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What is your favorite 5 Classes in Awakening?

Tide of Waves

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In order:

1) Assassin

2) Hero

3) Grandmaster

4) Sage

5) Great Knight (Bad Class, I know, but the access to Luna makes it irresistible)

Edited by Gaius217
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In most circumstances, Swordmasters are my alltime favorite FE class, but they really became a lot less cool in Awakening, especially with the new critical hit animations. (They were so cool in the Tellius games ): ) On the other hand, female swordmasters are much, much cooler (That sword flourish after defeating an enemy!)

Okay, time to get started. ( *= After this one, it's in no particular order.)

Grandmaster (Mostly female because of fighting style, but I like the males for the flourish after defeating an enemy)

Dread fighter*
Dark flier (Partially due to the uniform. Looks neat)

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No order:

  • Dark Flyer
  • Falcon Knight
  • Sage
  • Promoted from Merc!Hero (because Armsthrift, and my slogan if it isn't already 'Screw Ike' is probably 'Screw Fighters')
  • Bride
Edited by Glaceon Mage
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My top 5 for Awakening, based purely on aesthetic design:

1) Bow Knight. It is a MUCH better sight than the hideous eyesore that is the Hero outfit. The pants are practical and awesome, and the upper body of the design is overall awesome.

2) Tactician. The Grandmaster is just garish and tacky (and stupid for females). Meanwhile the Tactician coat is rather simple, but still manages to be quite cool.

3) Assassin. I can forgive the ridiculous knives by sheer virtue of that fantastic scarf.

4) Paladin. Males only because the female battle panties are disgusting and stupid. The Great Knight armor is just plain bulky and ugly, while the Paladin armor is rather classy and cool looking.

5) Dread Fighter. Pure awesome, simply fantastic. This class makes even someone cute like Licht look like a badass ninja. This DLC class is well worth the money in my opinion.

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This is primarily based on how appealing the class looks to me, since I've only played FE13 a tiny bit (aka whenever I was able to steal my boyfriends 3ds)

1: War Cleric. Axes are badass, cute girls with axes are badass, and they have that epic cage skirt. A big yes from me.

2: Mercenary. I love their costumes, especially the female one.

3: Manakete. I think that they managed to make the transformed manakete look really, really good.

4: Griffon Rider. I love birds of prey, and a griffon is almost one. I don't understand why they get all the hate for abandoning their mounts upon promotion, Dark Fliers do that too. Either that or they spray paint their Pegasus black, which qualifies as a form of animal abuse They would be second if the females wore pants.

5: Tactician/Grandmaster/Dark Knight/Dark Flier. MIXED OFFENSE, YES PLEASE WE NEED MORE OF THAT.

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Hrm, let me see...

1. Great Knight, no question. <3

2. Bow Knight

3. Dread Fighter

4. Dark Flier/Falcon Knight (though I still wish the latter didn't get stripped of their swords)

5. Wyvern Lord

Yup, I'm generally a fan of mounted units. :D

I also like Taguel because they remind me of the laguz, only they have to use those damned stones, so... >_<

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No particular order.

-Trickster: I absolutely LOVE the idea of your thief being your healer. I love the idea of a more magically inclined thief-type (and I especially love it executed on Magical-Thief-Girl Anna and Leif). And I love that the class description has the word "glamorous" in it.

-Dark Flier: FINALLY a class that flies AND can use magic.

-Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Love Henry's costume, love the idea of hexes and their contribution to the Ylisse Universe, love the generic costumes for males.

-Entombed: Gaudy jewelry for the undead go! I also really enjoy their animations.

-Valkyrie: I envision any homegurl wielding staves and tomes on top of a horse to be a HBIC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hero- always loved them, always will.

Paladin- solid, balanced, mobile unit.

Valkyrie- a good, mobile support class. Shame I rarely get to use them, though.

General- with aegis and pavise, they become pretty much a wall.

War Monk/War Cleric- I like having a healer that can hold their own in the front.

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