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Is your Avatar's spouse the kind of person you'd marry in real life?


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Malebolganone and I sorta had a conversation about this in our PM thread, and I thought it would be fun to make into a public thread. ^^

Would you marry someone similar to your Avatar's spouse in real life? They don't have to be exactly the same, obviously. These are fictional characters, after all.

But for me, most definitely! Frederick is Kelli's hubby and he's actually everything I'd want in a man. I generally dig chivalry and the gentleman-like nature, and his hardworking and devoted personality. He's also a really big sweetheart deep down and he even likes giving hugs. He'd always be there for his wife, he'd love her forever, he buys her jewelry (I actually really like pendants too, which is what he buys for his wife!), and I like the idea of a man kneeling and kissing my hand. :3 He's not a doofus about love either. Although, I doubt many men could remain as calm as Frederick does when confessing his feelings. What's more, I even find Freddy really attractive because I like men who are tall, dark-haired, and hunky/muscley. lol And I tend to be a knight in shining armor type girl. XD

This thread isn't mean to say anyone has crushes on these characters, by the way. Just if some happen to have similar qualities to your real life ideal spouse.

EDIT: Oh, also, if you pair up your Avatar(s) with multiple people, just go with the spouse you marry them to the most.

Edited by Anacybele
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Haha people on SF getting a bf/gf let alone a husband/wife

8/10 would read aga- oh you were serious

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Haha people on SF getting a bf/gf let alone a husband/wife

8/10 would read aga- oh you were serious

W-Why is this so amusing to me? XD

Ah. Ahem. In all due seriousness... no.

While, yes, I wouldn't mind having Henry as a friend - actually, Henry would be a great friend - I just... couldn't see myself actually marrying him.

I... [/shrugs] Admittingly, I have no idea if I HAVE a type, so...

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The diginfied, elegant princess Say'ri? Surely I'd admire her or someone like her. She is my fav in fe13 and such.

But I have a difficult taste to put into games

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why isn't the entire awakening sub-forum fftf tbh

Its honestly a lot better then before.

Quite a few of you are being quite disrespectful.

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Why is this not fftf?

shame it isn't, otherwise I'd me slightly more justified in posting these two



Um, there's no need to make fun of me.

It was a dig at just about every SF user, not just you in particular.

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I should certainly hope the overwhelming majority of people would say no, especially if they're adults.

Especially considering how the majority of the cast consists of caricature personalities. I also probably fear for those who say yes.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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Well not really . My avatar married Miriel because I wanted mage babies. Its was definitely not her personality that won me over, considering she is merely a (somewhat amusing) one trick pony.

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*sigh* I was afraid this might have been a bad idea.

Someone lock this please, it's warranted almost nothing but spam.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hmmmm... I am not sure if it deserves to be moved to FFtF or not, but I dunno... it's discussion on Awakening and if people want to discuss stuff relating to Awakening, shouldn't they expect to find them in the Awakening subforum?? I'm not sure that I've ever seen a rule saying that stuff in the Awakening subforum only had to do with advice on the game or strategies for the game or secrets that help with the game, etc.

Not to mention the next thread that got created in this subforum is a similar type of thread as this and so far I haven't seen anybody complain in there that it should be in FFtF. They're just answering as normal!

So... I kinda feel that Ana should be left alone...

(Also I'm pretty new to this game, but I married Stahl... I don't think I really know him enough, just he's pretty~ And also he seems nice enough! I've only had 4 conversations with him though and I'm still not sure that I know him fully x3 But I think from what little I know, I probably would like him enough to marry =o) Too bad in the end that doesn't even matter since I already know who I am sticking with forever and ever and ever~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Why are you people so immature? Honestly, it boggles my mind. This topic had potential for some interesting conversation but most of you are too busy firing at Ana.

Anyway, locked due to request.

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