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What do you like about Maribelle?

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She's one of my favorites. She's pretty hilarious, and at first she seems to have an arrogant and annoying personality (much like Clarine in FE6), but supports reveal she's nothing like that at all once her character is explored.

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Her personality overall, I found her to be one of the more interesting characters and a lot of scenes involving her are just downright funny. Yes, She can be very arrogant and not very tact when it comes to addressing those of lower status than her but her supports show that she really does try to help others and she even goes as far to become a magistrate to reform the law and make sure everyone is treated fairly regardless of status in her endings. Also her relationship with Lissa is sweet.

Maribelle is just great.

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I don't think a single support makes up for looking down at others 99% of the time.

Heck, there are even lines from here that are directly in conflict with her "everyone should be equal before the law" statement:

Like in chapter 5, she catches herself saying: "Wait. Am I really justifying myself to a commoner?"

So yeah, she thinks she can do what she wants because she is holier then you and you don't have to question it, just like a Begnion senator.

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Most of the snobbishness is due to the localization that makes her look snobby, BrightBow. But as for myself, I find the way she helps people in her own strong willed way to be endearing. She also shows a wide range of emotions in her supports. That and I like her English voice a lot.

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I looked as best I could, and this is what I was able to find. For example; the supports maribelle has with vaike are compared between the japanese and english versions.


And there was another person on tumblr intended to help educate the fandom on the localization process and made a post about the things that he/she wanted to post about and one of those was Maribelle’s Personality in the English vs Japanese: How the Changes Left Inconsistency About Her Character Throughout Her Supports Source is here: http://four-loose-screws.tumblr.com/post/55679094244/fire-emblem-localization-vs-original

But that person never got around to writing that post, so this is the best I can do about showing the differences between Jap!Maribelle and Eng!Maribelle.

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Was she a good character, or a bad character for you to like?

I thought Maribelle was a pretty good, likable variant on the Snobby Troubadour or whatever you want to call the Clarine/L'Arachel/Etc trope. I liked the whole magistrate angle and I quite liked her backstory with Gaius. Yeah, she's a snobby troubadour but there turns out to be more to her, and the Awakening characters I like have that something more behind the facade (shout-out to Virion).

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I think she is hilarious. My absolute favourite line from her was in one of her supports with the Avatar, where she tells him/he that she is surprised that one from the "unwashed masses" could read, and then failing to realise that it isn't a compliment. I laughed my whole way though that support convo. Also, she does have a kind side, as seen in her supports with Ricken.

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If Maribelle was a real person whom I knew in life I would hate her for her snobbish, elitist personality, but as a character I find her very enjoyable (for the same reasons).

Edited by baticeer
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I don't think a single support makes up for looking down at others 99% of the time.

Heck, there are even lines from here that are directly in conflict with her "everyone should be equal before the law" statement:

Like in chapter 5, she catches herself saying: "Wait. Am I really justifying myself to a commoner?"

So yeah, she thinks she can do what she wants because she is holier then you and you don't have to question it, just like a Begnion senator.

Marribelle's character develops through her supports. She is no longer a snob by the end of the game and she made her resolution after she matured. And she is not anything like a Begnion Senator. There is a difference between snobbery and outright evil. Marribelle is easily one of my favorite characters in the game, because her goals are so similar to my own. There is also the matter of joining the Shepards in the first place to protect the common people.

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I thought Maribelle was a pretty good, likable variant on the Snobby Troubadour or whatever you want to call the Clarine/L'Arachel/Etc trope.

L'Arachel has a lot more in common with Cynthia than Maribelle. An obsession with smiting evil is different than an obsession with court manners.

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If Maribelle was a real person whom I knew in life I would hate her for her snobbish, elitist personality, but as a character I find her very enjoyable (for the same reasons).

Yeah, I agree. And that goes to many fictional characters.

Things like a yandere personality (like Henry's, for example) are fun...but incredibly creepy and not-cool in real life.

I think I may be able to cope with a real person with Maribelle's personality (I actually have a friend that sort of reminds me of her, in a way), because she has redeemable qualities and it's not like I'm a street-person to be look downed on.

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