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Which unit would you choose to promote early?


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In any of the handheld FE games, who would you choose to promote early to increase their usefulness? This can apply to LTC or Hard mode runs or even regular runs. Sadly off the top of my head I can't really think of any, but early promotions of mounted units would be pretty useful in certain cases.

Edited by Fargo294
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OsWIN, he could use the move bonus IMO ( I prefer promoting him before chapter 15x, I might have mistaken the number but I am talking about the one where you have to reach Fragus, to massacre the pirates and force through them)

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if you're talking about promotion at the lowest level, it has to be miledy because you can't 5-turn chapter 13 without instapromoting her.

but in FE6 you have to early promote pretty much everyone, except for cavaliers - but they don't tend to be very useful.

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I tend to promote staff-locked units as soon as they get to level 10, because then they can go on the offensive/deal chip damage. Most of the time, my staff users get magic screwed anyway, so they kinda need the buff. I think the only other time I've promoted a unit early in the GBA games was Sain in my HHM run, since I needed another "uber" unit alongside Marcus although being defence screwed sucks!

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I promoted Saul early(~lv 15 I think) so that I could get started on grinding his Light Rank up.

I kind of wondered if that would be a good idea to assure all the S-rank weapons get used(especially since having two healers on the team makes it hard to get 20/promotion for both).

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I kind of wondered if that would be a good idea to assure all the S-rank weapons get used(especially since having two healers on the team makes it hard to get 20/promotion for both).

Yeah, he doesn't seem to have been hurt by it all that much, so it might not be a bad idea, especially with FE6's situation with Guiding Rings).

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If by promote early you mean promote around level 10, I almost never do that. Even with healers, I find it easy to get by without them being able to fight for a while.

If you mean promoting before level 20, in 6 and 7 I do that all the time, since I figure they probably won't make it to promoted level 20 anyway, so that's the point where I don't feel like I'm wasting level ups. In Sacred Stones, I never do that, because well, the Tower of Valni is right there.

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