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Should the next Fire Emblem be associated with Awakening?


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The next game should be a new continent, new characters, new story...just all new.

I would only want the next one associated with Awakening if it was a whole new cast of characters and a new story set hundreds of years later, or something like that. I don't see how they can expand on Chrom's story.

My own personal want is for a new game in the Elibe continent, set after the events of 6, where both Roy and Lyn are main lords. But that's just wishful thinking I know will probably never happen.

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Just because a lot of people ask for something doesn't mean it will actually happen. Remember how many people requested Geno for Brawl? Yeah, that never happened.

That can't happen though.

Square-Enix owns Geno and Mallow.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Roy did help us get FE after all alongside Marth. I also reckon SF with its more renewed interest in fe6 wouldn't be against it either.

Although many of us would like to see something like Fe5 again

I've brought this up in the past, a few times. I'd love to see a remake of both FE6 and FE7.

The game would start with a small prequel, a few chapters, to FE7, wherein you take control of the Eight Heroes at the end of the Scouring. The last chapter among these starts with the finishing of the Divine Weapons and the Sword of Seals. After that, we go in to FE7 proper, not sure if they should still include Lyn mode, and it plays out. However, and this would take some reworking of the character's stats, they implement the Parent/Child system that we just got in Awakening. The only characters that you don't have a choice with would be Pent/Louise and Bartre/Karla, obviously, as they are canon pairings, unless they want to throw in what ifs. Obviously, this would only apply to Roy, Lilina, Wolt, Sue, Fir, Lugh, Ray, Klein, Clarine, and Hugh(10 compared to Awakening's 13). Then we would get into a slightly altered FE6, mainly to make things a bit more usable(such as Roy promoting BEFORE the second to last, regular, chapter)

Beyond the story elements, update the two games with the mechanics that have been brought in since. Forging weapons(maybe even blessing a couple), skills, DLC/Spotpass material, etc.

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I've brought this up in the past, a few times. I'd love to see a remake of both FE6 and FE7.

The game would start with a small prequel, a few chapters, to FE7, wherein you take control of the Eight Heroes at the end of the Scouring. The last chapter among these starts with the finishing of the Divine Weapons and the Sword of Seals. After that, we go in to FE7 proper, not sure if they should still include Lyn mode, and it plays out. However, and this would take some reworking of the character's stats, they implement the Parent/Child system that we just got in Awakening. The only characters that you don't have a choice with would be Pent/Louise and Bartre/Karla, obviously, as they are canon pairings, unless they want to throw in what ifs. Obviously, this would only apply to Roy, Lilina, Wolt, Sue, Fir, Lugh, Ray, Klein, Clarine, and Hugh(10 compared to Awakening's 13). Then we would get into a slightly altered FE6, mainly to make things a bit more usable(such as Roy promoting BEFORE the second to last, regular, chapter)

Beyond the story elements, update the two games with the mechanics that have been brought in since. Forging weapons(maybe even blessing a couple), skills, DLC/Spotpass material, etc.

This is an interesting idea, I quite like it and many times on this very site and its Skype chats I have heard interest in a fe6/fe7 mixture with inheritance and the whole shish kabob

Also you forget Igrene is Hawkeyes daughter and Geese could get brother inheritance from Geitz also you could splice in some headcanon maybe that some have with who some kids may be of people from fe7

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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I feel that anything directly related to Awakening would be a bit of a trainwreck, unless it was set hundreds of years apart from Awakening -- enough so that the parents of the children in Lucina's generation are a non-factor. If we must have a game related to Awakening, how about the tale of the First Exalt, and when Grima first appeared?

But I'd rather have a different world.

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I'd rather have them develop an existing world rather than create a new world.

All things considered, I'd like to see a game based in Valentia in the immediate (or not so immediate) aftermath of Alm and Celica's tale. Definitely nothing related to Walhart or Chon'sin though. Good god no.

There's the counterargument to doing anything with Valentia, right there. A post-unification Valentia game sounds great. An intercontinental battle featuring an Archanean army and a Valentian army was a concept of damn-near infinite promise that gave us...

The Valm arc.

/tumbleweeds roll by

No way, gimme a new game. New universe, new peeps, new everything. Set it on Mars, set it underwater, set it on a floating island, I don't care. Don't retcon Magvel to death, stop putting Marth out on the tiles, and don't destroy the things that make FE4 and FE5 unique.

Or go ahead and remake FE4 and make it the biggest, most candy-colored, overpowered, over the top, reclass-happy, Pair Up-happy bucket of dumb eugenics fun possible.

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Or go ahead and remake FE4 and make it the biggest, most candy-colored, overpowered, over the top, reclass-happy, Pair Up-happy bucket of dumb eugenics fun possible.

You forgot Paid DLC that revives Gen 1 characters.

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Hopefully, they'll return to the Rescue system. With that, it's a question saving one unit at the cost of crippling the other. So it's a strategic decision to rescue a unit or not. With Pair Up, it's saving one unit AND powering up the other unit. You'd be stupid to not pair up everyone regardless of whether you need to save a unit or not.

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Hopefully, they'll return to the Rescue system. With that, it's a question saving one unit at the cost of crippling the other. So it's a strategic decision to rescue a unit or not. With Pair Up, it's saving one unit AND powering up the other unit. You'd be stupid to not pair up everyone regardless of whether you need to save a unit or not.

Very true, I'm just unsure about what IS will do. Awakening is huge, maybe it will catch on. Then again Fe4 and Fe5 while they were pretty loved only a few things from those games carried on. Namely the weapon triangle and FoW as well as Rescue

Edited by Jedi Fon Fabre
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Pair Up should stay, imo, but be nerfed a bit. It's fun and realistic to see units tag-team enemies and block attacks. But some enemies should be able to do it too.

Edited by Anacybele
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Now a big question is will Pair Up become the next returning mechanic or will it be a one time deal?

Have the support combat like dual strike from neighbouring allies, but remove pair up itself. That way positioning actually matters, as opposed to a dumb forward charge.

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I'd like to see a remake of FE4/5 localized and revamped. DLC should stay because it makes money and its enjoyable.

Pair Up should... I'd like to see pair up work a little bit more on the Support System and not simply a command. Bring back the system in Path of Radiance where you could only have so many support conversations, and only make characters with supports Dual Strike/Guard when they're standing next to each other. It wouldn't be totally broken this way.

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I'd say overhaul some of the Pair Up System.

Dual Strikes either need to be nerfed to where Dual Guard is now, which'd be irritating, to say the least, or be made to be even more reliable in general. [100% is the norm, not 90-98%]
The latter allows for much stronger enemies to compensate.

Dual Guard is pretty much fine, but perhaps, an idea is to have it become very reliable with a different effect. Instead of Dual Guards nullifying damage, instead they transfer to the support, at a reduced value. [Perhaps Dual Guard = Support takes half damage, lead takes none and cannot proc if the attack is fatal to the support.[but instead you get 100% activation until then.]]

Throw in enemies with Supports and Pair Ups and then the field is evened.

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Hopefully, they'll return to the Rescue system. With that, it's a question saving one unit at the cost of crippling the other. So it's a strategic decision to rescue a unit or not. With Pair Up, it's saving one unit AND powering up the other unit. You'd be stupid to not pair up everyone regardless of whether you need to save a unit or not.

Rescue is extremely(ok well relatively) crappy in normal play though, like I'd hardly(almost never) ever use it with a non-mounted unit unless it's needed for a low turn strategy. Pair up has a lot more use for positioning for all types of units(in fact Advance Wars transport vehicles use a very similar system). plus even if they kept pair up it doesn't necessarily have to power up a unit the same way that rescue mechanics don't require the unit to be crippled.

I think dual can be improved through some rejigging of the calculations and mechanics. Rather than have dual attack go from 20 at low levels to 100 at higher levels put it somewhere in between in general(like 40-60%) with a limited amounts of dual strikes per character per turn, also I've recently thought a skill to give Archers/Snipers 100% Dual attack rate with a bow would work well with a change like that. Dual Guard is a similar case once per turn could be a good limiter(since it's a lot like Miracle without taking a skill slot) with Dual Guard+ allowing 2 per turn instead of a boost, perhaps changed so it can't activate when the character would evade an attack or take 0 damage so it's not wasted.

Edited by arvilino
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The Pair Up system is really great, but made the campaign SO EASY because the enemies couldn't do it and you could. I don't think that ALL enemy units need to pair up, but should at least have some do it. Imagine Apotheosis with paired up units 0_o

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The Pair Up system is really great, but made the campaign SO EASY because the enemies couldn't do it and you could. I don't think that ALL enemy units need to pair up, but should at least have some do it. Imagine Apotheosis with paired up units 0_o

It'd make for some interesting chapter designs even if the enemies couldn't dual strike/guard(might be a bit too frustrating if it was as currently implemented) since you might have to deal with a stack of units to get to a choke point, or kill a Griffon/Draco/Peg Knight who's flown over to you but suddenly have to deal with a Warrior/Sage/General at full health that was paired with it.

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SSB says otherwise, by many millions of copies.

You do know Marth is far from the most recognizable character in SSB right? A game with Mario and Pikachu, franchises which stomp Fire Emblem in terms of popularity even in Japan, and you want to convince me Marth is the reason it sold so much. Good luck.

Edited by Malebolganone
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How's this: a prequel starring Priam and his quest to get Ragnell, while fighting Chrom's father.

Erm, didn't he inherit Ragnell? Because he's IKE's decendant and all?

Personally, since I want more Elibe, the 6/7 remake sound nice. I wouldn't mind a Tellius sequel too with Mist as a main character, mostly because... you probably already know that.

As for Awakening sequels, I wouldn't mind a distant future type (duh?) but I've had enough of Chrom and Robin. I don't mind Lucina, so I guess her getting her own game would be fine too.

Magvel's cool. I wouldn't mind continuing with it, since FE8 is the ONLY FE not connected to another, so there's an extra point there.

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