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Shud I get Morrowind

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bluntly, the game isn't very good

it's got a lot of nostalgia going for it, and you have to mod the hell out of it to make it anything more than interactive atmosphere (which is pretty good)

buy it for $5 on sale next time you see it on sale, says i

(author's note: i fucking love morrowind)

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The game may be lacking by today's standards, but the lore and the world are some of the best of any game I've ever played. The modding community is still active with province mods and an open source reimplementation due out shortly so any issues with the game may be modded out eventually.

Great game if you can get it cheap, but definitely keep an eye on the mod scene if you do.

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Its dated in quite a few aspects but I absolutely love it. The world, atmosphere and music are so good.

Plus I like how much armor you need for a full set as well as Polearms

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There is no RPG I know that offers you so many ways in interacting with your environment.

I just love the sense of freedom I feel when I can just fly to a ledge I can't reach by jumping or spending an eternity walking on water or exploring the depths of the sea outside of the island thanks to water breathing spells.

It also doesn't have level scaled enemies and loot like in Oblivion. Well, technically it sort of exists but it can't really be compared.

The point is that gaining levels has an actual purpose and that there is an actual massive handcrafted world to explore.

There is only one single RPG that I consider as rewarding as Morrowind, so I can only recommend it.

Though admittedly certain things about the game can scare of newcomers.

The biggest is probably that weapon skill is responsible for the likelihood of actually hitting enemies. So without sufficient skill in a weapon, your strikes will often go right through them. However as the skills rise, this becomes a non-issue after a while.

And of course there are the dialogue boxes, since the writers took full advantage of the fact that they don't need to pay voice actors for every single line, resulting in lots and lots and lots of dialogue options and text to read. Which I personally believe is a good thing for a world of this scale but of course your mileage may vary.

Also, the main story is bad. It's not really badly written but it's simply dull and tediously executed.

Of course, this is an Elder Scrolls game. So there is not much need for a main plot. You can go anywhere and find an adventure.

Edited by BrightBow
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You should get it, even for the $20 on steam or whatever you find. It's amazing. But word to the wise, if you want to use bows a lot (and don't mind leveling quickly with maybe some crappy levels thrown in) then start at least with a minor for marksman or bow or whatever it's called. Building up your bow rank from 10 is a major pain.

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While I advise towards setting you main weapon as a mayor skill, there isn't much to building up a low weapon skill. You just need to pay a trainer. Getting to the 15 points of a minor skill is still quite cheap.

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I just remember shooting rats and missing 7 times out of 10. Really really annoying. This game does ammo, I think. So really annoying. Plus I'm assuming some kind of bonus to make at least 20 on a starting bow score, though it's certainly possible to start at the bottom. And it is not that cheap, at least not at the beginning. Personally I'd rather not have to waste a bunch of early-money on making the bow skill passable.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I remember shooting being kind of finicky besides, so that's assuming that those 7 out of 10 arrows intersected with their target.

Granted, I only used crossbows and ballistics might have been different there or something, but low rank marksman was fucking worthless and you have better things to spend your money on, like training enchanting and enchanting.

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bluntly, the game isn't very good

it's got a lot of nostalgia going for it, and you have to mod the hell out of it to make it anything more than interactive atmosphere (which is pretty good)

buy it for $5 on sale next time you see it on sale, says i

(author's note: i fucking love morrowind)

I agree with all of this but the first line. Even without mods the game was absolutely stunning when it was first released. It was a groundbreaking title, and it's one of the few games that really made multiplatform and wasn't an FPS.

I don't know, I guess everyone's a bit spoiled by today's very very ergonomic games, but I think as long as someone goes into it with an open mind and it's still a very good game. But maybe I can't take off my rose-colored glasses. :S

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bluntly, the game isn't very good

it's got a lot of nostalgia going for it, and you have to mod the hell out of it to make it anything more than interactive atmosphere (which is pretty good)

buy it for $5 on sale next time you see it on sale, says i

(author's note: i fucking love morrowind)

I'm not planning on modding it (at least for first PT), but what kind of mods do you mean? (UI stuff? Game mechanics? If it's the graphics I kinda like them lol)

Edited by L95
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I agree with all of this but the first line. Even without mods the game was absolutely stunning when it was first released. It was a groundbreaking title, and it's one of the few games that really made multiplatform and wasn't an FPS.

I don't know, I guess everyone's a bit spoiled by today's very very ergonomic games, but I think as long as someone goes into it with an open mind and it's still a very good game. But maybe I can't take off my rose-colored glasses. :S

nah dog, i played it back, well, not when it was *new* per se, but before oblivion came out. post-bloodmoon, so goty edition.

the problem with morrowind is the gameplay itself is rather rudimentary and bland. i love the game, believe me i do (still have it installed, even), but the gameplay is not a selling feature. the package wrapped around the game, yeah, that's some luscious (if sometimes really gamey) stuff.

EDIT: by the way, this is why i tell people to wait for sales to buy it or that it's not a great game. i think the main drawing point of morrowind is the atmosphere, which is totally subjective even if i think it's perfect, while most of the gameplay just takes a bit of a backseat.

plus, "was" doesn't mean much on its own. morrowind "was" a groundbreaking game, great, how does it hold up today? i think the game holds up just fine, personally - the ugly bits (combat, npc models jesus christ) are just as ugly as they were in 200x and the beautiful bits (scenery, atmosphere, jiob's voice acting) are just as beautiful as they were in 200x. i think that's a fair summary, don't you?

I'm not planning on modding it (at least for first PT), but what kind of mods do you mean? (UI stuff? Game mechanics? If it's the graphics I kinda like them lol)

i wouldn't even imagine playing morrowind without better bodies at least. there's some other stuff i dicked around with back in the day that i'd definitely recommend if i could remember the names, but my current morrowind is basically just modded to look better since i haven't dug up my old stuff from before i moved to the steam release.

speaking of mods, there was a combat mod that added fighting-game-kinda combos to melee, does anybody remember the name?

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I remember shooting being kind of finicky besides, so that's assuming that those 7 out of 10 arrows intersected with their target.

Granted, I only used crossbows and ballistics might have been different there or something, but low rank marksman was fucking worthless and you have better things to spend your money on, like training enchanting and enchanting.

Nah. I'm an amazing shooter in that game. Definitely all 10 of 10 "hit" the rats. Later on with my second character I was one to two shotting stuff with my perma daedric bow with my enchanted ring. Love those golden saints. So I'm not too worried I was missing rats in the sewers of that big town considering I'd hit flying enemies from far away with ma d bow.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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