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Where did the avatar learn tactics from?


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My headcanon is that they were both naturally gifted at tactics and either were left the book of tactics that they carry around with them by their mother or some tactician mentor that they had at some point.

But overall, its unknown, like most things about the Avatar.

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No details about the avatar's life before the encounter with Chrom is ever given except for those surrounding his/her birth. The only thing we can do is guess. Maybe his mother was a skilled tactician, maybe she died shortly after saving the avatar and left him/her in the care of a tactician, maybe the avatar learned it him/herself out of interest, etc.

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Maybe he studied tactics somewhere before he ended up in that field in Ylisse. Maybe it's just natural talent and even with their amnesia they never forgot their skills. However, what I really want to say is that maybe he just pulled this tactician knowledge out of his ass.

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I believe that Avatar's mother taught him/her while she was growing up, as she did take him/her away from Validar to raise him/her in peace and prevent Validar from using him/her as Grima's pawn. Or, the Avatar gained an interest in it while growing up and his/her mother helped him/her. Either one works for me. Though I'm probably going to go with the latter for my writing.

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Perhaps it's just a result of their special powers

part of the powers given by the mark of grima


Since the players ability to view enemies,etc. is explained in the prologue as Robin having some sort of sight of the battlefield. Robin is such a good tactician because he/she has direct information about the enemies statistics.

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Whatever it is, it appears to be genetic because Morgan is completely obsessed with tactics as well, and he/she probably did not grow up around normal Avatar. I think that Brand theory is the closest, but it's most likely something the devs just overlooked.

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A) Validar taught you, granted you were supposed to help him kill everyone, generally that needs planning. Morgan can be explained by you know, being yours, you probably didn't raise him/her to be an inept idiot.

B) Wherever you did. There's a reason you never get any history between being born and events of awakening.

Having to do with Grima doesn't pan out given morgan (Which word of god says is speculated to not even be from the same timeline as the rest of the kids). Also, assuming you aren't retarded (Which can rule out A based on the player I guess) and killed grima yourself, you come back without the mark, so presumably any magic "grima genius" in your blood dies with it

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