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Male MU vs Female MU


Gender choices..  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. MU choice

    • Male MU
    • Female MU
    • I dont't care
  2. 2. Morgan choice

    • Female Morgan
    • Male Morgan
    • I don't care
  3. 3. Does that matter

    • No
    • On Lunatic (+) only
    • On any difficulty
    • Other (post comment please)

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Had better experiences with the rng on my female runs (my ladies are powerhouses of wreck and my guys don't want to get stats ever and he uses my standard setup that works great with my ladies)

I think I played a +def male MU that didn't even want to get defense why do they all hate me

Male morgan doesn't torture bunnies

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Female, because I like the customization choices better, she gets Galeforce (not to mention I like the Pegasus line anyway), she can marry Frederick, and her child is the adorable male Morgan. :3

I don't like female Morgan, she's ugly and her voice doesn't fit her (I've heard it through videos). Though she looks decent with red hair.

Edited by Anacybele
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I find no difference really from the Male Avatar and the Female Avatar, sure we don't get Galeforce as Male Avatars but I've survived without it.

I like Female Morgan aesthetically and at least her japanese voice is really cute. I don't really like any of her romantic supports except for Owain, but unlike male Morgan, FemMorgan looks considerably younger than the male children cast. For Male Morgan, Nah, Cynthia, and possibly Severa looks like they are Morgan's age.

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Well, there is no mute option in any non-japanese version for some reason, this would have been hilarious for once at least

Asset/Flaw poll is already made, no need to make another one...its not in the first page though.

The practical difference...are just the gender exclusive classes...and the exclusive

To be fair, any Morgan can get one otherwise gender-exclusive skills by their parent..

Another practical differnce...since Morgans starting class is based on their mother means that male Morgan always starts as tactictian, while female morgan starts whatever starting class their mother was..the other one is that female Morgan (parent is male MU) can have one sibling if you marry the right ones while male Morgan (parent is female MU) can only have one sibling (Lucina) if female MU marries Chrom...

Then there is the option of a third gen Morgan...to be fair, I do not want to mess with timelines so...

EDIT: See post below. Botchered it >.<

Edited by Marc71
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Another practical differnce...since Morgans starting class is based on their mother means that male Morgan always starts as tactictian, while female MU starts whatever starting class their mother was..the other one is that female Morgan (parent is male MU) can have one sibling if you marry the right ones while male Morgan (parent is female MU) can only have one sibling (Lucina) if female MU marries Chrom...

Actually, this isn't true. Morgan always starts off as the base class that the non-avatar parent was. So a male MU married to Miriel would produce a Morgan in a mage class, a female MU married to Henry would produce a Morgan in the dark mage class, and so on. Only characters with special classes (like Chrom and Olivia) make Morgan start as a tactician.

I prefer the male MU and I prefer male Morgan. Too bad I can't get them both on the same run.

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The only thing that inclines me to say Male MU is better than Female MU is that Male MU allows for...

- the option of being a Dread Fighter. The Bride is a really lame female alternative and they should have known better.

- Female Morgan, who I prefer personally.

- The ability to have a Morgan who is a manakete. Taguels too, thanks to Panne, but male Morgan can also be a taguel.

- The ability to have a Morgan who has Shadowgift. Though, male Morgan can get Conquest.

The non-DLC classes are more preference than anything. Also, while if you pay more attention to what you're doing than I did, it's possible for the game to try to just force you to marry Chrom. Which is inconvenient.

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Darn it, botchered that one thingy...with any Female MU run, it were those two parents...darn it, always played the male one otherwise...

To be fair, the late spotpass characters are not worth the effort IMO. You cannot play ithe morgan paralogue until then and the MU is struck without S support until then..Maybe for grinding for hard DLC maps it might be worth it but not for the main game.

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Actually, this isn't true. Morgan always starts off as the base class that the non-avatar parent was.

I can confirm this. My Morgan started off as a Cavalier since his dad is Frederick. lol

The only exceptions are non-Avatar parents whose base class cannot be passed down, like Chrom.

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't care either way for the Avatar. I have two files (one for each) that I play almost equally, and both have ended great.

As for Morgan, female all the way. She's absolutely ADORABLE in every sense of the word, and I love her looks with Tharja's black hair.

Male Morgan... he's okay, but his mug is weird... almost derpface.

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I have no real preference story wise about the avatars. I just chose a male one first since I happen to be a male.

I like both Morgans, but I think I prefer the male one. Both can be amusing, but the female crosses over into jerk territory a little too much for my liking, while the male one stays consistently nice.

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I have no real preference story wise about the avatars. I just chose a male one first since I happen to be a male.

I like both Morgans, but I think I prefer the male one. Both can be amusing, but the female crosses over into jerk territory a little too much for my liking, while the male one stays consistently nice.

Don't they say generally the same things though?

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Normally they do say the same things, but its more in their supports which are different. Particularly in Yarne's support where the female one bullies him, while the male one befriends him.

(Hmm for some reason the quote button did't work when I clicked on it)

Edited by Sasori
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Normally they do say the same things, but its more in their supports which are different. Particularly in Yarne's support where the female one bullies him, while the male one befriends him.

(Hmm for some reason the quote button did't work when I clicked on it)

Oh, their romantic supports? I guess. I wouldn't know.

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Personally, I prefer Male MU, mainly because the game already ships Chrom with Sumia, and the whole "WE ARE TWO HALVES OF THE SAME COIN!!" thing becomes more than a little...uncomfortable when the MU is a female, and already with someone else. And of course, Lucina wanting to stab her mother to death later on doesn't help things either (even if she does change her mind).

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Male. I like the appearance options not on Build 1. Build 1 sucks. I also like having the option of having two uber children of destruction. FemAvatar gets Galeforce, but oh well. I tend to play FemAvatar for Virion reasons though.

I think FemMorgs is cuter than DudeMorgs.

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I don't care either way for the Avatar. I have two files (one for each) that I play almost equally, and both have ended great.

As for Morgan, female all the way. She's absolutely ADORABLE in every sense of the word, and I love her looks with Tharja's black hair.

Male Morgan... he's okay, but his mug is weird... almost derpface.

Only chance tharja!Black to Olivia!Pink and I second this entirely. I can't stand Male Morgan's chin-forward buggy eyed stare...it's like that annoying 8 year old who is looking over your shoulder while you play pokemom, shouting wow-isms and asking a billion questions

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Only chance tharja!Black to Olivia!Pink and I second this entirely. I can't stand Male Morgan's chin-forward buggy eyed stare...it's like that annoying 8 year old who is looking over your shoulder while you play pokemom, shouting wow-isms and asking a billion questions


You mean this guy? I feel the same way.

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Awakening is one of very few games where I prefer to play as my actual gender if a choice is present. In this case, I prefer playing as FeMU, because she can marry a shota, and it produces the ever-lovable Male!Morgan. He's much nicer and sweeter compared to his demonic counterpart, and he's such an adorable dork. If I ever had a son I'd like him to be something like Male!Morgan.

I love MaMU, but I can't STAND Female!Morgan. She's an irritating, selfish, sadistic little bitch, and I would be ashamed to call her my daughter in real life; I'd wonder what the hell my future self did to produce such a monster. There's also the conflict between her sprite and her model. WHY I CAN'T STAND IT WHY? Why messy foofed-up hair in the model, and straight boring hair in the sprite?

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