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Scar/Injury Stories


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I was chatting in IP Chat when the subject of scars/injuries came up. I simply thought it might be interesting to hear/tell stories of our past 'incidents'. Nothing too graphic though please.

A few of mine are mostly from when I was younger.

Here's some backstory. When I was younger I often liked to climb around the kitchen cabinets and such, mostly to get something because I was too impatient. One such time, I was told that I was climbing them and I fell down. I was told that my parents heard a huge crack then silence, which, after a few moments was followed by me crying. Ever since then I've had a small scar under my lip, apparently it had been so bad I had cracked open my head.

I've also gotten my cheek slashed from fencing class. It has left a small scar. I have another above my left eye, but I cannot even really remember how I got that one. So, I can very well assume it might of been bad. A few other incidents from my childhood include me accidentally running headfirst into a TV. A microphone getting dropped on my head, and me shoving crayons up my nose. The last one of this paragraph surprisingly being the most near fatal.

Nothing else has really happened recently. I have never broken any bones (not sure if my skull was technically broken or not).

Edited by Ashley3wl
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my scar stories are generally boring. except for that one time I didn't want to wait for water and took a knife to a frozen bottle and sliced the back of my left hand open. injury stories however...I guess there was that one time I almost knocked myself out by sliding on the slide when another kid was at the bottom?

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I once tripped on some rocks at summer camp and pierced the skin on both my kneecaps. I didn't break anything, but now both my knees have scars. Recently, I scraped a ton of skin off my left knee doing box jumps, and the skin only just scarred over. I jumped up on a box, then all the sudden, my left leg slipped out from underneath me, and my foreleg and knee slammed on the box as I tumbled forward, did a front roll on the floor, stood up, and yelled out "I'M OKAY!"

I also have a ton of acne scars on my shoulders. I guess that's my own fault, as I like to let my hair grow out. Is that a crime?

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my scar stories are generally boring. except for that one time I didn't want to wait for water and took a knife to a frozen bottle and sliced the back of my left hand open. injury stories however...I guess there was that one time I almost knocked myself out by sliding on the slide when another kid was at the bottom?

this happened to me before, except i sliced the inside of my index finger as opposed to the back of my hand. blood all over my palm so i could leave red handprints everywhere, funtimes. a friend of mine got me a ring to cover the scar years later when i shared the story but that was just silly.

i also have scars on my cheek, shoulder and elbow from excessive fighting during my middle / high school years

Edited by black op: skyfang
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If it makes you feel any better, I once got a paper cut on my finger when trying to open the fridge. It was a really brutal fridge. I'm lucky I survived.

Edited by Ashley3wl
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Lol I've got so many........one time I was chasing my little brother and accidentallt broke a window ,netted eight stitches and thee scars lol also broke my arm skateboarding .........two scars there .......um I threw s knife at mg ceiling and it fell down and cut me ......another scar .....ran through a sliding glass door ...another scar ......that about it for me but my little brother has had staples twice stiches once several black eyes and I think he is missing a tooth

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mia_lover, wow, it sounds like you've had a lot of... injury in your life.

When I was 3 and 4 I enjoyed pretending I was a car. One time, when I was 3 I believe, I was pretending I was a car in the kitchen, and I slipped. I don't know if I hit a chair leg crossbeam or the tile floor, but I had to go the hospital. I still have a scar under my chin from that incident.

I don't have any physical scars from this crash, but I fell off my bike when I was 12. I was wearing a helmet but I landed on my head. I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with anterograde amnesia (essentially I had lost the ability to convert short term memory into long term memory) after I kept asking why my arm and head hurt. I mostly recovered by the next morning, but my memory is very noticeably worse than it was before the accident. (This has not been medically correlated with the accident, though). don't remember this by the way. Most everything I know is from what I was told after the fact.

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.... When I was five, I was arguing with my brother (I don't remember what the argument was about) and I ran off and kicked a window, breaking it and thus gaining a large scar on my ankle. The scar is still there, but barely visible and it has no nerves. >_>

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I once was at a store and I had sandals on. For some reason, I kicked the glass door and got shards of glass embedded into my foot. After that I hardly remember a thing. I mostly remember having to wear sandals for a while and I had to regrow my right foot's toe nails.

Edited by Ashley3wl
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I've had

one from my hand where i landed on a pointy rock whilst slipping on some ice

one where i tried catching a falling mug and when it broke a piece sliced into my hand

two on my elbow and knee from falling off my bike because, i pushed the brakes to hard on a sandy cycle path. that one especially sucked

Edited by Aizenberg
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I have a gigantic horizontal scar just above my bellybutton, it's like 30cm long and very visible. I was born with a pouch filled with liquid attached to my liver about the size of a grown man's fist. It was removed almost immediately after birth, because otherwise it would start crushing my organs.

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When I was in fifth grade, I walked past my dad's truck after getting something from the trunk, and a stray piece of metal sticking out slashed my left arm. I've never bled so much in my life. >_>

And to this day, I still have the scar.

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Dang, guys, nice ones

or rather more like bad, but yeah

I was running around like an idiot at day care, age 6-7ish, when I tripped over somebody's outstretched leg (accident on their part, dumb on mine) and tripped into hitting my forehead on a bookshelf and got my lights mostly knocked out. Though I was conscious enough to wonder why there were other kids crying, to get a teddy bear from the paramedic in the ambulance ride, and to be vaguely conscious when they were stitching me up- got ten in all. Thankfully, the closest thing to lasting damage (that I was informed of) was that I couldn't go swimming until they got the stitches out.

Not sure if the light patch of skin where I hit my forehead that I had is still visible, or if at this point it's eclipsed by the acne scars x{

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Several small ones from woodwork, one major one from a time I almost cut my left hand off with a handsaw (40ish stitches), two on my chin for unrelated really dumb things I did when I was little (8 stitches total), one near my left eye from a thrown object (idr what, only like 2 stitches), and probably the worst one is a very gruesome one on my stomach from a knife injury I won't expand further upon because nobody wants to hear that shit and I don't like taking about it either.

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When I was young I got too HYPE over beating one of the levels in some windows 95 frogger game or some shit because that game is fuckin' awesome but hard as shit, so i ran while being so HYPE and tripped over my rug and scraped my head on a chair and then it fell onto me. Then I had to go get stitches while blood was gushing out my head above my right eye.

Frogger 2 stronk is the moral of this story.

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when i was a kid i was riding a bike and then i went flying and crash landed on the pavement and i got up and was like "yo no biggie." some other kids i was riding with they were like "you ok dude? like seriously that shit doesn't hurt?" and i was like "no not really. im cool." so i started walking towards my house dragging my bike behind me and then my leg started itching kinda. and then it was itching really bad and it started hurting a little and i look down and what do i see i have lost flesh and im bleeding everywhere.

oh fuck.

i started crying, they started crying, we started crying, it was a mess, my leg was squirting blood in everyone's faces, there was fire, nothing was the same.

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another bike accident i had was when i was cycling back home at night on the road. i wanted to cycle on the pavement so i turned towards it, assuming there's an opening to go through. it was dark and i was stupid, and i ended up cycling into solid concrete. i crashed on my right hip. i was like fuck i need to get back up and carry on but man the pain was pretty unbearable, so i dragged my bike whilst limping all the way home. 2 girls from the college i went to asked if i was ok and i was like yeah whatever i'm alright, no big deal, even though i was in agony. so yeah it was like 10pm and i was limping back home until i gave up and phoned my brother to pick me up. well, i didn't have my phone on me so i asked some random stranger if i could use his phone and he let me because he's awesome.

sorry i dragged this out. i was in the zone

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The only scar story I have is from when I was like a year old or so, and I saw a pretty and bright lightbulb and thought I absolutely had to touch it. I'm a fly... with a scar on her finger~

All the other scars... I have no clue how they got there.

And I've never injured myself~!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I have a small scar above my left eyebrow from when I fell/jumped off a horse that was running wild, and had to be sewn.

I have a small round scar on my left wrist from when I was playing hardball, and someone accidentally shot me while being five feet away.

I have a long scar on my right ankle because I am retarded at shaving my legs.

Also, my wounds tend to leave noticeable scar tissue for a longer time than other people, which is mainly because I tend to tear my crusts off whenever I don't have anything else to keep my hands occupied xD

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