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Your Forged Items


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I want to see what others forge their items into, so I can get inspired to make new items. Or if you make pretty much nothing but joke items like me, for giggles.

I like to take glass weapons and give them Crit 5 and Might 3, and rename them to Prism (Weapon Type). When you give these to a unit with Armsthrift, you can make insanely powerful weapons that last a decent amount of time.

Other than that I make joke weapons. For example, I take a Log (again, with Crit 5 and Might 3. I give that to most of my weapons) and rename it to Log of Death. I then proceed to give it to Donnel and make him fight the final boss with it.

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Forging crit on anything besides Killer Weapons is a waste. Hit is going to help you much more than crit is.

Not really. It'll help a little more, if at all. Most characters will have 100 hit pretty much constantly as a front unit, and many will have 100 hit at the back. Mt is certainly more valuable. I wouldn't spend the extra money to add either hit or crit usually though, there's lots of things that money is better spent on (like... just buying better weapons in the first place).

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Not really. It'll help a little more, if at all. Most characters will have 100 hit pretty much constantly as a front unit, and many will have 100 hit at the back. Mt is certainly more valuable. I wouldn't spend the extra money to add either hit or crit usually though, there's lots of things that money is better spent on (like... just buying better weapons in the first place).

The fact of the matter remains: Secret Apotheosis. You need the hit more than you need the crit or might. Without LB your hit rate *WILL* be below 100%. Your Crit rate *WILL* be incredibly tiny.

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The fact of the matter remains: Secret Apotheosis. You need the hit more than you need the crit or might. Without LB your hit rate *WILL* be below 100%. Your Crit rate *WILL* be incredibly tiny.

For the other 95% of the game. +HIT forges aren't really that necessary.

Anyway. I max CRT/3MT a miniature lance, renamed it "BLIK STICK", and shoved it on Morgan. With Chrom as her dad set in front as Pairup with AT, I literally just hit End Turn and decimate R&R3

Edited by Elieson
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The fact of the matter remains: Secret Apotheosis. You need the hit more than you need the crit or might. Without LB your hit rate *WILL* be below 100%. Your Crit rate *WILL* be incredibly tiny.

And exactly how many people do that?

I like making Leif's Blades named Plunder with +3mt/+15 Crit, for use on 100% AT characters when grinding GG for cash for Wolt. Completely pointless, but it's flashy and helps me stay sane during hours of Renown farming (I'm currently at 169,999). I also name all my Celica's Gales Whirlywind.

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Forging crit on anything besides Killer Weapons is a waste. Hit is going to help you much more than crit is.

The fact of the matter remains: Secret Apotheosis. You need the hit more than you need the crit or might. Without LB your hit rate *WILL* be below 100%. Your Crit rate *WILL* be incredibly tiny.

The only part where I'd agree is the part where if you're forging something with ridiculously low accuracy (Imposing Axe/Waste), the hit would be a boon. Otherwise, I'd see adding hit to a weapon to be a waste of money, for the most part. Mainly because no sane person would challenge Apo without Limit Breaker unless they were challenging themselves.

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The fact of the matter remains: Secret Apotheosis. You need the hit more than you need the crit or might. Without LB your hit rate *WILL* be below 100%. Your Crit rate *WILL* be incredibly tiny.

Without Limit Break? Why are you even assuming the most obvious thing to be talking about is doing a single postgame challenge map WITH A SPECIFIC RESTRICTION? That's beyond grasping at straws.

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One of these days I want to screw around with the joke weapons; would be fun pummeling StreetPass folk with a Log of Doom or Killer Ladle.

Anyway, I do a similar thing with Glass weapons, but I call them Diamond weapons. Also, forged Braves are Master weapons ala FE5.

My other weapons:

Seliph's Blade -> Angel Sword

Alm's Blade -> Aveyn Blade

Hector's Axe -> Dremith

Bolt Axe -> Judgement

Micaiah's Pyre -> Radiance

Celica's Wind -> Maelstrom

Aversa'S Night -> Ereshkigal

Superior Jolt -> Supremecy

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Spells I always rename after Final Fantasy spells. Bolganone becomes Firaga for example.

The only weapons besides spells I forge are Glass Weapons for my Armsthrifters. I like naming them after various pretty names, regardless of origin. Like my current Inigo, he's using a +5 Might +3 Crit Glass Bow I called Mirthandir, from Lord of the Rings. No specific meaning, I just love the name.

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I always just forge Mt and Hit. Pretty much only Cordelia, Morgan, Severa, and I have forged weapons for now.

[spoiler=Naui's Weapons]

Leif's Blade: Slash4Gold

Brave Blade: Meggido

Celica's Gale: Flora

Thoron: Catastrophe

Bolgonone: Tiamat

Katarina's Bolt: Shine Plasma

Killing Edge: Tisiphone

[spoiler=Cordelia's Weapons]

Brave Lance: Estrella
Sigurd's Lance: Ayame

Spear: Torunesol

Killer Lance: Partisan

[spoiler=Severa's Weapons]

Brave Sword: Mind Slicer

Alm's Blade: Soul Blast

Superior Edge: Echo Tacer

Brave Axe: Kismet

Tomahawk: Trick Bind

Hector's Axe: Millstone

[spoiler=Morgan's Weapons]

Leif's Blade: Slash4Gold

Brave Blade: Shinsoku

Celica's Gale: Fairy Wind

Thoron: Zap Cannon

Bolgonone: Blast Burn

Micaiah's Pyre: Flame Burst

Killing Edge: Night Slash

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Forged Bolt Axe with +Might and +Crit for Libra. Named Mjolnir.

Bronze Lances forged for training up characters like Lissa or Olivia are: Pointy, Hella Pointy, and Damn Pointy. (+Might only)

Others are random.

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When I forge weapons, I usually just do +might, sometimes +hit if the weapon is innaccurate, and usually +crit.

When I forge weapons, I'd typically just go with what sounded neat to me.

I once forged a silver sword and called it Morphey.

In PoR, when I forged weapons, I would name them after some of the chinease zodiac in latin. I.E, a Steel Sword called Tigris, a Wind tome called Gallus, a Steel Axe called Ovis, etc.

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I've been mostly naming things off of mythology (and 50% references) but I have a few things that arn't named like that, anyway:

Silencer and Yukianesa: Killing Edges

Skinfaxi and Hrimfaxi: Silver Lancers

Scrub Beater: A log (Actually really good for early game lunatic according to my friend)

Annwn: Silver Axe

Gyges: Tomahawk

Headshot: Iron Bow

Noob Cannon: Slack Bow

Mayhem: Bolganone

Glatisant: Waste

Hurricane: Celica's Gale

Also have a few more unnamed items that I just give to people to help them with weapon level ups

...I use the forge way too much

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And exactly how many people do that?

I like making Leif's Blades named Plunder with +3mt/+15 Crit, for use on 100% AT characters when grinding GG for cash for Wolt. Completely pointless, but it's flashy and helps me stay sane during hours of Renown farming (I'm currently at 169,999). I also name all my Celica's Gales Whirlywind.

what method do you use for renown grinding

Also I named all my streetpass forges after DC comics stuff, with varying level of wittyness and lampshaded running out of ideas (Kjelle has Mace, Healy Mace, and Uhh...Wings). With the exception of my warriors name on myself and not sending people to a forum with brady because thats bad

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what method do you use for renown grinding?

I use a file that's just beaten Cht.4, clog up all but one space with Spotpass teams so Wolt always appears in the same place, and recruit him over and over with gold from GG. It takes me about 40 minutes per 10K, not counting time spent in GG (which isn't too much, I have spotpass mercs so there's no battle dialogue and I can get 2-turn routes).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't forged anything yet (I keep forgetting that that exists lol), but this thread gave me an idea. I'm going to forge a sword and call it Ike's Blade since for some reason, an actual Ike's Blade doesn't exist in the game (I never understood this, really. I know Ragnell is obtainable, but Ike also had Ettard and the Regal Sword for unique blades. The Ike's Blade could've been based off of one of them). It'll probably be a forged steel sword since Ettard is pretty close to one in strength in RD. And then I'll give it to Frederick. :3

Oh, and while I'm at it, why not create a Kieran's Axe too? And again, I'll give it to Freddy!

EDIT: Ah, snap, I forgot to think about whether you can put apostrophes in the names. And since no one here has used one, I'm assuming you can't. Well, there goes that idea. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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