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Do You Think SF Is Too Lenient With Sigs/Avatars?


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Do you think SF is too lenient with sigs/avatars?

I mean, back at the old forum I used to go on, I'd never be able to get away with having an avatar as digusting and gruesome as my current one. Also, I've found at times that some of the avatars can be a bit too dirty. Fanservicey girls are one thing, but having avatars of people's butts and crotches are a bit excessive (and it'd definitely get you in trouble on a good chunk of forums).

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I mean, back at the old forum I used to go on, I'd never be able to get away with having an avatar as digusting and gruesome as my current one.

Don't flatter yourself. ;P

You're supposed to be at least 13 to make an account here anyway, so lol. Mods can pick up on overly crude ones pretty quickly and if one avatar or sig only bothers you personally, you can always block them. So, I'd probably say this is among the least of Serenes' issues.

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I was worried about whether some of my avvies in the progression I did recently were too gruesome, and people laughed at me.

This is less about whether SF is "too lenient" and more about my expectations of what might or might not be allowed from other forums.

Also I generally hide sigs for ~reasons~, so I don't really know about those.

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unfortunately if we were more lenient i'd have to toss away my necktie-brand sig and i do not wish to do that

EDIT: hahaha i typed this up right when i got up. i meant less lenient, but i'm leaving it there as a reminded to not post fresh out of bed

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I think SF is too lenient with the Size of signatures personally but maybe that's just me

This is definitely true. I kinda want to report about half the people in this thread for their oversized signatures. It does get pretty annoying when people have sigs that are five times as long as their typical post, or that take up over half the space on the screen every time.

Avatar and Signature

If a moderator has edited your post or changed your signature, do not revert it back. We did it for a reason.

Your signature may contain one embedded video, so long as it is within spoiler tags.

The maximum file size for avatars (uploaded or linked) is 300 Kb.

Signature images can be no longer than 550 pixels and no higher than 250 pixels. The maximum size is 300 Kb per image.

Signature images larger than the specified size, may be included within spoiler tags.

Your whole signature (including text/image etc) must be no taller than 300 pixels. Spoiler tags can help reduce your signature.

The total of all images in your signatures may not be greater than 600kb.

That's the bit. 300 pixels is ample, but some people still need to go to about double that.

As for content in avatars/sigs, sometimes they're annoying. Generally flashing images tend to be distracting.

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Content is fine, size is not. Some people have signatures so ridiculous I just disable theirs so I don't have to scroll through it like five times a page.

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i just block sigs lol but this is the most strict forum i've ever been on regarding signature size, fwiw

edit wait no never mind DM might have been way worse

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Sf isn't quite the strictest forum (regarding this) that I've ever been on, but it's up there, at the intersection of "most independent forums" and "most video game forums (especially official ones)"

In the former, dudes are much less likely to care (or at least it takes muuuuuch more to "push the boundaries" than anything I've seen on sf recently), and in a not-small share of the latter, you can't even put up a custom avatar. I'd like to stay as faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from the second group as it's possible to be, thanks

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I don't really pay too much attention to them but I can definitely see how others could perceive some of the stuff as eye offending in some way or another.

I guess that means they're strict enough for me but that's not saying much lol.

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