restoration project; a rebel from inside of the North. (Bishop, lv. 12)

Knoll- After the War of the Stones, he left for the North and began using their dark magic to create new sacred stones. However, he remained unaware of the North’s plans for Magvel domination and was too late in stopping them and the Order of Naglfar. (Summoner, lv. 20)

Total of 41 characters.

Have some sprites:

Elias Bernard Daniel Mae Eric Clementine


Act 1 of the story is done, and we're now working on sprites, maps, planning out events and weapons.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Well. This is an idea I actually like.

I see a problem with the pairings, though. You should probably have one of the parents being sure and leave the other one to the player's idea. Kind of like FE6 did it with the children.

Strength/Magic split... I hope you're referring to that patch there was that made possible Mage Fighters, but kept Str & Mag in the same stat. Otherwise, I think there's no working patch for that.

An anima triangle? You mean Fire > Thunder > Wind > Fire (I think)? That'll probably take hundreds of ASM to do, but what do I know.

Anyway, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, though. I'm just telling you what you should expect to happen.

I'll be following this, good luck with it! Also, if you need some help in the hacking/eventing department, feel free to send me a PM for help!

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Well. This is an idea I actually like.

I see a problem with the pairings, though. You should probably have one of the parents being sure and leave the other one to the player's idea. Kind of like FE6 did it with the children.

Strength/Magic split... I hope you're referring to that patch there was that made possible Mage Fighters, but kept Str & Mag in the same stat. Otherwise, I think there's no working patch for that.

An anima triangle? You mean Fire > Thunder > Wind > Fire (I think)? That'll probably take hundreds of ASM to do, but what do I know.

Anyway, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, though. I'm just telling you what you should expect to happen.

I'll be following this, good luck with it! Also, if you need some help in the hacking/eventing department, feel free to send me a PM for help!

Thanks, I appreciate the support. That idea for the pairings is a possibility, but I'm considering trying to bring back a large number of the cast from FE8, so having to make pairings may be inevitable. It might have to go to polls (unless it's an obvious pairing like NeimixColm, or FranzxAmelia which is staying because a daughter is mentioned in their paired ending), or making some kind of event that allows the player to choose who gets paired with who , but that seems way to complicated to be an option. I am referring to that patch, though I think that I've seen separate str/mag stats in some screenshots of another hack. I'd like to make it possible though. These are all options for the future, and I might try to keep it simpler eariler on until I get actually competent at hacking.

@Siegmund: Don't make it too detailed yet, as I'd like to see a basic overview of the entire plot first, as I'd like the writing to be more of a 50/50 split between us. PM me with some plot points that you're considering, and we can work around them. I'd like the hack to be fairly lengthy too, maybe 25-30 chapters long.

Edited by HeroMaster47
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If you don't have many hacking skills, and want stuff like the Anima triangle, why don't you wait until FEXNA is released

Also, I don't think AmeliaxFranz is obvious since both AmeliaxFranz and AmeliaxEwan have a daughter in their supports and have the same support growth, I'm guessing you gonna pair Eirika with Saleh since they have a daughter in their ending, the pairings I'd say are obvious are ColxNeimi, TethysxGerik, LutexArtur and SyrenexKyle (They have a daughter)

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If you don't have many hacking skills, and want stuff like the Anima triangle, why don't you wait until FEXNA is released

Also, I don't think AmeliaxFranz is obvious since both AmeliaxFranz and AmeliaxEwan have a daughter in their supports and have the same support growth, I'm guessing you gonna pair Eirika with Saleh since they have a daughter in their ending, the pairings I'd say are obvious are ColxNeimi, TethysxGerik, LutexArtur and SyrenexKyle (They have a daughter)

I was thinking that AmeliaxFranz was more likely because the fact that Franz can recruit Amelia in FE8 for no real reason. I was thinking EirikaxSeth, something about EirikaxSaleh sounds really odd. I was also thinking that SyrenexGilliam was more likely since they already seemed to have something going in FE8, and the pairings don't always require the paired ending of FE8 to state that the couple has a kid, but it does open up more options. ColmxNeimi and LutexArtur are definitely obvious ones, and I'm debating on Gerik being paired with either Tethys or Marisa, but I'm leaning more towards Tethys.

I can already tell that there's going to be a massive argument about pairings at some point. I'll talk about something different then, characters from FE8 who will most likely NOT be returning. I'm going to say that Duessel and Moulder won't return simply because they'll have died of old age. I'm debating on whether to have Saleh return, but that depends on how old he'll be 30 years after FE8.

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We're also looking at some gameplay mechanics to implement, and they borrow greatly from FE4, 9 and 10. Things like strength/magic split, canto for mounts, anima triangle, physical/magic crossover units

have fun with that; unless you can get someone really good on board for free you're either going to have to do the asm yourself or shell out money for someone like hextator (fuck i'd even offer my services but this shit is beyond my skill level)
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have fun with that; unless you can get someone really good on board for free you're either going to have to do the asm yourself or shell out money for someone like hextator (fuck i'd even offer my services but this shit is beyond my skill level)

Well, these are only ideas that I'd like to have. I can keep it to standard FE7 formula until I can get someone to help or get good at asm. Hell, I'd just be happy with implementing FE9 AS formula and splitting the horse knights and armours. It doesn't need to be extremely flashy starting out, these are things I want to work towards. I'd prefer to begin with custom animations and graphics editing first anyway.

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just for a point of reference on how "good at asm" you'll need to be, the str/mag split is basically the holy greil of asm shenanigans- i think only two people have (independently) pulled it off and neither released their notes yet.

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if you don't put innes with eirika i s2g

but this is exciting to just read, hope it turns out well

Sorry, Innes is probably going with L'Arachel because of the sheer fact that their son (who'll be the main character) will be a very... interesting individual, shall we say. Thanks for the support, though!

EDIT: Added some character ideas to the OP. The northern nation will be based on Vikings and Paganism. Should be fun.

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Okay checked out the story and the character ideas. Seems like you guys know what to do with each character and it's pairings. If I see no FranzxAmelia I'll make sure this project goes dead.

I love the description you gave for Bernard. I expect lots of "hahaha!" with that guy.


- Valkyrie of the Oifey achetype

I feel like I started this idea. I demand credit.

Anyway, looks good. I'll be waiting for some screenshots or videos or whatever. Just keep up with it. Don't let it dieee.

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just for a point of reference on how "good at asm" you'll need to be, the str/mag split is basically the holy greil of asm shenanigans- i think only two people have (independently) pulled it off and neither released their notes yet.

You're not talking about Nintenlord, are you? I think there's some doc in his topic that he released, though I don't know how detailed it is.

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Okay checked out the story and the character ideas. Seems like you guys know what to do with each character and it's pairings. If I see no FranzxAmelia I'll make sure this project goes dead.

I love the description you gave for Bernard. I expect lots of "hahaha!" with that guy.


I feel like I started this idea. I demand credit.

Anyway, looks good. I'll be waiting for some screenshots or videos or whatever. Just keep up with it. Don't let it dieee.

FranzxAmelia is confirmed, have mercy!

I honestly had no idea that you started a Valkyrie Oifey character idea. Screenshots won't be available for some time, one I start working on sprites and maps, then I'll try for some screenshots.

Anyway, Siegmund has made up descriptions for all playable characters, and I'll be updating the OP with details. I've also done class stats (if it is demanded, I'll provide details), and I'm working on an item list now. Just getting the easier stuff out of the way first.

I'm slightly confused as to what I should do first with hacking, and exactly what programs I need (I get a bit stuck with things when I don't have an exact order to follow). I've got a hex editor, and the event assembler, but what is everything I'm likely going to need?

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Anyway, looks good. I'll be waiting for some screenshots or videos or whatever. Just keep up with it. Don't let it dieee.

There won't be any screenshots for a little while, I'm afraid. We've only just finished the planning, and we have all of the spiriting to do. I can, though, show you a concept portrait for Elias, the main character:


It's just a splice of Innes and some other people, but it gives a good indication of where we're hoping to go with him

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Well, I'm interested in this. If I had to make a complaint, I'd have to say that not much is 'new.' Most of the more experienced characters were from FE8 and there don't seem to be any people not connected to the cast of the previous game through blood or loyalty to characters from it.

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Count me as another interested onlooker. One thought, though: I always felt like the game implied that Hero/Paladin/Sage were the "canon" promotions for the trainees, since if they go super trainee they then can choose between those classes or remaining in the trainee class. Duke Knight may in effect be Paladin, but the other two of course are not, even though Ewan's description uses Sage and Ross is fairly well described as a Hero.

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Count me as another interested onlooker. One thought, though: I always felt like the game implied that Hero/Paladin/Sage were the "canon" promotions for the trainees, since if they go super trainee they then can choose between those classes or remaining in the trainee class. Duke Knight may in effect be Paladin, but the other two of course are not, even though Ewan's description uses Sage and Ross is fairly well described as a Hero.

Well, I'm likely not going to include Mage Knight as a class until a much later version of the hack, so Ewan will be a Sage in the first release, and will probably stay as a Sage. I never really thought of Ross being a Hero... His A support ending with Garcia implies that he becomes a warrior, though.

@AnonymousSpeed: It is a sequel, so there will be a lot of characters with either blood relations or loyalty ties to FE8 characters. I can add in some more original characters not related to anything in FE8, like maybe a couple more characters from the northern country, or do some re-working of some characters with Siegmund.

EDIT: All of the tome icons are finished. Starting work on weapon icons now.

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I support this idea. I probably won't be able to help much, but if I can, I'll tell you. ...Please, no monsters.

Thanks for the support!

Siegmund does want to put monsters into the game, however I am a little hesitant towards the idea, as I'm not the biggest fan of monsters either. It shouldn't be too hard to write them out of the plot if Sieg's already put them in there.

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Something that's been bothering me about the Lord's parents... considering that Innes was highly regarded as a tactical genius, it really doesn't make sense that his son is so stupid as to invade enemy territory with so few men. That would be much more appropriate for a son of Ephraim, considering that he kind of did exactly that at Fort Renvall. Even the excuse of him being rash doesn't work all that well, considering that being rash doesn't mean he's stupid.

As for the time passing between this and FE8, I don't think you would have any age-related deaths, considering that the oldest characters shouldn't be any older than their 80's (Dozla would be 77, but he might be gone anyways due to how he is). And I could be wrong, but I think that the 30-year gap would mean that most if not all of the children would be in their mid 20s, which might not be intentional. Saleh would at his oldest be 50 or so, btw.

Moulder's most likely alive considering the fact that he becomes Innes' advisor I think once he became king.

I don't know why you cut out/genderswapped Franz and Amelia's daughter. :/ And Amelia was never really all that timid, just inexperienced.

I don't know why Neimi and Colm's daughter is a Rogue unless you were going for class diversity since both their children were taught archery. Colm also gave up thievery after the war, so I somehow doubt they would pick that up. :/

I also don't know why Duessel's son is the heir to Grado, considering Duessel's ending has him as an expert combat instructor.

I'm surprised that Lute doesn't seem to be paired, but I'm guessing that's because neither Artur nor Kyle give her a daughter and you were going for a Generation Xerox thing or something. Although either of them could have had a daughter as well, but eh.

Myrrh's ending specifically stated that she never left Darkling Woods again, so I don't think it makes much sense for her to be in this sequel, shenanigans or not.

Considering both of Dozla's endings have Dozla valuing L'Arachel above all else, I kind of doubt that he had any children of his own. But this is mostly a minor thing.

Knoll also disappeared entirely from Magvel after the events of FE8, and he wouldn't dare even think of meddling with any stones, especially after what happened to Lyon. It just sounds entirely out of character for him to be involved with any of that.

I'm also fairly certain that the rebuilding effort didn't take 25+ years considering not even Duessel seemed to be near death by the time it was restored to its former glory. I honestly can't see the effort taking any more than like 5 years at the most.

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