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Chrom is a bad king/leader


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I wonder why they don't notice it since Chrom wears it in the open, but then again Chrom an co. are blind enough to miss the mark on avatars hand...

This is an amusing design inconsistency, as the avatar wears the hand cover things/gloves like Micaiah/Dark mages, you can't actually see the back of MUs hand in their portrait/battle model, only that cutscene lol.

And Gangrel trims his nails for his confession, apparently.

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Not to mention that this was a matter that couldn't wait since Plegia could attack any time.

And yet Emmeryn still waited for Chrom to return from the countryside just so she could choose his supposedly non-existant diplomacy skills over people who actually know what they are doing and have established relationships with the leaders in Ferox.

Edited by BrightBow
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Consider that Japanese response to FE9's Maniac mode is what got it removed for the west. There's a good chance that their(then current) method of producing the games in terms of both story, game play and even difficulty were some of the bigger factors in it's minor appeal, you wouldn't think Shadow Dragon,New Mystery and Radiant Dawn were on the two most successful Nintendo consoles/handhelds of all time would you?

I can understand why the Marf games were a hit on Japan since the FE fans from there are hooked on the first games, but why did FE9 and FE10 fail miserably on Japan?

Also, about FE11 getting a lot of sales outside... If that's true, then why did FE12 stay in Japan?

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I just have to laugh how ironic this comes off as.

Ironic how

Also, Chrom's skills as a leader still fall flat and the amount of flak or backlash he gets from it is surprisingly little compared to other lords. Remember Eirika, who had Seth to keep her from taking bad decisions, and the one time she confronts Lyon alone he tricks her into giving him Renais' Sacred Stone? Where does Chrom pay for his naivety and poor decisions, where the story makes it clear that they don't approve of his actions? Chrom makes a lot of bad choices, but I don't ever see them portrayed as bad choices or him paying for it. This bugs me.

Edited by Sangyul
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Ironic how

Also, Chrom's skills as a leader still fall flat and the amount of flak or backlash he gets from it is surprisingly little compared to other lords. Remember Eirika, who had Seth to keep her from taking bad decisions, and the one time she confronts Lyon alone he tricks her into giving him Renais' Sacred Stone? Where does Chrom pay for his naivety and poor decisions, where the story makes it clear that they don't approve of his actions? Chrom makes a lot of bad choices, but I don't ever see them portrayed as bad choices or him paying for it. This bugs me.

I made a post earlier (might be in this topic, might be somewhere else) about how almost all of the past FE Lords have either tried to do something stupid and been talked out of it by an adviser, or done something stupid and paid the price. The one exception is Chrom, who does many things that are stupid and is lauded for them as a hero. Really, it wouldn't be a problem for him to be incompetent (much better than a flawless hero), if only the game would recognize his incompetence.

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I made a post earlier (might be in this topic, might be somewhere else) about how almost all of the past FE Lords have either tried to do something stupid and been talked out of it by an adviser, or done something stupid and paid the price. The one exception is Chrom, who does many things that are stupid and is lauded for them as a hero. Really, it wouldn't be a problem for him to be incompetent (much better than a flawless hero), if only the game would recognize his incompetence.

That's the thing, yeah. Chrom isn't called out on his stupid and is rather considered to be in "the right". I wouldn't have such an issue if he was called out on his stupid.

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That's why I wish Ferox didn't exist and Archanea was just Ylisse and Plegia. Then when Chrom botches something, he wouldn't have a random giant allied army to come running to for help, and would be forced to deal with his own problems. If I were writing Awakening's story (I've said this before) I would use Cht.10 as an opportunity for Chrom to exile himself to Valm under Virion's protection to keep the Fire Emblem safe, get swept up in the resistance, and then return to Archanea to liberate it once Walhart kicked the bucket and the resistance army could come help him.

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Somewhat off topic, but what does have your cake and eat it too even mean? A cake is mostly pointless if you don't get to eat it...

Basically getting a scenario that should have a cost not having a cost.

The idea is that you cannot have your cake after eating it.

If you have it, to continue to do so must mean you cannot eat it. If you eat it, you no longer have it.

Robin's ending which is one of those "1 life or many" scenarios suddenly having Robin survive is one such case, and takes the weight that should be on that choice and gets rid of it, creating such a case where you're getting the best of both. Which is dumb.

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I made a post earlier (might be in this topic, might be somewhere else) about how almost all of the past FE Lords have either tried to do something stupid and been talked out of it by an adviser, or done something stupid and paid the price. The one exception is Chrom, who does many things that are stupid and is lauded for them as a hero. Really, it wouldn't be a problem for him to be incompetent (much better than a flawless hero), if only the game would recognize his incompetence.

Hurts even more when you have DLC Leif beating himself up for his shortcomings (which is, at least, in-character) and DLC Eirika being ridiculed for her gullible moments.

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That's why I wish Ferox didn't exist and Archanea was just Ylisse and Plegia. Then when Chrom botches something, he wouldn't have a random giant allied army to come running to for help, and would be forced to deal with his own problems. If I were writing Awakening's story (I've said this before) I would use Cht.10 as an opportunity for Chrom to exile himself to Valm under Virion's protection to keep the Fire Emblem safe, get swept up in the resistance, and then return to Archanea to liberate it once Walhart kicked the bucket and the resistance army could come help him.

That... would be another Return of the King plot..which this series is already full of.

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So? It would be better than the mess we have now. I'd prefer a story that's been done before that worked to a new one that doesn't. Of course, a new one that worked would still be for the best...

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I can understand why the Marf games were a hit on Japan since the FE fans from there are hooked on the first games, but why did FE9 and FE10 fail miserably on Japan?

FE9 and 10 failed everywhere if you are considering the sales(which is like below 500k worldwide)

Also FE9 and FE10 is in Gamecube(which bombed IIRC) and Wii, which have less userbase than DS

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So? It would be better than the mess we have now. I'd prefer a story that's been done before that worked to a new one that doesn't. Of course, a new one that worked would still be for the best...

I agree. Most stories are full of cliches anyway, what matters is how they are used.

I only wish IS would notice that their bad luck with FE9 and FE10 was because of the GC/Wii. I really want games with a better script later on.

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FE9 and 10 doing poorly has nothing to do with luck. Not only do the games just look ugly as far as console games are concerned, the main characters didn't resonate with Japanese fans (Ike is one of the least popular main characters in Japan), and the series after Blazing Sword had very little advertising in the west. The GCN's poor install base was part of the problem, but the Wii's base was still fairy sizable and yet Radiant Dawn still performed just as badly. Then we got Shadow Dragon, which wasn't much of a risk in Japan but it also failed to lift Fire Emblem in the west (again, no marketing!). So now we get Awakening, a much flashier game with more marketable points despite the bad story and nonsensical characters.

Honestly I hope the series does consider returning to a similar direction as the Tellius games, but it relies heavily on Nintendo actually giving a damn about its B-list titles. Considering the money they've made from Awakening, we might never go back to the old style of games. At this point in time I don't really care about the story, even though it's a mess, but the gameplay direction of Awakening is kind of a mess too.

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Jesus Christ, Chrom himself states he's not good with diplomacy when he reaches Ferox!

And you don't see anything wrong in sending a self-confessed poor diplomat on a critical diplomacy mission that could potentially decide the fate of an entire country?

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Ironic how

How you talk about Kellam that you can ignore him or kill him and the game won't care (noone notices Kellam)

Honestly I hope the series does consider returning to a similar direction as the Tellius games, but it relies heavily on Nintendo actually giving a damn about its B-list titles. Considering the money they've made from Awakening, we might never go back to the old style of games. At this point in time I don't really care about the story, even though it's a mess, but the gameplay direction of Awakening is kind of a mess too.

I agree, I hope they would take story ellements and work on the gameplay from those games, I just found it superior, Hight differences in the terrain which can be used, the marksman which is acctually a good archer class... the shove mecanic...

Out of curiosity, exactly what kind of advertising was Tellius lacking? I haven't seen any advertising for any Nintendo products at all, be they Mario or something really obscure I haven't heard of.

Adds, poster or something in gamestores, making teasers, the 3ds bunddle.

And, Mario doesen't really need marketting since pretty much averyone already knows who he is.

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And you don't see anything wrong in sending a self-confessed poor diplomat on a critical diplomacy mission that could potentially decide the fate of an entire country?

He did try, though. And the battle was more Ferox's stubbornness than his lack of tact. In fact, Chrom doesn't even have time to say anything and they send down the arrows. They see people in battle gear and attack. You could send whoever you wanted there and the result would've been the same.

Anyway, how did you twist "negotiation is not my strong suit" into "a self-confessed poor diplomat"? My mistake as well, but I expected you to know the game's story inside out if you're going to feed it to the wolves.

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Negotiation is the most crucial skill for a diplomat. Without it, you're a poor diplomat. If you confess to having poor negotiation skills, then you're confessing to being a poor diplomat. There is no twisting involved.

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He did try, though. And the battle was more Ferox's stubbornness than his lack of tact. In fact, Chrom doesn't even have time to say anything and they send down the arrows. They see people in battle gear and attack. You could send whoever you wanted there and the result would've been the same.

Anyway, how did you twist "negotiation is not my strong suit" into "a self-confessed poor diplomat"? My mistake as well, but I expected you to know the game's story inside out if you're going to feed it to the wolves.

But why would Emmeryn send him to Ferox without any kind of help from, for example, a diplomat, why would she only send Chrom who confesses that he is bad at that kind of stuff, when the safety of their country relies on it?

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But why would Emmeryn send him to Ferox without any kind of help from, for example, a diplomat, why would she only send Chrom who confesses that he is bad at that kind of stuff, when the safety of their country relies on it?

Remember we're talking about Regna Ferox here. Diplomacy is all about who can break face the best. Emmeryn knows Chrom is a good fighter, and if you couple that with being the prince of Ylisse he has pretty good chances of gaining the Feroxi's aid.

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