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Jill & Zihark

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wait... isn't meg recruitable by brom?

She is. Or... at least they can talk to eachother during the chapter, so... No, I really believe she is!

Oh, and to answer the topic's question:

Jill never turns out very good for me, so I always leave her with the DB. But I bring Zihark to Ike's group. It's easier for him to get EXP there. He always turns out good for me.

Edited by xanatha
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I should recruit both of them to make things more challenging.

But I left both Jill and Zihark with them on my girls normal mode run because if I recruited Jill, that leaves me with only 4 characters for me to use in the DB: Micaiah, Meg, Laura, and Sothe (who I use sparingly).

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She is. Or... at least they can talk to eachother during the chapter, so... No, I really believe she is!

Oh, and to answer the topic's question:

Jill never turns out very good for me, so I always leave her with the DB. But I bring Zihark to Ike's group. It's easier for him to get EXP there. He always turns out good for me.

Meg and Brom won't fight each other when they talk, but she isn't recruitable.

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Really? I'm the only one who recruits them? I feel special!

A madman granted, but special nonetheless.

I tried to recruit Zihark...but he attacked Ike first.

...Yeah. Did not end well.

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Depends on if I want to use them or not in the end-game. Simple as that. If I do, I recruit them. If not, I leave them with the Liberation Army to make those extra few chapters a bit easier.

Honestly, I don't see much of a reason to take them out of the Dawn Brigade unless you are really determined to use them end-game. I nabbed both of them my first playthrough from the DB and regretted it because they both ended up benched on Ike's team when they could have got some experience otherwise if I left them with the DB.

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  • 3 months later...
I thought is was something like that!

Actually it seems Meg is recruitable in 3-7 but not 3-F.

As for me, I recruit them both and focus my efforts of 3-12 on Nolan/Volug support, Tauroneo, Micaiah (staves) and Sothe. I barely use the other DBers normally.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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For me, Jill and Zihark stay with Daein. As I see it, they need all the help they can get (and there's the issue of them being underleveled if I get them to defect). I barely use Jill beyond 1-6 anyways. The Greil Mercenaries already have their hands full simply trying to provide for themselves, but giving them two more mouths to feed with what little resources they have?? No. Just...no. It just doesn't sound right. Though I will recruit Zihark in 3-E just to get him some EXP for Part 4.

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Jill has always been lackluster for me so I've never bothered to recruit over to the Greil Mercenaries. In my two complete playthroughs I left Zihark with the DB once, and had him switch over once.

Now from a story stand point Zihark should switch over since he's very pro-laguz and I really never thought of his loyalty to Daein being that strong besides the fact Zihark seems pretty honorable overall.

Jill I'm 50/50 one since she was an extreme nationalists at the start of PoR but then she changed her minded and chilled out.

According to the special battle conversations on this site there's dialogue for Zihark[GM] talking to Jill[Daein] where Jill comes off still very nationalistic ....I don't believe there's such a conversation in the reverse.... though I guess Jill probably naturally kind of stubborn and thus why she seems so determinded regardless which side she's one.

While alot of Zihark battle conversations sound very hopeless in the later chapters when you fight him..

Though from a game play standpoint it's best to keep as many people on the DB as possible I think, since both Zihark and Jill we'll definitely shine alot more and if you worried about experience give one of them paragon and bam that one is good, and just let the other get alot of kills if you can manage it. Since I'm not at all like the 'tier player' I'll show favoritism to whoever I desire. While keeping Zihark on the DB I had no trouble getting him into 3 tier by the end of part 3, and most of the other DB units were not to far off from Tier 3 also.

If the DB were given a few more well leveled units I would always send Zihark over to the GMs because it seem proper storywise

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Since the Dawn Brigade lacks good units, I usually leave Jill and Zihark with them until 3-E. After that, I usually recruit Jill into the Greil Mercenaries and let Zihark get resurrected after that battle

in time for Ashera to turn the world into stone lol


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I always recruit both. Zihark because I can, and Jill so I can level her up independently of the others and get her support with Haar on time. But really, in retrospect I recruit them for two main reasons:

#1: Let the Dawn Brigade get more experience

#2: Make their missions more difficult/awesome.

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I leave them on the DB cause almost all the GMs are good and they don't need any more units. A lot of the GM chapters don't even allow you to have the full team on the field so if I brought Jill and Zihark over, I'd have to bench two more of my characters when I already have trouble deciding who to use on the maps. Plus, I don't use many DB members in the first place so they'll help out the DB more than the GMs.

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The Dawn Brigade is seriously underrated. If any team's the worst in the game, it's the Crimean Royal Knights.

I kinda agree. At least the DB has some diversity with their units like the GM's

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I leave both with the DB. Jill is one of my main DB units, along with Edward and Aran, so I usually need her to help protect the castle in the last chapter in Part 3 where you play as the DB (don't know the #). And I don't usually use Zihark, but he is useful in the same chapter at blocking ledges because laguz don't have ranged weapons so they can't hurt him if he's on top of the ledges.

But I do sometimes recruit Jill with Haar in Part 3-Endgame, although I don't know if that counts as recruiting because it's only for a portion of one chapter. That way she can catch up with the GM a little experience-wise.

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I kinda agree. At least the DB has some diversity with their units like the GM's

The CRKs also have only 3 chapters to level up in before they join the GMs and they don't get a lot of exp in those chapters. Their availability screws them. At least it's not as bad as Tormod's group. IS should've thought more about character availability.

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