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No Colon in "Fire Emblem Awakening" title?

King Marth 64

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The subtitle WITH the colon isn't wrong and nobody's complained about it.

It'd be wrong if it was Fire: Emblem Awakening or Fire Emblem Wakening.

.....sorry, but I thought it would be kinda more helpful since it might get more confused with alot with the NA players incase if they haven't realized its No Colon and not a typo in the NA version. (technically I though it was Fire Emblem: Awakening at first when they announced it during in the localized trailers and I kinda got confused when I just found out its shows no signs of colons in the North America version)

I'd guess since Fire Emblem: Awakening is official for Europe and fits with the way the titles are presented on this site. If the site was following the NA releases naming scheme exactly, the site would also have "Fire Emblem" instead of Blazing Sword on the main page at least.

Well, I kinda wanted to figure out a way to fix the problem since Wikipedia has it as Fire Emblem (video game)?

Edited by King Marth 64
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[2:35:40 PM] Cam: >"wow i saw this cool game with a colon in the title"

[2:35:50 PM] Cam: >"but the fire emblem website i go to doesn't have a colon in it!"

[2:35:55 PM] Cam: >"it must be a mistake!"

[2:36:00 PM] Cam: >"or a completely different game!"

like holy shit i've seen really overly drawn out arguments over some really tiny things but this has to take the cake

Edited by CT075
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Hmm, have we take this topic too far? I was going to lock it earlier, but I figured it couldn't hurt to leave discussions open, just... in case.

.....sorry, but I thought it would be kinda more helpful since it might get more confused with alot with the NA players incase if they haven't realized its No Colon and not a typo in the NA version. (technically I though it was Fire Emblem: Awakening at first when they announced it during in the localized trailers and I kinda got confused when I just found out its shows no signs of colons in the North America version)

Hey, don't worry about it. We're not out to get you.

However--and I'm not trying to be mean and I know you have good intentions--your suggestion isn't going to do anything and probably wasn't really worth suggesting in the first place. You say people might get confused, but you're the only person who seems confused at all. I sincerely doubt a colon or no colon is going to make people think it's not the same game.

I mean if some people think Super Mario 3D World is the same game as Super Mario 3D Land, then you just know some people will always get confused.

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Hmm, have we take this topic too far? I was going to lock it earlier, but I figured it couldn't hurt to leave discussions open, just... in case.

Hey, don't worry about it. We're not out to get you.

However--and I'm not trying to be mean and I know you have good intentions--your suggestion isn't going to do anything and probably wasn't really worth suggesting in the first place. You say people might get confused, but you're the only person who seems confused at all. I sincerely doubt a colon or no colon is going to make people think it's not the same game.

I mean if some people think Super Mario 3D World is the same game as Super Mario 3D Land, then you just know some people will always get confused.

Actually, I kinda wanted to get proof about for the correct title and I kinda wanted to find it seriously and not make mistakes. And also ok, but I meant was I just wanted to not to get alot of people to be confused if its officially confirmed by Nintendo if we did found out it was a mistake if the NA players hasn't noticed about the No Colons, but I kinda saw the other websites such FE Wiki (Wikia), FE Wiki.org, Nintendo Wiki, and some of the others with the FE13 with the Colons hasn't got it fixed and didn't get the notice (with just removing the colon) from a year ago, but Wikipedia got it noticed already (I just checked on the edit history also), but I don't really think that the title without the colon and with the colon would get people to think its a different game, its just Region Differences.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Hmm, have we take this topic too far? I was going to lock it earlier, but I figured it couldn't hurt to leave discussions open, just... in case.

Honestly, I think we should colon a mod to get it locked, I don't see it going anywhere.

But seriously, I don't really see what the big deal about a colon is. Fire Emblem: Awakening or Fire Emblem Awakening, it's not like it makes all that big of a difference, regardless of which one is "right", and it's such a minor fix that would be EXTREMELY tedious to go through and fix if we really wanted to do that. Basically, not worth the effort.

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Honestly, I think we should colon a mod to get it locked, I don't see it going anywhere.

But seriously, I don't really see what the big deal about a colon is. Fire Emblem: Awakening or Fire Emblem Awakening, it's not like it makes all that big of a difference, regardless of which one is "right", and it's such a minor fix that would be EXTREMELY tedious to go through and fix if we really wanted to do that. Basically, not worth the effort.

. . .and I am in full agreement. Other mods, if you think that there's something of value to be gained from keeping this open, feel free to remove the lock.

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