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When did you first get into RPG's?


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That's for ones who even play RPG's that is. How old were you when you first became interested in them, or even just how long have you been playing them for/when you started?

I pretty much been playing games my whole life but it wasn't until I was 15 that I discovered how great RPG's were, specifically JRPG's, My brother got FFIII on the Ds, and that was pretty much my first experience in the RPG genre followed by FFX & FFIIX because I finally got a PS2 then. (So yeah basically Final fantasy got me into RPG's) before then I generally just played games like Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, Animal crossing & Harvest moon & of course super smash bros melee.

Now I pretty much play love RPG's over everything else, while I still play other games, I pretty much fell in love with

Role Playing Games <3

Now I have been trying to get my younger brother & sister to try them but they are to chicken to play them saying they are to hard, though I have gotten my sister to try Tales Of The Abyss on the 3DS

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When I first played Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga in the first grade.

Holy fuck, it was amazing. It's still my favorite handheld game to this day.

Hmm I never even knew it existed lol I might have played games a lot when I was younger but it was generally always the same stuff my family was very poor so we didn't have much, though I could have played Zelda Ocarina of time when I was heaps younger but it scared me XD So I watched my brother play...Same with Mario 64, Honestly the games I really played as a kid was Tails in the sonic with my brother (I was never the lead ) And Animal crossing, and the really old Mario games that were black & white, I was 11yrs old when AC first came out, I remember screaming and crying in the store for my mum to buy it for me XD

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Since when i was a kid

and grew up playing them

Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Breath Of Fire IV, Ar Tonelico 2, etc were my favorites, i remember nobody wanted to play them even if i recommended a long time ago.

i also played Thracia 777.

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I had this thing called Sega Channel, where I first played Shining Force 2, then I played Phantasy Star 4 still on Sega Channel

I don't remember which came first though

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Well pretty much everyone has played Pokemon so Im not counting that for the general RPG's cause even I played that as a kid(And its not scary XD) My first ever game console actually was a yellow game boy color with Pokemon yellow when I was 8yrs old, at that time I thought it was the best thing EVER

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Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga Dammit ZeeEmm... I got my first handheld when I was 3,which was a gameboy,and the very first game was Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. I have 2 cartridges of the game,one was the one I had since I was 3 and newer one I got when I was 7 because I remember playing the game,but I couldn't find my first cartridge,so I wanted to play it again. I keep my Blue GameBoy SP with the original cartridge on a pedestal covered in glass with my trophies.

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When I picked up my first game system ever, the Game Boy Color, and started playing Pokemon Blue; I was 4 years old. My life changed forever.

My first true JRPG though was probably when I was around 10, and I found Tales of Symphonia. And that marked the beginning of my foray into the world of many games I would probably have never tried otherwise.

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When I picked up my first game system ever, the Game Boy Color, and started playing Pokemon Blue; I was 4 years old. My life changed forever.

My first true JRPG though was probably when I was around 10, and I found Tales of Symphonia. And that marked the beginning of my foray into the world of many games I would probably have never tried otherwise.

I finally get to try this game next month!!

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I think the first RPG I played outside of pokemon was Paper Mario. After that, I played Crystal Chronicles on the GC. I would list my favoite RPGs, but most of those I played were great games(Xenoblade, Chrono Trigger, Tales of the Abyss and a special mention to Paper Mario: The Thousand years door)

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Gosh I started late with RPG's compared to all of you (not counting Pokemon), and I missed out on so many.... I'm going to need to get all the ones I missed :/

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Hm, I first started playing RPG's when I was about 8 or 9, when I was lend some GBA games, and games like Golden Sun, Breath of Fire, and Pokémon Sapphire were among them. Don't remember when I exactly became hooked with them, but that was the start.

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Since when i was a kid

and grew up playing them

Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Breath Of Fire IV, Ar Tonelico 2, etc were my favorites, i remember nobody wanted to play them even if i recommended a long time ago.

Funny how times change right?

Gosh I started late with RPG's compared to all of you (not counting Pokemon), and I missed out on so many.... I'm going to need to get all the ones I missed :/

Yeah, yeah do that, there are alot of really good RPGs out there with alot of them not being mention here yet

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I hurts me greatly that you're not counting pokemon :c

Sorry! but nearly every kid has played Pokemon its like so popular so that's why I don't want to count it though technically it is lots of peoples first but yeah XD

Yeah, yeah do that, there are alot of really good RPGs out there with alot of them not being mention here yet

Yeah I know.... I had a list made out of all the RPG's I wanted to get on my laptop before it died then I lost the whole list and haven't bothered to make a new one yet, sigh my main stream RPG's are generally games by Square Enix, & Namco

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Breath Of Fire IV

YES! /M. Bison

Oh man...this question. Let me think. I think the first RPG i ever played ever was Dragon Warrior. Im ancient, so i can still get away with calling it that. Yeah, that one for the NES. I had a friend who had that game and i borrowed it from him. I didnt get too far because i remember getting my ass beat by some gnarly looking slime. LOL! Then i played Ultima on my brother's ancient IBM PC way back in the day. And then Final Fantasy on the NES came out and i remember beating that one.

But i didnt get really full on into RPGs until the SNES era. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (yes, shut up) was a game i loved to play. Drakkhen was actually the game that really got me sucked into the genre though. Weird, because Drakkhen is, by today's standards incredibly awkward and kinda difficult. I loved the shit out of that game (and still do) though. I beat it when no one else had the patience to do so. Secret of Mana just sealed the deal. Man that game is the tits. Then came games like Secret of Evermore (another one i love, shut up) and Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger was probably one of the best games i ever played. EarthBound and the Breath of Fire series...man the SNES had some great RPGs. Super Mario RPG was always a little hard to get a hold of, but i did play it on the SNES.

The PS1 era yielded some amazing games and while i was a little late to that party, i got to experience games like Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy VII, Valkyrie Profile, Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire III and IV, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Xenogears. With the Gamecube came a drought of good RPGs. but Tales of Symphonia existed and i couldnt complain.

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I have breathe of fire III on my psp never got around to playing it yet though, but dang you sure played a lot back in the day, I totally missed the Nes, Snes & Ps1 era...

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But i didnt get really full on into RPGs until the SNES era. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (yes, shut up) was a game i loved to play. Drakkhen was actually the game that really got me sucked into the genre though. Weird, because Drakkhen is, by today's standards incredibly awkward and kinda difficult. I loved the shit out of that game (and still do) though. I beat it when no one else had the patience to do so. Secret of Mana just sealed the deal. Man that game is the tits. Then came games like Secret of Evermore (another one i love, shut up) and Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger was probably one of the best games i ever played. EarthBound and the Breath of Fire series...man the SNES had some great RPGs. Super Mario RPG was always a little hard to get a hold of, but i did play it on the SNES.

D...Drakkhen...!? With that.... Merchant!?

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