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  • 4 weeks later...

1. So I want to do a reskin of both the mage and thief animations. Is there any way I can get the animation script from the official animations with all like the timings and stuff? Or is it all manual timing stuff.

2. What is the p equivalent of seconds? for example what is .06 seconds in p? (idk what p even means sry :[)

3. figured out my 3rd question sorry if i just ninja'd!

sorry if my questions were too vague!



Edited by GhastStation
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  • 1 month later...

i want to change the title screen to the title screen i made. my image was 240x160 or whatever and the fe7 title screen was image 1371 in gbage. So i went on a limb and tried to insert it there. but it did not work. I was told rey made a tutorial for it but i can't find it (or i just missed it) does anyone know of a tutorial or is willing to at least lead me in the right direction?

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keegan buddy, you've still got to format your new image in such a way that it matches the original. Seeing as the original is clearly not a plain 240x160, I think you need to do some reformatting

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  • 5 weeks later...

have you tried just dumping a bunch of zeroes at the end of the ROM

it's possible something's just going wrong with the file IO and it's refusing to append data to the end of an array

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EDIT: figured it out!

i typo'd a map change, one unlocked chest map change was outside the map and that's what the error was talking about.

thanks anyway CT

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey folks, I already asked this question before but I don't remember the answer.

I'm trying to make a weapon have the fili shield effect. But Nightmare will just make it so if the weapon is in the inventory then the unit will have that effect with the weapon just in the inventory which just defeats the purpose.

Is it ASM related? Is there a hack that 'fixed' my issue?


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It would be ASM-related but as far as I know there's no current way to attach the Fili Shield property to equipped items only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

how do you set the arrow penalty to flying units? I need to set the penalty to a custom class, is there a way to do it in Nightmare?


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  • 1 month later...



its the voluprian ranger's last frame in his "focus" pose. That weird square of pixels just won't go away. I've tried the following

repointing the sheet to other space

moving the last frame around

removing the wyvern lord sprite sheet, because i though the tip of the lance was bleeding through since both sheets are next to each other in gbage

idk what else to do, I'm stumped...

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map sprite problem might be an animation data problem

Sappy problem might be you missing vbalCbEx6.ocx lol

try downloading mod 15 that fixes it for systems newer than Windows XP, or try finding said file and putting it in the folder

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thanks... but what about the map sprite issue? I really have absolutely no idea. I've made map sprites before but i always get owned by this one frame ugh -.-

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I have limited experience with map sprites, but my best recommendation would be to experiment with the "animation pointer" in Nightmare's misc. map sprite module. The first one I'd try to do would be to give it the same animation pointer as the archer map sprite.

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