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Favourite minor character back stories?


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I was just wondering who's everyones favourite minor characters, in terms of their back story and supports. By minor character, I mean anyone who has no or negligible impact on the main story.

Mine has to be Dart. The memory loss and him being Rebecca's brother and Wil's best friend (Most likely) was really cool. I also love Renault, despite some strange inconsistencies, but they never occurred in the same play through, so it was ok.

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I guess it has to be Shihiram.

A man who resisted the corrupt senators and went along with his loyal companions because of Begnion's corrupt senators and ended up in Daein, just to have to live an entirely different lie.

So they ended up throwing their values away in order to be accepted and taught their children instead values they don't actually believe in.

What's particular depressing about it, is that Jill being so desperate for her fathers has to be the result of her sensing his unhappiness about her actually adapting the things he taught her... resulting in her trying even harder to follow them. It's no wonder that after 18 years, he and even the generic grunts just feel tired and depressed, feeling they wasted those decades of their lives.

His story also adds a lot of depth to the Daein nation, showing that while Daein officials might hate them for being immigrants, the Daein citizens he lives with don't actually care anymore and hold them in high regard.

So one can't just dismiss them as a bunch of xenophobes and racists. Reality is a bit more complicated.

Plus, it results in the reaction of the Daein citizens being both heartwarming and depressing, showing how much they appreciated him and his comrades and yet show his respect by suffering needlessly.

Edited by BrightBow
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Thirding Treck, or rather Illian mercenaries in general

Also Gonzalez. Its just a VERY VERY cliched backstory, but the way FE6 do the writing(or maybe the way it is translated i dunno) is tear jerking as fuck

Gomez is pretty intriguing as a character as well

Oh and Glade. Its not exactly accurate to the actual guy, but I love how his first appearance consists of "Shanan? Oh, that pathetic holy blooded good for nothing snob? we don't need him"

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I'm actually surprised FE6 supports are even considered terrible at all. Most of them are well written and actually reveals shit/have character development/whatever(by most I mean something like everyone but the Pheraean Team of Generic Cavalier and the Armors. And the axedude).

Edited by JSND
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Greil's is pretty good

I suspect Greil counts as a major character.

As for my favourite...I'd pick Soren the shockingly-a-dragon-prince or Joshua the shockingly-a-desert-prince, but I fear they both count as major, or at least non-minor, characters.

So...if not Shiharam like Brightbow said, then maybe Cynthia. She's bubbly and likeable, but her lack of parental guidance shows in her misconception that a hero needs to be bolder and braver than what seems natural for her. Still, it's respectable that despite this, she proves to be strong and willing to fight after growing up in a post-apocalyptic world. The same goes for all the Awakening kids, I guess. Owain and Inigo come to mind as characters who struggled with the loss/lack of their parents, and Noire is especially interesting in that she's most psychologically affected not by the loss of her parents like the others, but by how utterly crap her parenting was.

I'd probably have more to say on pre-FE13 characters, but it's the most recent one I've played and still fresh in my mind.

OH NO WAIT. Zihark and his doomed Laguz love! THAT's a good minor character backstory!

(By the way, OP, I love Sandslash. It's my favourite minor Pokémon.)

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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For FE 7, I'd say my favorite minor character backgrounds are Wil's, Rebecca's, Dart's, and Renault's. I love the way they tie together Wil Rebecca and Dart, and I love the mystery surrounding Renault. It all works really well, in my opinion.

For FE 8, I'm not sure what would count as minor characters. Joshua, Innes, L'Arachel, etc. seem too major to count.

For FE 9/10, I'm not really sure. Personal bias says Brom and Nephenee.

For FE 11, I guess I'd say Navarre, he's another mysterious-type character. Maybe Julian and Lena, too, and possibly Palla, Catria, and Est.

For FE 13, probably Gregor, Lon'qu, Virion, and Cherche.

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The Wolfgaurd. Former slaves rescued by Hardin.

First there's Roshea, the timidest one of the group and yet he proves to be the most courageous, willing to stand up his friends and comrades, his brothers in arms as well as his lord for what he believes is right.

Vyland and Sedgar, who eventually come to their senses and remind their comrades (Vyland to Sedgar and Sedgar to Wolf) of the values they believed in and how they followed them blindly, sometimes.

Wolf, who refuses to abandon his lord but realizes what must be done to save their lord. And the poor guy never gets over what happens and resorts to recklessly throwing himself into battle once the war is over, looking for a place to die.

Wolf and Sedgar are also fuckings beasts in FE11.

Definitely my favourite minor characters.

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BRB banning Jack for taking the words out of my mouth :P:

Mine is currently Caesar and Radd. I got the tiniest peek into their lives in FE11 (Caesar had one of the best death quotes, when it came to portraying personality), but I sure as hell wasn't expecting all of that! Honorable mention to Legault and Horace for being amusing.

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I think i'll name Tauroneo. At first I thought he was just another boring general, but I thought he was quite interesting in his support with Rolf. Its a shame that the sequel never said anything about if he actually did look for his family.

Like an above poster I was also pleasantly surprised by Caesar/Radd since I kinda liked them I fe12.

I would name Azel and to a lesser extent Lex and Tiltyu as well, being family members of gen 1's antagonists, but its a little bit of wasted potential since Azel never gets a scene with Alvis and Lex and Tiltyu don't get much on screen time with their family either.

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I'd have to say Darin , RebeccaXDart, and Etzel, all have a soft spot in my heart as characters who should matter to FE players.

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The Wolfgaurd. Former slaves rescued by Hardin.

First there's Roshea, the timidest one of the group and yet he proves to be the most courageous, willing to stand up his friends and comrades, his brothers in arms as well as his lord for what he believes is right.

Vyland and Sedgar, who eventually come to their senses and remind their comrades (Vyland to Sedgar and Sedgar to Wolf) of the values they believed in and how they followed them blindly, sometimes.

Wolf, who refuses to abandon his lord but realizes what must be done to save their lord. And the poor guy never gets over what happens and resorts to recklessly throwing himself into battle once the war is over, looking for a place to die.

Wolf and Sedgar are also fuckings beasts in FE11.

Definitely my favourite minor characters.

Would you consider the allowance of their recruitment to be an improvement than when they (bar Roshea) unrecruitable?

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Would you consider the allowance of their recruitment to be an improvement than when they (bar Roshea) unrecruitable?

Yes, since it adds more to their personalities than just insanely loyal. Unlike Michalis, who gets to kill his father, hold his sister hostage to force his other sister to co-operate and then get to rule a country and then leave to conquer some other unknown land and face no consequences, the Wolfgaurd's recruitment has some good character development.

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While I agree that it does add a bit more to the the first three's characters, their appearances in the original really added to the game's theme of the moralities of allegiance and the fragility of bonds, while also really strengthening Roshea's character, moreso than in the remake. So while they aren't as depthful (except for Roshea, who I would argue is moreso than in the remake) as in New, they left a much bigger impact than they did when they were recruitable.

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Limstella from Blazing Sword.

At first sight, it is very intimidating, though we don't know anything about it. As the story goes on, more is revealed about its identity, motivations and emotions... or lack thereof.

Limstella has a very clear reason to exist: To be perfect, and to reach maximum efficiency, without being attached to banal things like emotions, hopes or mistakes. Even in its finest hour, it serves that role, and it does it at its maximum potential, regardless of the cost of its own life.

Such character gives a profound hindsight to the identity of the morphs. Are they really creatures without the capability of feeling? What makes them different to human beings? Even Limstella acknowledges its current situation, its identity, its function, and feels pain... something only humans are capable to feel.

I wished Blazing Sword focused more on the morphs and the mystery surrounding them.

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While I agree that it does add a bit more to the the first three's characters, their appearances in the original really added to the game's theme of the moralities of allegiance and the fragility of bonds, while also really strengthening Roshea's character, moreso than in the remake. So while they aren't as depthful (except for Roshea, who I would argue is moreso than in the remake) as in New, they left a much bigger impact than they did when they were recruitable.

That's one way of looking at it. Although I haven't played FE3 completely. Do they retreat in the chapter 'Battle of the Pass' like they do in FE12? What happens to them then?

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